Tengoku note


By Yourself
Elite Member
Apr 1, 2014
Chapter 1 : Prologue

I don’t know what the world is like now… Despite that, I’m still working at the same old hotel as usual. The pay is good, but I don’t really care too much about that… My name’s Falko, but you don’t really have to remember that...Before you ask, I’m Japanese. I don’t really remember much about my childhood. It was probably really boring though. My home’s right next to the place I work at, which is convenient enough I guess, although it’s not like I enjoy working here.

Chief : You got the job done well Falko...Keep this up and I may consider hiring you for a full time job soon.. Here’s your pay cheque so run along now....

Falko : Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think I’m quite ready for such a commitment just yet...

get a full-time job at the hotel, but like I said, I don’t think I’m quite ready for the time commitment.

After that, I head home to my apartment, nothing of importance really happened the following week either, I got paid and I finally caved and took the promotion from my boss, nothing too interesting honestly...

-------------------------Next Days--------------------------

Falko : Yeah, see you guys tomorrow, alright?

I head home, bored as usual. Nearing the apartment, I see in the distance two figures by my neighbour’s apartment, and my apartment door seems to have been left ajar, one appears to be wearing a Knight’s armour I had no idea what the hell was going on... Intrigued, I crept up on the duo and hide in a bush praying that I’m not spotted, because this wouldn’t be too easy to explain if I were to be caught, I waited for the right opportunity to enter...Luckily enough they didn’t keep me waiting too long.
Someone exits my apartment. The outfit is pretty the same as them… Well not actually the same but the difference is the Knight Armor and all.

Girl : Well.. it seems this men is not at his apartment right now.

Knight : What you wanna do then Miss Latisha ?

Latisha : We will try to come there next time and hope he’s here.

Knight : But, we don’t have much time right ?

Latisha : I know that…. *thinking* You know that if he had a Job ?

Knight : Not that i know about it.

Latisha : Great… Just great… If that’s the case, let’s wait a bit more longer tomorrow.

Knight : But to wait in front of his apartment,I think he will not come. More like, he will rather think that we are suspicious.

Latisha : And why ? That is because us knight is feared by everyone despite that we just doing our work ?

Knight : Either that or either we’re not popular enough.

I’m still in the bush but i can hear all of these word pretty fine… Somehow, i want to salute them but if i do that… My daily days may end…
Chapter 2 : Just starting

Falko : So… What to do? Hmmm hard choice i know right ! Bah… I just let the wind guide me then. They already left for today anyway…

Falko is returning to his apartment and taking a good rest for the rest of the day. Meanwhile in the castle of the country…

King : Have you found him ?

Latisha : Not yet your majesty. We are still searching for him.

King : I see… Try to find him as fast as you can. If possible during this week.

Latisha : Yes sire! she stand up and walk away

Elite Knight : Your majesty, are you sure this guy will help us, with this kind of mess ?

King : We don’t know unless we try, no?

The Elite Knight is now looking away in the sky

Elite Knight : I hope so…

On Latisha Room. Just by looking, she seems tired

Latisha : Damn… If only we can have him with us right now … I’m tired of searching everywhere… It’s almost a week and we have been searching for him… thinking Speaking about it… Why i am so in need to find him ? Not like it was that important… This guys must be a pervert like all others…

Meanwhile in Falko apartment…

Falko : Raaahhhhh ! This is not going to work ! What do i do if they come back ? sigh … I need to find a way to calm myself…

Falko is lying on his bed

Falko : Let’s see.... I may have some books about the king of this country… They didn’t destroy my door… Oh well… Will see what happens next day... That’s it ! Right now, i just need a good sleep.
Chapter 3 : Moment of truth

Falko was still sleeping… The night sky is dark covering the city in darkness with only the light of lanterns illuminating part of the area.

Unknown : You sure? That you want to do it now ?

Unknown 2 : Yeah, we don’t have much time until the Knights find him… We must finish our mission before they catch him…

Unknown : What do you wanna do then ? Entering by force ? That would be alerting everyone…

Unknown 2 : Do you know how to unlock a door ?

