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but in the corner you can get trapped by your enemies ... you don't want that, right?
My enemies don't worry me. The corner is safe.
/me wanders into lpw...
Blahs... people screaming at others over the phone while i was sleeping... woke me three times or so... how do people get into that many arguments in a single day =/
when i hang out with someone i get into multiple, multiple arguments. i've been told i make it fun though :reallyconfused:
That's not true, my highest levels of my main fleet Kanmusu are the following: Kongou Kai Ni 79, Haruna Kai 78, Hiei 75, Kirishima 75, Mutsu 75, Akagi 72, Kaga 71, Hiryuu 66, Zuikaku 62.

The reason for my set is because of the upcoming event, Operation MI (aka Battle of Midway) in the next major patch due this coming Friday, which historically is the famous battle that sunk four major IJN carrier, which are the four kanmusu appearing in my signature: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu and Souryuu (aka the Kidou Butai, 1st CarDiv and 2nd CarDiv).

I just thought it is nice to see a good image and thought it would be quite to theme since I'll be participating this event much more prepared than last Spring event (when my fleet was clearly not ready, hence why I sunk my beloved Kongou and Akagi, which I later was able to obtain again shortly after). It is regrettable that I couldn't get Souryuu up to a high enough level to participate, otherwise I would be reenacting the history of Operation MI (except this time none of the four ship will sink), but still, 3/4 of the original ships is high enough level so I thought why not :P

My heart still rest for Yamato, which I still haven't obtained yet :/

/me is still too noob :deadsad:
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