IMPORTANT Otome Reuploading


Elite Member
Feb 27, 2014
Hello! I've noticed that the links to a lot of games uploaded in the Otome Games&Artbooks section are already expired or deleted. What do you think about re-sharing them? As in reuploading of course ^^. I've been doing that for a while with the games I have, for ex. Reine des Fleurs, Yoshiwara Higanbana. Maybe we could create a new list of games as the current one hasn't been updated for a while I think :<.
I've re-uploaded some otome games, some of which are now difficult to buy and download, so it hasn't been easy.
But re-uploading them will be a contribution to the community, and those who join later will be happy about it. I think re-uploading is a good idea.
I think it would be best if someone like a collector, for example, would re-upload it.
I've re-uploaded some otome games, some of which are now difficult to buy and download, so it hasn't been easy.
But re-uploading them will be a contribution to the community, and those who join later will be happy about it. I think re-uploading is a good idea.
I think it would be best if someone like a collector, for example, would re-upload it.

Exactly! I want to create the new list with our games, such as this one which isn't updated anymore and where many links don't work anymore, but I don't really know how to do that "listy" thing using AS code.

Heya guys,

I'm definitely interested in helping with the reupload effort!

You can often see what codes were used if you "Reply with Quote" and then go advanced (where you can create/edit a post in way more detail than the standard Quick Reply). If Sakimichi was able to use that code because of her mod privileges, we'll just have to make do with whatever formatting is available to us.

We could potentially also include a Google Doc using a spreadsheet function to itemize and make it clear what we have and what we don't.
Heya guys,

I'm definitely interested in helping with the reupload effort!

You can often see what codes were used if you "Reply with Quote" and then go advanced (where you can create/edit a post in way more detail than the standard Quick Reply). If Sakimichi was able to use that code because of her mod privileges, we'll just have to make do with whatever formatting is available to us.

We could potentially also include a Google Doc using a spreadsheet function to itemize and make it clear what we have and what we don't.

So nice to see you here, Milky! Actually, I didn't think about google spreadsheet, I don't really know why, but that seems like such a good idea! I'll try to post a link to the spreadsheet in a while! I'm not the best when it comes to formatting so any help would be much appreciated!
And here's the link to the spreadsheet! I roughly put in the titles of the first page of my vndb ^^. I hope we'll somehow make it happen! Can you guys please tell me if everything is okay, as in can you edit the list?
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And here's the link to the spreadsheet! I roughly put in the titles of the first page of my vndb ^^. I hope we'll somehow make it happen! Can you guys please tell me if everything is okay, as in can you edit the list?
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I've updated the list with the games I have and can reupload. If something already is on, for ex. nopaystation, let's just write it in the DL link field or MIRROR, because then there's no reason to reupload. The green titles are those with DL links still working and the red ones are those that are not.
EDIT: I've also changed privacy settings, because I'm kind of paranoid it'll leak out :<.
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Wow [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION], nice work getting the ball rolling! =)

This is all just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. I can't access the spreadsheet anymore but based on what I saw before:

* First, I'd limit the people who can edit the spreadsheet to yourself and anybody that has uploaded a few (or more) titles

* An improved column structure could be: Romaji title | Japanese title | Platform | AS Link | NoPS Link | Uploader(s) | Notes
- Including both romaji and Japanese titles will be handy for searching
- Platform, AS Link and NoPS Link are obvious
- Uploader(s) to easily keep track of who uploaded the game files and hopefully contact them first if reuploads are needed
- Notes for anybody to add information that is relevant but doesn't fit the previous categories (e.g. "need to add mirrors to AS Link as some people can't use Mega")

* I probably would make new tabs to separate categories for easier archiving e.g. All-ages Otome | R18+ Otome | BL

The reason I wouldn't bother including DL Link and Mirrors as their own columns is because they should already be included in either an AS post or be up on NPS... so it may be redundant?

The spreadsheet would be incredible useful for tracking/archiving but shouldn't replace the idea of a file being uploaded to NPS or AS.

On closer inspection of the code Sakimichi used, it may be possible for me (or anybody else) to copy it though until I try posting, I won't know if it will work.
[MENTION=172113]MilkyBarKid[/MENTION]; thanks a lot! I also thought that the spreadsheet should only help us make clear what we have, and don't have so I changed the privacy settings. To get the access you need to request access, and of course I'll add you ^^. I've updated the list a bit and added some links already.

And yes, you're right, another column with the title in Japanese would make things much more clear. I didn't include it because I wanted to create the spreadsheet as soon as possible.

Separate NPS link column is not needed as there are no links, you just need to download NPS browser (on your PC or vita), type the title and you can immediately start downloading it ^^.