Unknown : Nop…

The masked men smiles at him… Nothing much to say… The answers was clear. They walk towards the door and crush it. Falko wakes up suddenly.

Falko : What is that sound ?

Falko Moves silently toward the sound… Good thing the manor is dark so he cannot be found easily… He also knew every part of the manor by heart. The more he approach toward the sound the more he is trembling although… he can hear some voice…

Unknown 2 : He’s most likely to be in his room,so go try and find him. I will look at this side. You look on the other side.

Unknown : Alright…

Falko : Intruder ? Threat? I guess I’m not safe anymore in this house… I must try to get out of here…

Falko moves silently toward the main door… he saw the figure of someone approaching slowly… The first thing he could think of is to hide somewhere until he passes by. It was a success the strange men was looking around but didn’t see him.

Falko : Good thing he doesn’t know any hiding spot in this house… Alright, time to move to the main door !

Falko arrives at the main door pretty easily because the other masked man was looking on the other side of the manor… but… Suddenly someone appears before him. He got frighten for a moment but step back.

Unknown 2 : I was right to stay here… The sound of the door was too… well you know…

Falko : Who are you ?

Unknown 2 : You don’t need to know because you will die here.

Falko doesn’t know what do… he was thinking about how to escape from the strange man as he assaults without mercy, as Falko dodges the blow.

Falko : If i’m going to die here, i want at least see how you look like !

Falko is running as fast as he can while grabbing an unlit torch from the wall holding the torch, he lit the torch with another torch that was already lit, then set the carpet on fire… He tries to look for the man but can’t see him… he looks below him and saw the shadow of the man… Then dodges to the left. The strange man crushes the ground where Falko was a moment ago.

Unknown 2 : Your really not bad at dodging, but this ends here.

Falko : And why ?

Falko gets grab by the second strange man from behind.

Unknown : Because you forgot about me probably ?

Falko : ughhh….

Falko in his mind : Is this the end ? I don’t know actually… If only I have accepted to follow the knight this afternoon… I’ll probably be not like this right now…
Chapter 4 : Danger

Falko was about to see his death coming… Some people of the Manor are also waking up with the smell of smoke and getting out of their room. These people sees Falko captured by the Masked Man.

Citizen : What is the meaning of this ?!

Unknown : Damn we’re too slow !

Both Masked Man was looking to the citizen of the Manor. Falko without any hesitation, says something…

Falko : NOW !

Falko hit the man that was grabbing him, jumps behind and pushes the masked man away.

Unknown : You damn Bastard !

Falko is trying to think about something… At First, he need to get out of the Manor, because the more time he’s in the Manor the more he cannot breath. While he is still thinking, some citizen is throwing drink, glasses and books on those masked men..

Citizen : Get out of the Manor now ! And clean the mess you did ! We don’t care about death, try come to us !

Falko in his mind : Ho man… you will be dead at the next second if you continue… Wait… I can run to the main door and open it at this point !

With the distraction, Falko is running to the main door then opens it calmly...

Unknown : You really want to die don’t you ?!

Unknown 2 : We don’t need more blood in our hands, our objective is to kill the guys right h…

Falko : It’s me you want right ?

The Masked man look at him as he was at the main door ready to run.

Unknown : You damn bastard !

Falko in his mind : At least i can run from here now…

Unknown 2 : Hey ! Stop moving or i kill this citizen !

Falko hear the voice… Literally stop moving and turn back he saw the masked man holding a Young Girl.

Falko : How could you ?!

Unknown 2 : It was not my intention… But you give me no choice. Although it was a good choice of you to get out of here… The Fire you did is already spreading through all the ground of the Manor.

Falko : Wait… Where the other ?!

Unknown 2 : The other ? Oh you mean other Citizen ? Still inside I guess ? The Manor will soon collapse so I suggest you to give up.

Falko :

Falko realised that he cannot do anything anymore… He was at the mercy of the criminal… At best he can do was trying but one wrong move the citizen is killed.

Strange Girl Voice : Enough of this !

Falko : huh ?

