NTR, A la Carte


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Jan 4, 2018
Hey guys.

Just some stuff I figured didn't go in the general thread but something I wanted to say/ask:

Is there some stuff about NTR that some people like more than others? Is there some stuff that doesn't do it for people at all or just straight up turns them off?

Before I start, let me say that most of the stuff I like is heavily influenced by a youth wasted reading scanslated shoujo manga oneshots, a lot of which have themes that mesh well with NTR, plus some erotica books that had some themes that aligned a bit with NTR stuff, so keep that in mind.

For example, and this is just me, I like my dudes-getting-cheated-on to be too bland to care about or asshole victims where you feel a little bad, but then you think they deserved it. The nicer they make the husband/boyfriend, the harder it is to focus on the sex and the harder it is for me to really get into the story. Besides, if I wanted to see decent people get fucked over, I'd just read stuff about men cheating on women (which I do on occasion). I look at NTR stuff to feed my vindictive side. Taking it out on someone who did nothing wrong, even if they're fictional, isn't nearly as fun as watching someone who didn't know how good they had it have that moment where they know they lost it, probably forever. Besides, at some point, the husband/boyfriend comes off as too nice to be real, and comes off as too much of a weenie and it's not on purpose, or like the writer is shoving a basket of kittens in my face before throwing said basket in a river. Or that all that niceness is an act.

Somewhat related, there has to be a reason for the woman to step out other than "lol dick 2 small" in more story-oriented stuff. I don't think I need to add more to that. It's just...dumb, and not in a way that's fun.

Some more related, I like there to be some level of consent, even if it is blackmail of some kind. Straight-up rape doesn't do much, if anything, for me either.

And very closely related to that, while I'm all about that lesbians-seducing-straight-women, I'm not into men fucking lesbians straight. It's related to my dislike of straight-up rape, and since most "dudes break up a yuri couple" tend to be too rapey for me, I can't get into it at all. This was brought to you by two CG sets that had this theme and people seemed to like them but it just gave me a sick feeling, since in one case, it was "corrective rape" where the gross-looking teacher was trying to "fix" the two girls. It just gave me an icky feeling. I think it's the one thing that's an active turnoff next to "netori guys who don't look like people and it's not a setting where I'd expect nonhumans".

Speaking of, I don't mind ugly netori dudes, I just want them to look human. This is especially true of more story-focused stuff. The uglier they are, the more obviously evil they are, and the more I think the woman is an idiot for agreeing to have sex with someone who looks like a pig monster in a button-down shirt.

That's enough negativity! Time for some of the stuff I really, really like and wish I saw more of!

I love the more corruptive and moral degeneration-y elements of NTR. It's why I prefer there to be some level of consent. I like it best when the girl takes part in her own downfall. It's more satisfying if she has her own hand in it than it is when it's forced on her.

I also like the classic walk-in and the related listening in on the phone. But I like the listening-in type better. What's going on is obvious, but the person on the other end can't see it. It adds a little more emotional punch because you know what's happening even without the visual.

My favorite type of Less-than-Consensual scenarios have to do with blackmail of some sort. Either a girl slept with a guy once and has to keep sleeping with him to keep quiet, or she's been "bought" for some favor or to pay off a debt that her husband/fiance has gotten himself into.

There was a manga I liked that was my first taste of "real" NTR and it was about a woman whose husband finally talked her into a partner swap that she enjoys a hell of a lot more than he does. It's part of what gave me a taste for "dudes that almost ask to be cheated on". I wish there was more manga that focused on a husband or a boyfriend pushing his wife or girlfriend to sleep with other guys, or even with women, and it backfires on him because it ties into my preference for unlikeable boyfriend/husband types. As a woman I can't imagine anything that would make me less inclined to stay with someone than if they actively tried to get me to fuck other people.

I like the women to be likeable. They can be nice girls who'd never get into trouble except this one time she tried to help her beloved husband get out of debt, or this one time her beloved husband convinced her to go to a swinger's party. It ties in with the corruption/moral degeneration aspects of NTR that I read it for when I'm not reading it to indulge some vindictiveness through a fictional medium. I read garden-variety cheating stuff if I want an emotional release based on betrayal.

I also like the deceptively charming netori guy. He can be as evil as he wants the rest of the time, he just has to have some initial charm, otherwise, a guy walking up and saying "Hi, I'm the asshole" while whipping out a two-foot long cock isn't compelling story-wise. It's not even hot. It's much better if a woman is taken in by surface-level charm and doesn't know how deep she's in until it's too late.