I didn't include the Uploader column, because I added the AS link and it's really easy to find the uploader's name ^^. Besides, many of the users that uploaded some of the older games aren't active anymore, or you just can't send them messages (it sometimes happens if your receive box is full).

And yes! I completely forgot to include the R18+ category xD.

And as for the DL link and mirror columns, I decided to include them because it would make our work so much easier if we already had links included in the spreadsheet. Most of them are my reuploads though, or links to the AS posts with reuploads ^^.
I was kind of nervous the list would leak so I changed the privacy settings, I also think it should not replace AS forum threads ^^. If anyone would like to contribute, please PM me or just click on request access after opening the spreadsheet link. It's a lot of work for just one person :<.
You're welcome [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION], thanks for explaining your process to me, makes sense.

I've sent a request to gain access, should be easy to tell it's me but if you want further verification for security reasons I understand. =)

Of course, NPS doesn't actually have links! What was I thinking lol...?

Very true about the uploaders/users, probably why we're in this situation in the first place!

I'll try and add to the spreadsheet and once it gets filled more, I'll try creating a new thread trying to use Sakimichi's method. If that doesn't work, I'll create a new thread all the same so there's someone on AS for people to comment on dead links, etc. since I'd imagine most will not be able to edit the spreadsheet. If you'd rather create the AS thread though, do let me know, I definitely don't want to overstep my bounds. =)
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[MENTION=172113]MilkyBarKid[/MENTION]; you should be able to access now! It's so awesome to have you on board (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♥! As you see, I've just typed the titles, and updated some of the AS and DL links category ^^. I've started with games I've completed or already have, so it's just a a drop in the bucket ^^;. The green-colored fields are indicating AS threads with links that are still working, that's why I've just filled the AS column, because we don't have to reupload.
I'd have gotten more work done, but because of Easter I spent half of the day cooking xD.
And please, there's no such a thing as overstepping boundaries here, as we're both trying our best here! If you have any suggestions, or just think I'm derpy in some fields, don't ever hesitate to tell! : D
Thanks much, [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION]!

I've basically copied your method as much as I could. As you can see, I've added more details, including ports and such. Aiming to make the spreadsheet very thorough!

I have also added additional tabs for separate categories but haven't deleted anything from your original list yet. If you like the idea of R18+ and translated titles getting their own tab and don't mind removing them from your initial list, I'm happy to clean that up.

There's a lot more on there now but I'm thinking there are plenty of titles still to go! =) Perhaps I ought to go through my collection and add titles that are currently missing.

Hope you had a great Easter!
Wow [MENTION=172113]MilkyBarKid[/MENTION]; that's a lot of work! Thank you soooo much! This version is so much easier to understand than the one I initially created!
I think you're right and we should remove R18+ titles from the initial list as they got their own tab ^^. But it would be good if translated titles remained in both tabs, navigating will be easier then, in my opinion. What do you think ^^?
It would be nice if you checked your own collection and I'll try to go through the AS threads and VNDB's otome category and add missing titles :>.
Hope you also had (or are still having :3) a great Easter!
No worries [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION], I actually enjoy doing stuff like this! xD
Yes, I had a peaceful Easter. Due to social distancing, I didn't see family but I did get to laze around at home. =)

* OK, all R18+ titles will now exclusively be in the R18+ Otome tab.

* I'll duplicate translated titles into the initial tab (I renamed it "All-ages Otome") and hereafter any translated title that isn't All-ages Otome will be duplicated in the relevant tab.

* I've also created two new tabs. One is "OELVN" and the other is "Missing". "Missing" means that we don't have the game on offer at all; no AS post, no NPS, other mirrors, etc. Let me know if you think these tabs won't be useful.

In terms of working through titles:

* I'll start working on BL titles while I'll leave you to combing through AS posts?

* To prevent us doubling up on VNDb, I will start from Oldest to Newest for otome titles on VNDb once I'm done with the BL titles and going through my list of games. If you prefer to do Oldest to Newest, do let me know.

These are just my current ideas, I am more than happy to change what I work on based on what suits you. =)
All JP titles have been filled in. Corrected some romaji titles that differ from the official name.
Whenever possible, titles are listed as official title names announced by publishers, developers, or production circles, but in the case of titles for which no official name pronunciation has been announced, they are predicted names in Japanese.
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All JP titles have been filled in. Corrected some romaji titles that differ from the official name.
Whenever possible, titles are listed as official title names announced by publishers, developers, or production circles, but in the case of titles for which no official name pronunciation has been announced, they are predicted names in Japanese.

Thank you, [MENTION=187903]Bleu Moebius[/MENTION]! I've left titles that don't have official JP names blank but from now on I will try to remember adding Japanese myself.