Unknown 2 : Who is here ?!

The unknown person coming to the masked man in a flash then hit him… The masked man was pushed away and the citizen was taking near Falko although, the Manor has collapse because of the strong wind that suddenly blew by it.

Strange Girl Voice : oops I guess i got a bit too far hehe.

Falko : But the citizen as still inside !

Strange Girl Voice : Oh, Don’t worry about it we saved them before doing the action.

Falko : heh ?

Guard : Miss Latisha, we’re done here !

Falko look to the way where the man is talking and can see all of the Citizen from the Manor Safe. He was relieved, but now they still have these masked man to deal with…

Unknown : Well it seems our mission has failed.

Unknown 2 : Should we retreat ? *He stand up*

Unknown : Yes, let’s retreat for now…

Latisha : No no No ! You won’t get away !

Unknown : Too late !

Latisha is rushing to them but they disappear in front of her.

Falko : Damn… We don’t even know who they are… *look angry*

Latisha : Don’t worry about it, they will come back again for you.

Falko : Well thanks for the help… but… How you know i was in danger though?

Latisha : Let’s just say i have some spies around the city *winks* What you gonna do now anyway ? You don’t have any place to stay any longer.

Falko : Well…. Ahhhh… I guess since the beginning you knew i was here yesterday.

Latisha : Yep ! I was trying to… See if you can at least manage this by yourself.

Falko : I guess i failed ? Anyway… Let’s not just stay here. The citizen of the Manor need to find a new place as well…

Guard : We can manage it. Just need to find what we need to do for you.

Falko : hmmmm… Hey, since you know that i was here yesterday. Looking at you, i guess it's the good time to see the king and check what he wants about me ?

Latisha : *surprised* well, i suppose you can at least see what he wants. After what come next is your choice.
Chapter 5 : Something

I speak with Latisha to see what i can do right now, definitely for sure i can’t stay anymore at this place… But the good thing at least the people inside will also have a new home. I hope the guard will find it fast because it is still night time. As for myself, i will be going to the castle with Latisha and see what the King want about me. We walk calmly with nothing much to say. Sometimes our eyes intersect. I wonder what is she thinking about. She seems perfectly a normal girl to me.

The road was not long, we arrive at the castle a little later. On entering, I realize how the entrance was large, I did not even believe my eyes. I was so amazed by the beauty that I did not even hear the people calling to me.

Latisha: You're back on earth again. I wonder what you thought.

Falko: Not much ... I was just looking at how beautiful the castle was, but let's not waste time, let's go see the king.

Latisha nods in agreement and we leave to see him. Opening the big door, we approach quietly towards the king on the throne. The royal guard stared at us whispering words to each other, although, I know that they are talking about me. We have arrive near the king before the stair climbing. I stop and wait for the king response. it was short, the king turns, stare at me and takes a deep breath.

King: Welcome my young friend. It's finally an honor to meet you.

Falko: The pleasure is mine your highness. *Bows*

King: The formalities are not necessary. You can get up.

Falko: I heard from this young lady that you wanted to see me. Can I know why?

King: Are you the direct kin of hum? Well in this case, i will tell you everything. Do you know the legends that are told everywhere?

Falko: Hmm ... There is alot of legend that I don't really know specifically.

King: Do you know that all the people in the worlds all have their power buried in their hearts?

Falko: I heard about it, yes. I even saw the demonstration of Miss Latisha.

King : With what you saw. Would you like to check what is your former power? Since you do not really know who you are.

Falko: I'm not going to say that i'm not curious to know it. But, if there is a way to do that, I'll be grateful to know more about myself , I want to know who I am, except that I do not know where I come from because I do not remember much of my past.

King: Well, on that, we will be taking you to the specific place for that. We leave right away. It's not far. It is inside the castle. After that, I will have another question to ask you.

Falko nods.

King: Latisha. Would it be possible to accompany this young man to the Room of Trial ?

Latisha: Very Well...

