Viewing the above comments, it seems you are quite new to this type of gaming. Why don't you try something light-hearted and sweet first like witch spell? Then try the deep ones like the above mentioned, hmm? You want sexual content too? Sad to say, there are few ones in english.
There is England Exchange by Hanako Games and so to speak, it is not free. There is also the recently translated "Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome" by Manga gamer and I'm sure you can find the link in the Hentai sub-section of 'Otome & Artbooks' or you can support the publisher. Pinewood Island has also 'light' sexual scenes but the whole mystery covers it up so meh. Like FLML you can find it here or you can simply just buy. Games from SakuraGame like "Les Fluersword" and "Crimson memories" also, have sexual content (translation is poor but if you're only for the good cgs and sexual scenes, the choice is yours) Freewares like "Cute demon Crashers" and "Love&Intimacy" by Michaela Laws are a must!
Most of the freewares that I mentioned can be downloaded from
I hope it can satisfy your tastes. I played all of them and they all are neutral for me. I'm really not a big or little (both) fan of mature otome but I sometimes, play them for a change.