[MENTION=93850]|♚| KK |♚|[/MENTION]; I know right? Makes me so glad that I don't have an iPhone, but I feel bad that IOS users are still waiting for it
I haven't even played Zen's route yet but after reading what you wrote my heart went doki doki

Even though he's narcissistic, all his good traits outweigh it. Jumin does it in a way that I just want to smh, but when Zen goes on about his perfectionism, I'm just like, "yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!! <3" xD Such a gentleman too!
Oh, thanks for letting me know! I was kind of surprised when he called me babe, hahah. I was expecting something more sweet, but now I shall just imagine the translations say honey/sweetie instead~
Ahh, Jumin's route. Probably my least favourite out of the bunch. Zen's such a caring cutie in it though (not that he isn't a caring cutie in all the other routes as well), which made me regret playing Jumin's route before Zen's. I just had to see Jumin's yandere side though xD I hope you enjoy it though!
Yes, hahah. Poor Yoosung; always so gullible xD
Oh my gosh, he made you his profile picture and cover photo!~ That's so cute! c': But those CGs... ijeljkaeskjlfeljkealjkaekjlawhlawdsahd <3
/me chases vel chan around
O-oh nothing at all... nothing at all....
Do you remember this? I tried finding a better quality clip but couldnt
B-but what about all the unknown variables?
I didnt get to play with all the ornaments
Why do I get the feeling that there is an alternate ploy to this?
Samy is being scary!
Hmm, suspicious...
So nostalgic!

Thanks for looking it up for me~
On second thought, I don't think I want a cape
Don't think too much about it. You'll be fine~
Then play with them on this wig instead
O-of course there isn't, hahaha...haha...hah...
Well you have to....
*whisper whisper whisper*...and it's as simple as that!
/me nods in understanding.
I see, I see.