[LPW #110] Her Secret!!!

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Good night, [MENTION=33968]Mocha[/MENTION]! :puniko_bye:
/me pulls Shin out ... /me holds on tight! :nekopara_hug:

The original title was going to be, "When Her Family Discovered The Shameful Secret She Tried To Hide From The World, Even To The Point Of Seducing A Poor Young Lad Into Her Dark World Of Depravity, And Making Him Aid Her In Her Unholy Hobby, She Rebelled Against Authority, Leading To A Violent Confrontation With The Older Man She Betrayed, Causing A Major Rift Between The People Who Nurtured Her."

But then I thought, "Nawww, lets keep it simple."



Or perhaps an abbreviation would suffice as well. ^^;;

What's done is done.

/me has one more thread to visit and then sleep
Lollipop! Sugar right before bed!

Anyway, it's been an eventful day; however, I must bid you farewell for the evening and try to get more than five hours of sleep.

Good night LPW. See you tomorrow! :puniko_bye:
Good night my dear Mali-Mali~ Sweet dreams.

/me casually snickers that he poked 'someone'
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