Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

We have finally got prelim info for the new Heat Soft Game: Oshieko from Getchu

Looks good, the world set up feels a lot like Tossen 3 (I'm half expecting the evil organization you belong to to be Deathbrand)
And they JUST had to mention that you've had a proven track record of corrupting a lot of magical girls (Hey, can we at least get them to also appear as minor characters please? :D

Though I am a little tired by the Pink and Blue color combo since the last Heat Soft maho shojou game (which wasn't much in corruption) also used that color scheme, I'd have prefer yellow or green maybe even white.

Also: Nanashiki, if a lot of people on 2ch and their own blog says that エクスティア might be the game of the year for corruption. Is that HP recover or damage for you considering we're going to have to wait a long time for it?:D
Looks good, the world set up feels a lot like Tossen 3 (I'm half expecting the evil organization you belong to to be Deathbrand)
And they JUST had to mention that you've had a proven track record of corrupting a lot of magical girls (Hey, can we at least get them to also appear as minor characters please? :D

Man, I would love it if one of the characters is a corrupted Magical Girl. More so if she was a teammate of the ones the MC is fighting. In fact, I hope that most of the supporting casts are corrupted heroines.

I really like the supporting cast of Tossen 3. They were fun, interesting and had character development. Even the MC was well developed. That is a lot of effort for a Nukige. I hope to see the same thing in this new game as well.

Though I am a little tired by the Pink and Blue color combo since the last Heat Soft maho shojou game (which wasn't much in corruption) also used that color scheme, I'd have prefer yellow or green maybe even white

Me too. Especially since it's always the same personality. One is cheerful and impulsive, the other is quiet and good natured. It's always the quiet one that get the best corruption. The cheerful one's corruption always feel rushed. I would have preferred if they varied it more. I still haven't seen a lot of Sailor Saturn's expy, that would be good.
Also: Nanashiki, if a lot of people on 2ch and their own blog says that エクスティア might be the game of the year for corruption. Is that HP recover or damage for you considering we're going to have to wait a long time for it?:D


By Tossen 3 you mean this right? I can't seem to find any download link that is still available. Torrent is really slow, so can anyone help me?

Yes, it's that one. As for the torrent, I'm not really sure about the speed. At first, it was slow, then it becomes very fast. Just be patient, I guess.
Sadly, it seem my new PC can't display some of eroges font. ExS-Tia is one of them TxT

Region Japan check
Font Japan check
Laguage for non-unicode program Japanese check
View attachment 7846

Edit Post : Ok problem fixed. I'm just being stupid and didn't try to run as admin!
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Well, THAT was fast..... compared to how LONG we had to wait when it was Maika's game.... someone must have sacrificed something big to the Dark Gods of Corruption get it out THIS fast....:P

Hope it will be the same for Oshieko in July or so...:D
Exstia Review
Well, I got to play the game yesterday in full and here’s my review. Note that I can be a bit biased and I’ll comment on the reason so here we go.

The game….it’s a good eroge game with a magical girl containing corruption but did it meet expectation? No, because I had a pretty high expectation for this game which wasn’t fair for it and I had to do some thinking about it.
The reason for the high expectation is

1. Inoino’s involvement as the artist

2. It was by Lusterise who isn’t a stranger to corruption game and had done Prism Saber in 2011 that I liked

3. The lack of super heroine corruption game in 2015 after Maika withdrawing from the genre to be a mobile game producer (I still haven’t seen hide nor hair of any new Maikaesque game advertised in 2chan like with Liquid or whatever)
So to summarize, I was expecting something along the line of an 11/10 like TS MahoShojouNao but I’d put Exstia at a 8/10 instead. It’s a good game and I’d recommend it to all corruption fan game but it lacks a certain….oomph that would made it one of the REALLY great game and there are other factors weighting it down.

The good/ What I liked

1. The art and design by InoIno especially Exstia’s evil succubus form.

2. The internal dialogue/ process during Marina/Exstia’s descent into corruption where she begins to resent the doctor and the childhood friend for not understanding her emerging sexual desire that was beginning to change her physically & mentally (half due to tinkering by the bad guys)is very good. It kept me interested and wondering when she’s going to snap/turn evil or submit to the bad guy.