Latisha looks at me and I thought on the other hand her look is more different from before, more mysterious and not easy to understand. I might know more about her one days or another, but for the moment I walk with her to the test room. As usual during our walk, I look around the decoration of the castle. It's quite strange to feel like you're here, It's rare to have outsider come to the castle. Besides, during my thoughts, I walk into without realizing on Latisha.

Falko: Oh Damn, forgive me!

Latisha: We have arrived.

Falko: Hm?

I look in front of me. The only thing I see is a big door with a mysterious Emblem ... I do not remember what this Emblem mean but by dint of looking, I feel my heart filled with pain in all directions. Latisha looks at me ... She does not seem to be surprised.

Latisha: I wonder if you're the person everyone trusted in the past ...

Falko: Hm?

Latisha: No, it's nothing. Touch the door with your hand when you're ready and it will open for you.

I clearly hear what Latisha spoke of course but for the moment, I am waiting for the pain on my heart to dissipate.
Chapter 6 : The True Power

I am here, sitting on the ground waiting my pain to stop… It really hurt… I wonder that if the pain hurts a lot, it meant i have a good power inside of me… Nothing is really sure… The pain has now disappeared, as i stand up and open the door, enter and the door shuts by itself. In front of me i can’t see anything, the fog was too dense but i still walk forward… I wonder if they would have set some trap… It is a Room of Trial after all !

The Fog disappeared by itself and i can see some weird Emblem on the wall, it’s the same emblem i saw on the door. They didn't have any Trap during my travel and i can see in front of me an mysterious Monolith… I Walk calmly to it and look…

Falko : This Monolith sure is strange…

I look a it more carefully and somehow, i wanted to touch it. The moment i touched, a mysterious Aura is enveloping my hand… By reflexion, i release my hand and the Aura disappeared.

Falko : Hmmm… I didn’t feel(sense) anything dangerous coming from this Aura… I guess, better give it a try and see.

I touched once more with all my hand and wait until something came, the aura began to enveloping my hand. The feeling of that is not really that bad and is actually relaxing. The Aura began to be like a circle, i release my hand from the monolith and the aura still continue enveloping it… Guess he got used to it… Looking to my hand i hear a sound at side of me, it was a kind of holographic screen and the king appear from it.

King : I see the Stone is used to you now.

Falko : Yes… But, i don’t know what it mean. I don’t actually feel anything new.

The King laugh by my comment.

King : You will see soon enough.

From those words i look back at the Aura. Without noticing, it had traveled around my body but at some moment, the Aura stopped… Like it was entering me.
Once the Aura surrounded my Body the feeling of the relaxation disappeared and i can see a kind of glyph on my chest.

King : Looks like is done. You may now be ready for your test.

Falko : How do i know i have the power ?

King : Try to thinking about something you wanna protect.

Falko : Alright…

A sound of a Door opened behind the Monolith. I walk to it and enter. Like the previous one, the door shuts by itself. walking while I looked for the next door but this room was a Labyrinth. When i thought i got lost, a Monster appears in front of me.

Falko : Looks like is the test the king talked about…

I try to think on something i truly want to protect but nothing comes to my mind … I try to think on something i love but nothing happens either… I try to think on something else but instead the monster is charging against me, good thing i had time to dodge

Falko : Ah… It won’t be easy.

Another monster appears and both charge against me. Dodging one was easy but dodging two… Is not like i have an high speed but, I look on my hand and saw i was holding some kind of Sword.

Falko : Wonder if it can kill them…

Both Monster are near to me and by reflex, i swing my arms. Both monsters look like paralyzed and they disintegrate the minute that follows …

Falko : Well ! At least i know i can defend myself with this!

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Lulu368 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you upload this otome asmr, please: https://www.dlsite.com/girls/work/=/product_id/RJ01110786.html
A-9000 wrote on Shine's profile.
Legend says this one was available in 2023 before it's demise...thanks in advance!

🌟Shine🌟[230713][umyn] 異世界転生マジカルチンポ (Ver1.2) [RJ01044906]
redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

pls upload new NAKK videos :D
tim30069 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!
AsterN20 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Can you reupload [Magi White] エグザミネイター?