Mafia Game 5: Highschool of the Dead... Class is in session

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The Twisted Host
Elite Member
Jan 27, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first to welcome you all to a game that will have very few winner, and more dead bodies than you can count.
But in this game death is not the final chapter... It's just another page to the story that is your life... Except this time you won't be in control
This is Mafia game 5, and for those of you who are here for the show. I welcome you to sit down and watch as the carnage unravels...

Now for the fun part the rules! (keep in mind I allow creativity)

The weapons are as following (and very rare) (also unique to the player)
1. Sword
2. Pipe
3. Pantsu
4. Marshmallow Sniper Rifle
5. Gravity Shards
6. Twisted Ball of roots
7. Lost Bag of Marbles
8. Complete Latex suit
9. Sintarow's Chair ( I wonder who's weapon this is?)
10. Oversized Screws
11. Giant Toy Hammer
12. Crossword Puzzle
13. Neko Doll
14. Rubber Ducky
15. Vial of Pure Light
16: ???
(I can't tell you all of them :P)
(I have to keep some surprises)

In this game you will go through starvation, sleep deprivation, and insanity

1. Starvation: you need to eat in this game, if you do not eat for more then two days you will die, and if the location changes and you are too weak you might get caught by zombies.(I will let you know) You can steal food, and if worse comes to worse you can.... well... Steve does have two arms... he doesn't need the left one...right? (This requires insanity)

2. Sleep Deprivation: Some nights it might be worth it to work in the dark, who knows what you might find. But you can do only do this once per location and still be okay... If you do this more then once their is a chance you could go insane. If you don't sleep for three days you will either black out or die.

3. (starting) Insanity: It take 2-3 days to come back from Insanity, but you mustn't do anything thing that will cause your insanity to rise. When you're insane you will hear voices (many private messages from me) telling things that you could do. Some of them might not be bad ideas, but if you listen to them, your insanity will go up. When it get to a certain point players will become aware and you will be seen as threat.
During this time you will be killed unless you escape.

4. Flipping Bat Shit Crazy: Why you got to this point it is beyond me, and you are more zombie like then human. You can no longer stay with the group... Mostly because you have more than blood dripping from your face, and have kind of been eating a lot of green meat since you like it's zesty taste... But something about rotting flesh doesn't sound as good as fresh meat. At this point you will start to hunt your friends. Also zombies will no longer target you since you are seen as one of them.... Even though sometimes you nibble on them... You aren't undead, but you aren't human either. When you reach this point you don't need to worry about sleep, or food.
You move much quicker, and are impossible to kill without a weapon. If you have your weapon it takes two people with weapons to bring you down.

Zombies: The zombies aren't much of a threat... unless you leave the group because you got caught stealing food... Or because you saw a pony and you wanted to hug it, but then OH NO IT WAS A ZOMBIE PONY!
If you become a zombie, it is as good as being dead. Sadly since zombies are mindless, your character will be as well.

Normal Human: Each human has a weapon that they can find that can save them from being killed, or eaten in most cases (sorry but you can't kill a million zombies with your weapon). For a normal human to go insane it takes quite a bit of chance, and you have a higher chance of dying of sleep deprivation or starvation. I will flip a coin four time to see if you go insane (each time the coin must be different from the last, Example: Heads, Tails, Heads, Tails... if it lands on its side the you go insane, because... WHAT ARE THE ODDS)For each night of sleep you miss I will reduce the flips by one. If you don't sleep for three days you will either black out or die.

Mentally Unsound: Some humans were just born more on edge than most. They can do anything a normal human can, but they only require two coin flips to go insane. Each flip must be different from the last. They don't go down in flips with though.

1. During the day: Two people can be elected to search for food and weapons. Anything found during the day will go towards the group. But if you find a weapon then it is yours (who's to say it isn't yours?). You can try to steal food, but if someone suspects you of, it you can be voted to be killed on the spot. (your risk)

2. Night: Only three people can sneak out at a time. During the night you can try to look for food, weapons, or place to escape. During the night you can try to trade weapons that aren't your for food to a player that might want to take the chance and find out if it's their weapon. (PM me who you want to trade too)

3. Suspects someone of stealing: If you think someone is stealing food you can vote to see if the person is holding out on the group. BUT! Be careful, because if you are wrong the group will never believe you again! And you can never call someone out again. But if no one votes, then there is no harm no foul.
It take half the votes to check to see if a person is stealing, or hiding food.

4. Running from the group: If you have 1/4 of the votes needed to be called out, you can't run. If you have your weapon maybe... but it all depends on who has voted at that point.

5. Leaving the group from insanity: It is almost impossible to stop them from running away! You have to kill them before they can go! But the question is... do you have the energy to do so?

6. Digging to china: I SAID BE CREATIVE MAYBE I WILL ALLOW IT!! (You'll probably pass out and die... You'll pass out and die... probably)

7. You are able to relocated once per day. But you must have a player with a weapon online. This well make the weapon player very tired, and if they move at night it will mess with their sanity.

You must outlast the zombies!
If you can survive a certain about of days help will come.
Or if you make it too the shelter...
If someone has gone completely insane.
The game cannot end until they are dead. Even if you're in the shelter then can let the zombies in and destroy it.