3. Some of the other route (Assimilated and turn into female plant monster, brainwashed to serve the bad guy)are done pretty well

The bad/ What I disliked/ What might have been improved

1. The so-called “battle system” Now this might be just the copy on my computer but outside the first battle, I think the damn thing is rigged to just have you lose, the enemy grid moves too fast and I always died before I could even get the enemy close to death and I tried 20 times and got frustrated with it. Thank god that they included a skip function after you go through with it once and can choose between win or lose.
I don’t understand why they put in this system, it’s not a fair fight at all and if I play something like this, I play to win but with it rigged like this, they might as well have changed it to multiple choices that will lead to win or lose route. At least that way it won’t waste too much time. A 0/10 for this part which drags the game down.

2. While I like InoIno’s design for Exstia’s evil succubus form, I really wish that they would have made a chara art of her plant monster form, her brainwashed costume and made a scenario of it instead of just having it in an HCG scene,it’s a waste of the separate design tha InoIno designs for them with only the succubus evil form gets a character art to act in a scenario. This also plays into my feeling that there are too little characters involved and there should be more, maybe some of Exstia/ Marina’s friend fleshed out since the corruption story requires there only be ONE magical girl.

3. This doesn’t apply if it’s someone’s first or second corruption game since it’ll still be new for them but for me,due to having played a lot of corruption game by Maika, while the corruption scene/ descent process is top-notch in that it keeps you guessing at which moment Exstia will snap/ or turn evil or give in to the bad guy, after she DOES that, the scenario played out (while extremely erotic)seems very standard for a post corruption scenario. (She swears loyalty to the bad guy and kills her “boy friend” and then goes on a rampage and have rampant sex with men she enslaved from a crowd) I sort of want something innovative or a fresh take though I’m not sure what you CAN do since there’s just ONE heroine to corrupt.

4. That you’re not exactly playing as the bad guy, heck you’re not even playing as the good guy, the game more or less tries to have you identify with the childhood male friend but he doesn’t make any choice in the game at all and the male bad guy feels a bit one-dimensionally evil even compared to other Lusterise’s male bad guy. The mook evil monsters also doesn’t have any gimmick to them other than the one that in one route assimilate Exstia or the one with addictive cum, the rest looks like just plain brute who rapes, and that’s it. I guess if there’s a POV character, it’s Exstia herself but since we’re male , a part of us gravitates to the nearest male character, either good or evil to act as our proxy which doesn’t happen in this game. Not that it’s something rare in eroge game but I still want to be the evil main character.

Still overall, being one of the only two definite corruption game available in 2015, Exstia does fulfill the basic want for a corruption game enough that I’ll still recommend it and it’ll join the A-B List corruption game like Divine Heart & Crusade Heart Karen, Patreisser, etc that I may replay once in a while but not the S list like Tossen 3, Sailor Knight, Justice Blade, TS Maho Shojou Nao that I’ll boot up if I’m in the mood to look/play a quick corruption scenario. Next up for 2015 is Heat Soft’s Oshieko which I’m REALLY hoping to be a spiritual successor to Tossen 3 in corruption scenario/ betrayal and more.
Man, the first corruption game this year and the MC isn't the villain, that is really disappointing but not unexpected, since Prism Saber also has the MC being the good guy. You know, there should be a rule that said every corruption games must have the MC being the corruptor. Otherwise, don't put NTR in there. If the MC must be the good guy, have the corrupted heroines be yanderes and try to seduce the MC to dark side or something similar. That could be very erotic, I think. I mean, a pretty former female warrior of justice is asking you to be her master and conquer the world.

Also, that new game by Heat-Soft, does it have the same writer as the one of Tossen 3?
Thanks for the extensive review deathranger :)
Talking about Tossen 3, is there any sequel in the making? I loved the character design and the story on that one!
As far as Getchu tells me....

The writer for Tossen 3 was behind Sailor Element which was why I liked both games so much.
There were three artist for Tossen 3, Getchu says that one was working for the brand Valkyria in a body modifying game

Really not my cup of tea even though the girl looked nice.

