[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Do we know what levels up girl mood? It's repeated usage of skills or H-sessions?

Btw, you don't really need a maxed horny girl (heart eyes) to have the dominant cowgirl positions. In fact, I just maxed a horny girl (my first maxed one, it takes too long!) and I didn't notice any new position :/

Just my guts feeling, but I'd say that repeated sessions of just one orgasm for a particular position that you want seem to work better than a long one...take it with a grain of salt though.

Did you checked out the "omakase" area? There should be all three (foreplay, service, sex) in there if there are more than four positions to use in there.

I should note that there are a couple of positions that can only be used while the girl is exhausted...
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I should note that there are a couple of positions that can only be used while the girl is exhausted...
Like what? I've exhausted girls plenty of times, but never actually noticed any new acts, though I didn't really investigate cuz I didn't know of this.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Like what? I've exhausted girls plenty of times, but never actually noticed any new acts, though I didn't really investigate cuz I didn't know of this.

Like that amazon position you described...but adjusted for exhaustion, and a couple more positions from the same category with that...faceriding, and using her exhausted hand and mouth for service.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Like that amazon position you described...but adjusted for exhaustion, and a couple more positions from the same category with that...faceriding, and using her exhausted hand and mouth for service.

Cool! Gonna check 'em all out. Thanks.;)
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Do we know what levels up girl mood? It's repeated usage of skills or H-sessions?

Well, I do know... I decompiled the game binaries to analyse its source code and understand its mechanics.

At the end of a H-session, you will earn some "feeling points" depending on your evaluation. This evaluation is calculated by taking into account the current state (mood) of the girl and the type of position you used the most.

Habitually, you earn really small amounts of points (less than 10) per session, except for a few cases. And you need at least 50 points in a certain feeling category for the state of the girl to change.

Also, there are corrections applied to the number of points you earn depending on the girl characteristics and personality. A "serious" girl, for example, will always lose a couple "desire points" (lewd state / red color) after each H-session.
This will slightly counter-balance the total number of points you earn (ie. each session will earn you 5 points instead of 8) so depending on the personality of the girl, reaching the maximum level can take a lot of sessions.

To top it off, there are preferences based on the personality. If you max out both "desire points" and "aversion points" of a "serious" girl (by selecting positions with red + blue background), the "aversion" will take precedence, and you will have a "hate" state (blue face), even if the girl also has max lewdness.

Of course, I will put all of my discoveries in the wiki, as soon as I finished writing and formatting them. And it's long.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

The details on the girls is fantastic! Was zooming in on the skin and it actually looks real. I don't see that kind of detail very often.

Don't want to get a bad impression playing too much till there is more mods first though. Hoping this runs better than SBPR though. Thanks for making and maintaining this thread by the way.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

To whoever changed the H traits "Bad kisser" and "Sensitive to touch",

I understand キスに弱い might sound like "Sensitive to kisses", but the trait doesn't make her enjoy kissing positions,
it's more like if you scroll the mouse up too fast (kissing her harder), she'll hate you for that.

Sensitive to touch (されるのに弱い) is almost like the above, except it appiles to all positions, if you scroll up and go hardcore H, she'll hate you for that.

If someone knows how to write wiki language, can you please edit the two traits? :akazukin_puppyeyes:
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

To whoever changed the H traits "Bad kisser" and "Sensitive to touch",

I understand キスに弱い might sound like "Sensitive to kisses", but the trait doesn't make her enjoy kissing positions,
it's more like if you scroll the mouse up too fast (kissing her harder), she'll hate you for that.

Sensitive to touch (されるのに弱い) is almost like the above, except it appiles to all positions, if you scroll up and go hardcore H, she'll hate you for that.

Nope. It is indeed "weak" as in "weak against something" and not as "poor at something". I explained the subtlety behind "弱い" in this post : if you wanted to say that someone is a bad kisser, you'll use "kissu GA yowai" and not "kissu NI yowai".

There's no mistake : I actually know exactly what those traits do :

  • A girl that is "Sensitive to kisses" will earn 2 extra Favour Points (yellow) at the end of the H-session if you kissed her during said session. On top of that, 2 Aversion Points (blue), 1 Subordination Point (purple) and 3 Destruction Points will be subtracted from the end result.
  • A girl that is "Sensitive to touch" will earn 1 extra Favour Points (yellow) and 2 extra Desire Points (red) at the end of the H-session if you caressed her during said session. On top of that, 1 Aversion Points (blue) and 2 Subordination Point (purple) will be subtracted from the end result.
So, those traits help getting lewd and loving girls, and kissing or caressing them will actually LOWER the hate they have towards you.

Now, it can feel weird to see that a girl that is supposed to love being kissed looks like she's suffering from it. But once you slept with a few Japanese girls, you'll know that this is totally normal (hint : a girl that enjoys sex is vulgar).
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Since I've updated my game I've lost Sound & got an issue with loss of Text in menu >see Image< please any help would be appreciated! Thanks
It's runs OK
32 But NOT in 64???

View attachment 12381
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Nope. It is indeed "weak" as in "weak against something" and not as "poor at something". I explained the subtlety behind "弱い" in this post : if you wanted to say that someone is a bad kisser, you'll use "kissu GA yowai" and not "kissu NI yowai".

