fr0zendrgn's "Art"


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Aug 4, 2012
I'm just going to drop some of my work in here if I like it enough. Feel free to criticize me, I'm open for it since I need to improve. :D Be as mean as you want, it'll help me improve, hopefully. xD I don't know how to make the images smaller on websites though :C if you tell me that'd be nice.



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hmm you have a good skill there~
but maybe you have to practice drawing female face more. i think the main problem is face shape and eyes positioning. the body proportion is good for me
hmm you have a good skill there~
but maybe you have to practice drawing female face more. i think the main problem is face shape and eyes positioning. the body proportion is good for me
XD. Its so hard for me to draw female faces/ proportions ughhh. i've drawn only guys for a while lol. i've been trying to find a suitable style for drawing females by experimenting a lot, but no luck so far. I'm still working on it though, its kind of fun to draw them, minus the face lol. i sort of got the proportions down, but drawing the chests is hard lolasdfghjkl;. I'll try my best to perfect drawing them as much as possible!
Hmm yes the face... bigger eyes and a rounder face? Some of them seem a bit stiff body wise but the proportions are nice~
Hmm yes the face... bigger eyes and a rounder face? Some of them seem a bit stiff body wise but the proportions are nice~
Faces for females are tough for me to draw. :L I kind of like the way I draw male eyes. It's hard for me to draw rounder faces/bigger eyes LOL. I'm trying to work on it though, hopefully I can show some improved work soon. xD I've spend a good amount of time studying some proportions. I just need to work on the chest area, and then I move on to poses and such. I still need to study some more on anatomy and stuff though. omg thats a big problem for me, stiff bodies LSOADFL. I'm going to work on it though. :D
Sketch 01

Sketchie 02

Sketchie 03

Final Fantasy Type-0 Sketch

Vincent Valentine Sketch

idek what i was trying to do here anymore lol
everything look good
a little more practice on body anatomy ^_^

looking forward to more
Hmm yeah like tabemono said x3 Some arms and stuff are a bit too large and stuff though there are parts where you did that on purpose~
Yeah i still need to work on anatomy // proportions and stuff. but i'm getting there.. kinda LOL XD

ughh arms/hands are so frustrating to draw ;-;


Shingeki no Kyojin ; Nameless OC ;-; Sketch thingy
Hmm have you ever drawn nude models before? xD Youll find out how annoying clothing is to draw after drawing them for long enough xD And its useful for finding the right proportions as well since youre not distracted by the clothes~
Hmm have you ever drawn nude models before? xD Youll find out how annoying clothing is to draw after drawing them for long enough xD And its useful for finding the right proportions as well since youre not distracted by the clothes~
I haven't tried that// I don't think I'm mature enough to be able to look at a person in the nude without feeling weird ;-;. But when I draw I usually start with a sketchy body like with no clothes or anything, and then I draw the clothes over the sketch. A lot of people that I know who drew nude models told me it's really helpful for proportions/anatomy because of the same reason you said :o
Yup, gotta be able to look at nudes without flinching before you can become a great artist.

Otherwise at posted picture: Dat broken arm.
Which arm? ;p

Hmm... well try an art class where theres other people to be awkward with you :XD: It was quite odd when the model stripped and the teacher didnt tell us that he/she (me forgets) was going to do so before hand xD This would be when i was... 10th grade? Or so... xD But the awkwardness dies off after you actually start drawing since youre not focused on the fact that theres a nude person in the room and more focused on drawing xD
well i think you are mature enough if you sketch your drawing nude then add clothes on. To me that's the same thing as looking a nude person and drawing nude before adding clothes. Unless you make eye contact and she blushes........and then something happen and you just stop drawing...
@Will/Sam LOL. I'll probably fix the armS(i didn't notice them when i was drawing it earlier orz, but now that I look at it more closely they do look broken OTL) when I get to the digital stage... if I ever get to it ;-;

@sam Woah 10th grade? O i see, that makes sense though, more focused=less awkward xD

@tabe i guess so, but I've never actually been in that situation so i can't really say anything. :L But that would seem like a pretty awkward situation though xD
Hmm yeah i doubt they would ;p If theyre professional models then how much people do you think theyve been posing for? ;p You wont be anything special :goodtea: You dont need to finish the drawing of someone nude before adding clothes on :/ Especially if theyre actually wearing clothes? xD Just need to correct proportions with a quick sketch or something~ Finishing a drawing of a nude model and adding clothes would be... somewhat of a waste of time ;p
OH also fr0zendrgn, if you can afford a drawing tablet do get one. It will make all those sketch look sharper and better..

an example i did on a drawing tablet

@sam :oh yeah... i didn't think of that OTL.

@tabe : oh i have a wireless tablet, but it's not that good :l i have to restart my computer like every 5-10 minutes whenever i use it lol. My tablet is going to be 7 years old this year :l. I wanna upgrade to a better tablet (currently mine has like half the specs of tablets that are half the price of what i paid for my tablet lol) I want a Cintiq but its SO EXPENSIVE.
idk how to explain it but I like the feel of drawing a paper, i don't get the same feeling when I draw digitally since I have to look at my monitor instead of at my hands. idk how to explain it :L
Yeah no doutb Cintiqs are expensive. But it does have its own benefit, you can see what you draw which is exactly like drawing on paper...

Your right arm looks better now but left arm still looks broken.......
Have you though of using shapes to help?

exam like this (quick sketch on my webcom tablet)
if you're not mature....cough ! i mean... innocent enough to look at nude models
use human anatomy silhouettes

there're these wooden dolls for practicing anatomy too

or browse nude pictures on the net, they don't bite, and they stay in pose always
you can even try out drawing stick figures before adding the meat and clothes

I don't want to get too technical here, you seems to enjoy drawings, that's the most important thing.

P/S: I have no problems looking at other people nude, but I can't look at my self nude, I'm too beautiful my eyes would burn:bepraised:
Just so you know, regardless of their arms/whatever, I think the guys look prettty good :3

And about that arm, have you tried doing that same pose/lifting your arm that way in front of the mirror to see how it would look like? That sometimes helps me when I try to draw human bodies.
(But only for a moment or two..Otherwise it's your arm that's going to be broken :P)

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