I do not mind stuff where the husband/boyfriend is wimpy or pathetic if it's on purpose. As long as he's pathetic in a way that makes him less than sympathetic. If it's from trying too hard to make him be sympathetic, I like that a lot less.

I wish there was more lesbian seduction stuff, too.

...I guess I'm doing this NTR thing wrong. I'm kind of picky about it and that's probably why it feels like there's so little out there that does it for me.
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Thank you for splitting this off into its own topic. I usually just skim past these types of posts; well, I try to roughly bypass all of the spoilers, trivial shit, and overall things I find uncompelling regardless, but it's nice to see new focused threads even if they may inevitably become abandoned.

I'm a bit of a romanticist, so I prefer not to see gang bangs, prostitution, or rape. Just nice, clean, preferably behind-the-back infidelity with the heroine getting her rocks off with the boss or best friend and the hero getting glimmers of insight but not quite explicit confirmation. But there's an exception for everything.

Silhouette sex is the greatest imo. Long live pesudo-stealth sex.
Hey guys.
Is there some stuff about NTR that some people like more than others? Is there some stuff that doesn't do it for people at all or just straight up turns them off?
Hello fellow ntr lover :)

Yes, to quickly sum up :

- NTR mystery, where the mc (and the reader) doesn't know what's going on behind his back. For me it's even better if there are playthroughs where the mc remains ignorant until the end, while changes are seen on the love interest.
- NTR B or A. I love blackmail/rape situations turning consensual. Not into C at all though,
- "Serial NTR", where MC is ntred from a potential harem situation, or successively.
- Not blob like love interests : they need to have some personality, be clever and interesting as characters.
- "Mean" NTR, with the love interest becoming a slightly evil queen while faking things later in the story, playing a game of hide and seek with mc, instead of a brainless slut. On this topic, not a fan of the ridiculous extreme transformations they use sometime : I prefer a classy sexy love interest to the cow costumes...

Before I start, let me say that most of the stuff I like is heavily influenced by a youth wasted reading scanslated shoujo manga oneshots, a lot of which have themes that mesh well with NTR, plus some erotica books that had some themes that aligned a bit with NTR stuff, so keep that in mind.
I agree, for me ntr situations are just a perverted version of most shoujo typical love triangles or reverse harems.

For example, and this is just me, I like my dudes-getting-cheated-on to be too bland to care about or asshole victims where you feel a little bad, but then you think they deserved it. The nicer they make the husband/boyfriend, the harder it is to focus on the sex and the harder it is for me to really get into the story. Besides, if I wanted to see decent people get fucked over, I'd just read stuff about men cheating on women (which I do on occasion). I look at NTR stuff to feed my vindictive side. Taking it out on someone who did nothing wrong, even if they're fictional, isn't nearly as fun as watching someone who didn't know how good they had it have that moment where they know they lost it, probably forever. Besides, at some point, the husband/boyfriend comes off as too nice to be real, and comes off as too much of a weenie and it's not on purpose, or like the writer is shoving a basket of kittens in my face before throwing said basket in a river. Or that all that niceness is an act.
Interesting : while I agree about the bland dude, I don't like the mc being actual asshole who really deserves to be cheated on. I prefer either the usual indecisive harem shounen type mc, or the good boyfriend or husband. Usually the good but "boring" dude, good as a boyfriend, but lacking the wild nature of a casanova.

Somewhat related, there has to be a reason for the woman to step out other than "lol dick 2 small" in more story-oriented stuff. I don't think I need to add more to that. It's just...dumb, and not in a way that's fun.
Depends : yes, the small dick is meh (especially when it's the sole reason for ntr, ridiculous), but endless stamina, sexual knowledge, all of this can be interesting and be a better explanation: like the rediscovery of the thrills of sex by a woman bored (and that didn't know she was) of the same simple position once a week.

Some more related, I like there to be some level of consent, even if it is blackmail of some kind. Straight-up rape doesn't do much, if anything, for me either.
Rape turning consensual later is OK for me, but rape only with the woman never really cheating but just being coerced until the end is not NTR for me.