(If you can find a logically way to kill all the zombies then you can do that)

The BSC (bat shit crazies) can win by killing all humans (no NPCs)

You will be PMed on what has been found and whether a weapon is right for you.
Also when you are going insane.
If you want to trade with someone you must PM me

Feel free to messages between each other.
BUT!! do not tell them if you are normal, or mentally unsound.
Also information that happened while you were away from the group!
Use common sense.

Each phase will let people know their hunger status.

Highschool Floors

Floor 1

Floor 2

Selvaria Bles: Starved to death

InorixShu: Eaten alive

samyeung46: Head was crushed with a large blunt object

FinalPyre: Chosen to lyche for no reason

Nazaka: Was taken prisoner and drained of all his blood after being viciously stabbed

Nanashi: Quit the game, and was modkilled with his own weapon. Being sliced into pieces

DarkAngel: Was Modkilled with his own weapon"marbles" ripping through his body and becoming acid that dissolved him.

1)[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; Dead
2)[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; Missing
3)[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ;
4)[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ;
5)[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; Dead
6)[MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION] ; Dead
7)[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] ; Missing
8)[MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION] ; Dead
9)[MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ; Dead
10)[MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] ; Dead
11)[MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; D̶e̶a̶d̶
12)[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ; Dead
13)[MENTION=29827]ogikumo[/MENTION] ;
14)[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION] ; Dead
15)[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION] ; Dead
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By all means^.^
Also I'll give everyone a day to go over the rules before the game start.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them here.
Also I will send you messages where you mentally stand before the game starts.
haha that's awesome. you do know that there's no evidence of anyone ever dying from sleep deprivation though right?

took so long to sign up kacta XD

also I love watching madness

my akatsuki will rule the world :p
haha that's awesome. you do know that there's no evidence of anyone ever dying from sleep deprivation though right?
"CIA interrogators at Guantanamo Bay subjected dozens of detainees to sleep deprivation, shackling the prisoners in a standing position for up to 11 days at a time. Recently released Justice Department memorandums claim sleep deprivation studies show that "surprisingly, little seem to go wrong with the subjects physically." Wait, is it really safe to go without sleep?

No—extended bouts of sleeplessness can cause an array of physical symptoms and might eventually kill you. The effects begin within the first 24 hours of sleep deprivation. First, the body undergoes subtle hormonal changes—cortisol and TSH levels increase, leading to a rise in blood pressure. A day or two later, it stops metabolizing glucose properly, creating carbohydrate cravings. (This phenomenon may have gone unnoticed among the detainees, who were already on a calorie-restricted diet.) A person's body temperature will also drop, and his or her immune response becomes somewhat suppressed. All of these physiological changes are reversible, though—take a nap, and you'll be on the road back to normal.

It's possible that given enough time, sleep deprivation can kill you. While no human being is known to have died from staying awake, animal research strongly suggests it could happen. In the 1980s, a University of Chicago researcher named Allan Rechtschaffen conducted a series of groundbreaking experiments on rats. After 32 days of total sleep deprivation, all the rats were dead. Curiously, researchers still do not agree on the cause of death. It's possible that the rats' body temperature dropped so much that they succumbed to hypothermia. Another theory posits that the rats' immune systems became so depressed that bacteria normally sequestered in their intestines spread throughout their bodies—though Rechtschaffen counters that his rats perished even when they were administered antibiotics. A third explanation points to some evidence of brain damage among the sleep-deprived rats. It's also possible that extreme levels of stress contributed to the rats' demise."

I'm extremely accelerating the processing though :P
Also they didn't mention in the article that your nail start to fall off.

i predict

samwise will be the first to turn, followed by ero beku <_<

infa your loli so your safe XD
yeah i read that article too. but think about it. everything is scaled with animals. if a rat is 30 years old, it's actually 90. so if it takes rats 30 days to die, it'd take a human being 90 days to die, assuming that such a thing is possible. and considering there's no actual human deaths resulting in it, there's no truly credible evidence. and if you scaled the game that much, if the game lasts as long as sova's did, we'll all die from old age lol

haha so SB, i'm immune to becoming a zombie? sounds awesome :XD:
All this is an accelerated rate.
And the human body forces its self to sleep after 11 days.
We can live without for about 2 weeks believe, but here it's only two days.

So if you want you can view the players as extremely unhealthy fatties that have already have failing organs :XD:
Oooooo I just got a blue flag ^.^!!
Also I'm going to sleep.
And [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; if that awesome was directed at the game ^.^ Thank you!!
『Oh, its up... Time to make a break from the Photoshop and siggy and read the rules...』

『Can I use the chair?! Please, let me use the chair!!!!!!!』
『Oh, its up... Time to make a break from the Photoshop and siggy and read the rules...』

『Can I use the chair?! Please, let me use the chair!!!!!!!』
Sorry I can't let you know :P
It could be one of ???
I'm already in bed.... have work in 4hours.
But don't worry they will all be out before the 3pm eastern time.
『Finished reading through rules. Is sleeping during the day an option?』
Yes I am, keep in my I will be sending these from work.
Which is in 4 hours... :crushed:
『Oh well... Back to photoshop... Hmmm... I rendered one char's image... Now, should I add another one or start creating the background...』
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