Currently, I'm working through my VNDb list but will move onto BL games soon. After that, I plan on moving onto otome games from VNDb's oldest -> newest sorting as I mentioned before... Unless somebody else would like to suggest a different thing for me to work on.
I intentionally left the jp title blank in the english translation version. Since it is a translated version, I judged that the Japanese name title is not necessary. If it's better to fill it out, I'll fill it out?
I intentionally left the jp title blank in the english translation version. Since it is a translated version, I judged that the Japanese name title is not necessary. If it's better to fill it out, I'll fill it out?

That's the same reason why I left translated titles' JP fields blank as well.

I personally think it's better to leave it blank but since it's [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION]'s sheet, it might be best to leave the decision to her? In the meantime, I'll leave it blank.
[MENTION=172113]MilkyBarKid[/MENTION]; thank you so much, you're an angel!! People like you are life saviours! Really, I like sorting things up but in the end I kind of mess up at making things clear :<. Let's do as you said — I'll start with AS threads and Newest to Oldest on VNDB otome category then ^^.
[MENTION=187903]Bleu Moebius[/MENTION]; and I agree with both of you, I mean leaving it blank would be best as there's no need to write the JP title in the case of translations. It'll also save us some work ^^.
No problem at all [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION], I hope I'm not taking you enjoyment away from you! If you feel I'm doing too much or calling too many shots, please don't hesitate to let me know. ATM I'm on "leave" so I have a lot more time to tend to things I actually wanna do LOL.
[MENTION=172113]MilkyBarKid[/MENTION]; you can't even imagine how grateful I am for all the help! You're a life saviour, don't ever think you're doing too much! Like really :3.
I hope you're enjoying your "leave" to the fullest :>. I'm a translator so I still work normally though ^^. I do hope the situation gets back to normal soon... If there's something you want to ask me, just send me a PM please, I'll get an e-mail notification then ^^! Due to work I check it really often!
Fixed some parts of the spreadsheet. We are preparing to re-upload some titles. But this is time consuming as we are now processing client requests.
Storage is also limited. But stay tuned for the day when you can upload it! :-)
Hello everyone,

* Just updating that I've finished going through VNDb's list of BL games

* I deleted hundreds of unused cells; hopefully this reduces load times

* The "Missing" tab's category column is a bit messy atm but I eventually will fix it so it is neater

* The "Non-JP" tab has quite a few games that aren't strictly otome nor BL, so I will eventually fix it to make it clearer what the exact pairing types are... Then it's up to the community I guess, to decide whether it's a game we'd seek out for our section?

* I've started working backwards on VNDb's list of tagged otome VNs
Heya guys,

The spreadsheet is coming along amazingly! There are some things I want to clarify with you [MENTION=84514]miraiki[/MENTION] as the owner of the sheet but anybody else wanting to reply, please do! I hope nobody minds me bringing this up before we get many entries that may cause confusion in the future.

There seems to be some inconsistency regarding the "DL link" and "Mirror" columns, so please correct me if I'm wrong:

Mirror: Are mirrors in this case, intended to record alternative links to the game provided in the same "official AS upload thread" of a game (i.e. not in requests or outside sites like Eroge Download), usually because original links are dead/slow? e.g. Taishou x Alice: Epilogue.

DL link: I don't think there is a consensus on what this exactly should be? Isn't this column intended for:
A) Links directly made by contributors to the spreadsheet but aren't necessarily on AS yet?
B) Links that are found in AS but don't have their own official upload threads (e.g. Crimson Royale's sis from a request thread, but has no official upload thread of its own)?
C) Recording games on NPS, as the majority of otome/BL stuff on there is apparently from the donation sharing group by AS?

Now, the confusing parts about what is/isn't OK to put in each column:

* Somebody edited the Double Score ~Cosmos × Camellia~'s DL link column that had Otome Anri, saying "It's russian otome site, they have MANY links from AS..." No problem; that made me think links which don't fulfill conditions A, B or C (above) aren't OK and we shouldn't include links to other sites like Eroge Download, Otome Anri, Aarin Fantasy, random PSP ISO/ROM hosting sites, etc. This is probably a good idea, as I'm thinking the intent is to update AS' otome library with AS user contributions, not create a directory to other sites.

* Another confusing part for example is like Anata wa Watashi no Danna-sama's entry, where the spreadsheet has the GoogleDrive link under Mirrors but as it's not on the linked AS thread, shouldn't this be under DL link?

Not intending to be rude, I just want to make sure we're all on the same page!

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nobis_c wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Dear Nihonjaki90, would you reupload this title?
Rise Arisen ~ライズ、アライズン~
Lulu368 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you upload this otome asmr, please:
A-9000 wrote on Shine's profile.
Legend says this one was available in 2023 before it's demise...thanks in advance!

🌟Shine🌟[230713][umyn] 異世界転生マジカルチンポ (Ver1.2) [RJ01044906]
redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

pls upload new NAKK videos :D
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hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!