As for Oshieko, it's being written by someone else.
And just WHEN will Heat Soft's own page update, goddamit, It's been almost a week since Getchu published info on the game, the main site should have had more already, I want some Sample CG dammit.:@
As far as Getchu tells me....

The writer for Tossen 3 was behind Sailor Element which was why I liked both games so much.
Sailor Elements, didn't remember that one. Is the story as interesting as the one in Tossen 3?

There were three artist for Tossen 3, Getchu says that one was working for the brand Valkyria in a body modifying game

Really not my cup of tea even though the girl looked nice.
Me neither, too specific for me :(

As for Oshieko, it's being written by someone else.
And just WHEN will Heat Soft's own page update, goddamit, It's been almost a week since Getchu published info on the game, the main site should have had more already, I want some Sample CG dammit.:@
Seeing the price, I'm pretty sure that the game will have less ambition than Tossen 3..
I've yet to try the new corruption game...
But it seems pretty intriguing after I looked at deathranger's review....

I've yet to try the new corruption game...
But it seems pretty intriguing after I looked at deathranger's review....


I'm pretty interested but I don't think I am going to play another corruption game that has the MC not be the villain. NTR is only fun when you're playing the guy that did it, not the one who suffers from it.

Seeing the price, I'm pretty sure that the game will have less ambition than Tossen 3..

I have been wondering if Heat-Soft burn out after Tossen 3 (It was really big when compared to most corruption games). Their games after that just don't seem any interesting, especially their corruption games. Though, it could be because Tossen 3's writer isn't there anymore. You know, I really want to see more games written by that guy, he seems to be really good at doing this.

Though, it's still too soon to judge the game, I think. Before Mahou Shoujo Nao came out, I thought it would just be decent at best. Now it's one of my favorites.

Also, looking at Heat-Soft's VNDB page, they seem to have another game that comes out in August (Its title is Aratamegata no Kobanashi). Probably not corruption game but I haven't been able to find anything about it.
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Also, looking at Heat-Soft's VNDB page, they seem to have another game that comes out in August (Its title is Aratamegata no Kobanashi). Probably not corruption game but I haven't been able to find anything about it.

After my investigations ended , this is what I found :

1 . It's a bishoujo game (obviously :v)
2 . It's already on Amazon for preorder
3 . It would be released on 2015-08-28
4 . The producer is not Heat-Soft , but Vanadis
5 . I'm not sure if it's this Vanadis

FINALLY, Heatsoft has updated their homepage and.....

we actually get to see the corrupted form of the girls before hand

This is actually rare since most of the corruption games I know don't usually show off the corrupted form preferring to keep it secret as a treat for the players who reach the end. (Only one I know that does this is Crusade Heart Karen, others such as Exstia and PrismSaber have shown corrupted form in promotion cards or video)

So....I'm hoping that this will have a bit more focus on post-corruption deeds of the girls if they're showing off the evil form THIS early.
FINALLY, Heatsoft has updated their homepage and.....

we actually get to see the corrupted form of the girls before hand

This is actually rare since most of the corruption games I know don't usually show off the corrupted form preferring to keep it secret as a treat for the players who reach the end. (Only one I know that does this is Crusade Heart Karen, others such as Exstia and PrismSaber have shown corrupted form in promotion cards or video)

So....I'm hoping that this will have a bit more focus on post-corruption deeds of the girls if they're showing off the evil form THIS early.

I've got to say, I'm against showing the corrupted forms so soon. After all, half the reason why people this type of game to see the corrupted forms. Showing it too early like this can cause people to lose interest.

And I do hope that they will indeed focus on post-corruption deeds. Sometimes, I just wish there were heroines are corrupted from the start and the corruption is shown in flashback.

Also, that website updates kinda slow, don't you think? Only few weeks left before the release date and it still only has the Story and Character pages. Futhermore, only two characters (Not counting the MC). Come on, Heat-Soft, you can't just say that the MC is good at corrupting magical girls and not have any of them be a supporting character. Corruption game like your tends to have characters that is evil from the start beside the MC.

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