[LPW #118] New Year's Resolution

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Elite Member
Nov 16, 2013
Since new year has already started for most of the people, have you decided already or...?


The rules from now on:

- Insignificant spam is still not accepted.
- Chit chatting is allowed.
- Quoting quotes is not allowed either.
- Double posting is not allowed as usual.

Victory goes to the poster who gets the 1999th post.
After that, this thread will be closed and the winner will have the right to either start a new LPW or pass the honor on to another person.

1st: Well, for the firts-new-LPW of 2015 - Happy b'New Year for him as well!

2nd: Agan, g'gratulation Ayano for this nice-new-LPW...:goodtea:

/me pokes [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; a bit.
[MENTION=77540]Anayomex[/MENTION]; Congrats again, Ana, on winning the last LPW! :megane_coffee:
/me 's New Year's resolution is to finally eliminate all that is evil and pervert, which means you all
[MENTION=40801]Infamous[/MENTION]; Nine lives?

Ahhhh, Neko-Infa! :laughpanda:
/me 's New Year's resolution is to finally eliminate all that is evil and pervert, which means you all

:sigh: Wanna again a war start between us? - Because we had a long peaceful time since last "bloody" war...
But we've a unofficial armistice contract with Franky: What he seems it to break...:bored:
Well, after about a year experience on ASF shouldn't this you more surprise, that LPWs sometimes his/her active and less active moments/times have, Ayano...:bored:
Yey, it's Jez - Welcome and g'afternoon for you...:goodtea:

/me pours the special tea2000GT for Jez.
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(<wonders what's in it to make it 2000GT).
How are you?

Is like nitro for cars - It makes your performance better and faster (That you later more free time have)...:goodtea:

Edit: Me is fine, just re-watch some animes...
Congrats on the win [MENTION=77540]Anayomex[/MENTION];

/me tackles new LPW

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