And very closely related to that, while I'm all about that lesbians-seducing-straight-women, I'm not into men fucking lesbians straight. It's related to my dislike of straight-up rape, and since most "dudes break up a yuri couple" tend to be too rapey for me, I can't get into it at all. This was brought to you by two CG sets that had this theme and people seemed to like them but it just gave me a sick feeling, since in one case, it was "corrective rape" where the gross-looking teacher was trying to "fix" the two girls. It just gave me an icky feeling. I think it's the one thing that's an active turnoff next to "netori guys who don't look like people and it's not a setting where I'd expect nonhumans".
I can't actually remember any "lesbian to straight" training ntr game...? Maybe as hentai manga?
Though I recall vaguely some fantasy stories where a lesbian couple would be hypnotized into being attracted to men or something.

Speaking of, I don't mind ugly netori dudes, I just want them to look human. This is especially true of more story-focused stuff. The uglier they are, the more obviously evil they are, and the more I think the woman is an idiot for agreeing to have sex with someone who looks like a pig monster in a button-down shirt.
There is ugly, and there is so ugly it's ridiculous. That's why I prefer casanova style netori guys: at least they are attractive. I actually prefer them to be hiding their game too, not showing that they aim for the mc love interest.

I love the more corruptive and moral degeneration-y elements of NTR. It's why I prefer there to be some level of consent. I like it best when the girl takes part in her own downfall. It's more satisfying if she has her own hand in it than it is when it's forced on her.
Agreed, but as I said above, not to become a dumb slut, it's waaaay better when she becomes an evil succubus.
Usually a good story for me would have a conservative woman wearing sexier clothing/lingerie as the time passes (as a piece of evidence of what's going on in an ntr mystery story, without going overboard and "dumb slut" style), while being more open sexually (not with mc though).

I also like the classic walk-in and the related listening in on the phone. But I like the listening-in type better. What's going on is obvious, but the person on the other end can't see it. It adds a little more emotional punch because you know what's happening even without the visual.
If you mean ntr mystery style, completely agreed!
Especially when the mc (but not the reader) is completely kept in the dark on what's going on, thinking she's sick or something.

My favorite type of Less-than-Consensual scenarios have to do with blackmail of some sort. Either a girl slept with a guy once and has to keep sleeping with him to keep quiet, or she's been "bought" for some favor or to pay off a debt that her husband/fiance has gotten himself into.
Yep, and then it turns consensual progressively as they go further and further!

There was a manga I liked that was my first taste of "real" NTR and it was about a woman whose husband finally talked her into a partner swap that she enjoys a hell of a lot more than he does. It's part of what gave me a taste for "dudes that almost ask to be cheated on". I wish there was more manga that focused on a husband or a boyfriend pushing his wife or girlfriend to sleep with other guys, or even with women, and it backfires on him because it ties into my preference for unlikeable boyfriend/husband types. As a woman I can't imagine anything that would make me less inclined to stay with someone than if they actively tried to get me to fuck other people.
Netorase or swapping turning netorare, isn't it?
I can be into that, but only when it's going full ntr, like after the swapping, the mc is thinking it's not that interesting, and decides to stop that... except his girlfriend got hooked into it and secretly continues to do it more and more.

I like the women to be likeable. They can be nice girls who'd never get into trouble except this one time she tried to help her beloved husband get out of debt, or this one time her beloved husband convinced her to go to a swinger's party. It ties in with the corruption/moral degeneration aspects of NTR that I read it for when I'm not reading it to indulge some vindictiveness through a fictional medium. I read garden-variety cheating stuff if I want an emotional release based on betrayal.
I usually prefer clever kinda conservative women, being corrupted as she discovers "wild" sex. So I agree, except for women having zero personality whatsoever.

I also like the deceptively charming netori guy. He can be as evil as he wants the rest of the time, he just has to have some initial charm, otherwise, a guy walking up and saying "Hi, I'm the asshole" while whipping out a two-foot long cock isn't compelling story-wise. It's not even hot. It's much better if a woman is taken in by surface-level charm and doesn't know how deep she's in until it's too late.
I actually can see the reverse scenario working for me : the asshole netori dude that the woman hate being actually charming when she got used to him.

I wish there was more lesbian seduction stuff, too.me.
You mean lesbian NTR, where a lesbian is ntred by another one?

...I guess I'm doing this NTR thing wrong. I'm kind of picky about it and that's probably why it feels like there's so little out there that does it for me.
We all are in a way : NTR is much more "psychological" than many fetishes, and we all interpret betrayal differently.
That's why out of the many ntr games that I see this year, only a small minority felt like good ntr for me.

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