Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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oohohooh... goooddd.... so.. which starter you gonna pickk..???? :XD: isn't you will fighting with sister because maybe she want play it as well.??
XD She won't notice it's gone~ poor 3DS just gathers dust! Such a shame... I think I'm gonna choose Fennekin~ It's so cuteee~ :3
/me HighFive echa...
i will choose fennekin too... and how about the kanto starters.?? you can pick it later... :P

omg dust..ahhaha poor 3ds... :bigeyes:
Games :
Following yesterday's reveal of Aurorus and Tyrantrum, the official site has updated with some further information. First, Tyrantrum keeps its Rock/Dragon-type and the ability of Strong Jaw. It also has the move Head Smash. It reigned over 100 million years ago as king. It's biggest weapon is its jaw that can tear through an iron plate as if it was paper. Aurorus' move, Freeze Dry, is confirmed to be super effective on Water-type Pokémon. We have a few new screenshots added to our section so click the image to go to the page

Anime :

The magazine, Dengeki, has revealed the first two titles for the Pokémon XY anime, from a special due to air on October 17th. The first episode features Ash heading towards Lumiose City Gym while the second episode features Ash and Co. getting attacked by Team Rocket as they go to see Professor Sycamore.
Episode 805: We've Come to Kalos Region! Dreams and Adventures Begin!
Episode 806: Mega Evolution and the Prism Tower!
Wah~ Thanks for the info! and I knowsss poor 3DS! But come October, muahaha~:D It will be played! hmm as for the Kanto starter....probably Bulbasaur! Sooo cute~ XD I love cute pokemon~
I wonder how late in the game do we get the first gen starters? :reallyconfused:

I'm thinking about getting fennekin and then bulbasaur.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; you havee friends who pick bulbasaurr.. :XD:

mmmmmmm so ash gonna fight mega garchomp..... muahahha...

yes.. maybeee.. after we beat elite four... its like SS / HG series.. you can got 3rd gen starter after beat the champ and go to kanto.... :sowwy: i want my Charmanderrrrrrrrrr.............. Fennekin+charrmander+Torchic... Muahahahhah
Whaaaaaaaat only me and hinode like bulbasaur! :surprised:

Will we also be able to get torchic generation in this x and y??
THATSSS... i dont know.. :sowwy: we need more info about all of mega evolutions.. not fair just gen one getting mega.. since Pokemon special Movie about red will coming soon....i want my trecko got mega too... >,< its must be super strongggg..... :XD:

mmm echa like bulba too.. so 3 people will choose bulbasuaar...
If we do get treeckos generation i might be in a situation..I love my bulbasuar and treecko but i cant get them both :reallydespaired:

There is a megablaziken so there has to be megasceptyle and megaswampert(?) Hopefully!
HOPE SOO...... you said that.. i got all firee.. >,<
burnn burnnnnnnnn...... if i choose fennekin.. i will get torchic too from event.. so theres a hope i will pick squirtle later........ surfff giant turtleee
Yeah i really want charizard too since he was the first pokemon i started off with.. Oh well less then a month left gotta get my 3ds quick!
i already preorede it... uwu..... cant wait to playing it.. and i wonder what legend other than yveital and xerneas there.. since the pokemon x and y theme is BEAUTY... more beauty pokemon we will seen there.... :XD:
Hmm..well I don't really mind the lack of 3D tbh. But as long at the battles are at least in 3D, I'm ok ^^
As they have done for the last 3 years with a special Audino, the Pokémon Center has announced the special gift for you to receive in the various Pokémon Centers across Japan for your birthday. This time, you have a choice of ten Pokémon: Pikachu, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon, marking Sylveon as the first Kalos Pokémon distribution. This distribution runs from October 12th for Pokémon X & Y

Is that mean we can get pokemon too..???
Hello Everyone... Just want to Post my Friend Code for 3ds/nds so we can be a friend and play together sometime

my Friend code : 3067 - 5440 - 3997
T-Elos Code : 3609 - 2432 - 5393

Please message us here so we know that you add us... Thank you and Have Nice Day~~~~
[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; give me your codeeeeee......
[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=53698]Yukinero[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=66363]Vivid[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=2663]meyrinkay[/MENTION] ;
[MENTION=66363]Vivid[/MENTION] ;
Thank you,Second_Flight.After I checked my friend-code,I tell you it.But Today,I have to be off soon.Please wait a few days.
And,When X and Y came out,I tell you also that friend-code.Let's play it together!
btw,Could you join me in your friends in AS too?
lulz @ the 3D thing. Considering i never ever use the 3D effect i don't really care. Hyped for the T-Rex though. :3
Hmm, all the newly-revealed Pokemon have interesting looks. That T-Rex is pretty cool, but it feels like touching the borderline between Pokemon and Digimon (I mean seriously, there are like over 9000 T-Rex lookalikes in Digimon). But the design is getting complicated for certain Pokemon in terms of body patterns and decorations, which I love.

I don't really mind the lack of total 3D animation. Graphics are rarely my first consideration for JRPGs (western RPGs are another story) and, having played Pokemon since its inception 15 years ago, all the improvements offered have impressed me more than enough.

As for the starting Pokemon, I guess I'll go with Fennekin as I've always liked fire types (if my nickname doesn't tell you enough). Also, sis probably wants to go with Chespin (she says it looks cute and all that), and I don't feel like picking the same starter. Froakie... no, just no.
mmmmmmmmmm.... if you like fennekin you will get torchic too and charmanderr [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; onee???? :fullblush:

and i agree with your opinion about graphics... Highfivee
I think Fennekin will be one of the two better starters, the other being Croakie since it seems be resemble the Treeko evolution line after the first evolution. I think it'll definitely be the fastest water starter by far (and maybe the fastest starting Generation VI Pokemon) and water types generally do the best out of the starters for the Elite 4, except that I've never liked their designs save for Squirtle and Totodile.

I'll be picking Fennekin for sure. Love it's design. :goodtea:
Ok, so i'll need to find the BIOS b4 i even get this game............
I'll probably go with Fennekin and I'm really curious to see it's final evolution. I expect some sort of witch :3
Yay for Fennekin! I've always liked Blaziken and Charizard as well, so it's all good. (Also, Charizard's mega evolution looks absolutely cool.)

I think Fennekin will be one of the two better starters, the other being Croakie since it seems be resemble the Treeko evolution line after the first evolution. I think it'll definitely be the fastest water starter by far (and maybe the fastest starting Generation VI Pokemon) and water types generally do the best out of the starters for the Elite 4, except that I've never liked their designs save for Squirtle and Totodile.
Personally, Froakie is the first water starter I've had problems with in terms of its looks, lol. Swampert looks badass if you ask me (and it evolved from freaking MUDKIP!) and Empoleon looks cool as well (Piplup is just asking to get its cheeks pinched).

Also added a poll about which starter you're going to pick as requested by [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION];

[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; onee???? :fullblush:
Imouto dayoooo.
:objection: Uwuuuuu... I want Onee-sann.. beside you looks more adult then me... :evillaugh: :blushhappy:
so imouto is rejected... :XD:

froakie is cool.. and most highest speed water starter i guess... looking from his skill and type mostlikely...

[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; [MENTION=57409]Kirito-kun[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=53698]Yukinero[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION];
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=62450]azazel sama[/MENTION]; [MENTION=63282]tobi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66363]Vivid[/MENTION]; [MENTION=13464]lpdcomic[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION];
[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; [MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2663]meyrinkay[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]kosmos6000[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; [MENTION=68768]echanokokoro[/MENTION];

VOTe Votee your Starterrrr.... :XD:

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