Leifthrasir [LPW #147]

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Don't lie to yourself shinmouto.
Shin does not lie.

Shin in a tuxedo :alice_glitter:
and sparkles.
He is a special case :alice_meh:
Samy won't play with me anymore?:alice_cry:

Runs on lemons :nekopara_laugh:

My concert...:puniko_despair:

I'm creeping in your heart babe :nosebleed: I've listened, do I pass? [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; onii-chan listen to this too :bigeyes:

Some people require extreme measures :akazukin_idk:

W-when did I say that? :nekopara_dizzy:

Sounds like it might go sour :kurochan_pfft:

C-could you try not hypnotizing people? :miku_panic:

When im not in the middle of a restaurant ;p
Trrrrrry :alice_4u: /me shoves the food in front of Samy's face.

It only needs to run when it's eavesdropping on people :anblink:

WAH, DON'T HIDE BEHIND ME! :alice_shock: /me runs away.

Touche, my friend. Touche.

Y-you were trying to hack my stuff! :akazukin_but:

:alice_glitter: You tried it! YAY! :alice_happy: So how does it taste??

/me continues hugging Samy :rr_hug:

/me starts choking on blob thing :lapi_ko:

Shouldnt they check that there is no trashcans around before talking?

/me rides around on velenora's back :kurochan_go:

Maybe we should look for a way to stop before we actually throw up

There were... interesting things... :puniko_hmm:

I have no idea :miku_tehee:

Vel chan is still here? :nekopara_hug:
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