There's no mistake : I actually know exactly what those traits do :

  • A girl that is "Sensitive to kisses" will earn 2 extra Favour Points (yellow) at the end of the H-session if you kissed her during said session. On top of that, 2 Aversion Points (blue), 1 Subordination Point (purple) and 3 Destruction Points will be subtracted from the end result.
  • A girl that is "Sensitive to touch" will earn 1 extra Favour Points (yellow) and 2 extra Desire Points (red) at the end of the H-session if you caressed her during said session. On top of that, 1 Aversion Points (blue) and 2 Subordination Point (purple) will be subtracted from the end result.
So, those traits help getting lewd and loving girls, and kissing or caressing them will actually LOWER the hate they have towards you.

Now, it can feel weird to see that a girl that is supposed to love being kissed looks like she's suffering from it. But once you slept with a few Japanese girls, you'll know that this is totally normal (hint : a girl that enjoys sex is vulgar).

I see, the game's code tells the truth.
I guess I got these two wrong, thanks for the info. I'm sorry for doubting the information. :alice_sorry:
By the way, I was wondering if you had found any information on [Loves to observe your reactions (反應好き)] in the game's code,
this is the one trait I'm most confused with. So far I hadn't seen anyone talking about it...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Just my guts feeling, but I'd say that repeated sessions of just one orgasm for a particular position that you want seem to work better than a long one...take it with a grain of salt though.

Did you checked out the "omakase" area? There should be all three (foreplay, service, sex) in there if there are more than four positions to use in there.

I should note that there are a couple of positions that can only be used while the girl is exhausted...

Well, I do know... I decompiled the game binaries to analyse its source code and understand its mechanics.

At the end of a H-session, you will earn some "feeling points" depending on your evaluation. This evaluation is calculated by taking into account the current state (mood) of the girl and the type of position you used the most.

Habitually, you earn really small amounts of points (less than 10) per session, except for a few cases. And you need at least 50 points in a certain feeling category for the state of the girl to change.

Also, there are corrections applied to the number of points you earn depending on the girl characteristics and personality. A "serious" girl, for example, will always lose a couple "desire points" (lewd state / red color) after each H-session.
This will slightly counter-balance the total number of points you earn (ie. each session will earn you 5 points instead of 8) so depending on the personality of the girl, reaching the maximum level can take a lot of sessions.

To top it off, there are preferences based on the personality. If you max out both "desire points" and "aversion points" of a "serious" girl (by selecting positions with red + blue background), the "aversion" will take precedence, and you will have a "hate" state (blue face), even if the girl also has max lewdness.

Of course, I will put all of my discoveries in the wiki, as soon as I finished writing and formatting them. And it's long.

Thanks guys!

Finally maxed all moods and with that all the cheevos.

It really sucks that girls don't maintain the exclusive positions when they change moods. You can't make the "ultimate partner" lol
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I guess I got these two wrong, thanks for the info. I'm sorry for doubting the information.

Don't worry : mistakes happen. I also had to double-check the code to make sure I understood those traits correctly.

By the way, I was wondering if you had found any information on [Loves to observe your reactions (反應好き)] in the game's code, this is the one trait I'm most confused with. So far I hadn't seen anyone talking about it...

You made a small typo when writing the kanji. It is spelled like that : 反応好き. Are you from China ? The kanji you use are the "traditional" ones that are only used in classical Japanese literature.

And honestly, I'm still struggling to find a proper English translation for this one.

But I know what it does : this trait means that a girl loves to service you. If you use any fellatio / paizuri / handjob position, you will receive some extra Favour (yellow) and Subordination (purple) points at the end of the session. She will also lose a few Aversion (blue) points.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

2 things:

1. Can someone tell me what the button I am pointing to in this photo does?


2. Can someone point me to the latest studio mode translation? Please tell me its only location is one Hongfire :c Pls no.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

oh thank goodness! Dont have to go to DownFIRE.com to get them :)



Everything I need to be translated in the base game is translated now :)

Studio still doesnt have a translation, correct? Just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing out on anything. Cuz I just pasted it to the folders and it still is in Japanese. Oh well. I still remember what each button does in the studio from SBPR :D
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ


Thats how my Studio looks
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Now if we could just get a VR mod for the studio, I wouldn't leave my house for a week.

Can anyone tell me what the button on the far right of the accessories menu is for? I'm on my phone so can't produce a screenshot, but its the only part of the charmaker that isn't translated.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

OK! I think I figured out my studio translation problem if anyone is having the same issue!

My "HoneySelect_64.ini" file inside of "DRIVE:\illusion\HONEYSELECT\Plugins\UITranslation\HoneySelect\Image" Has a TON of shared asset references (which is what I assume is responsible for the Ui changes we see?)



....and so on, and so on.

This is fine. I believe this is why it works so well.


My "HoneyStudio_64.ini" inside of the "DRIVE:\illusion\HONEYSELECT\Plugins\UITranslation\HoneyStudio\Image" file looks like this when I open it:



No Shared assets references made anywhere? This is why it doesnt work? I feel I am getting closer.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Can anyone tell me what the button on the far right of the accessories menu is for? I'm on my phone so can't produce a screenshot, but its the only part of the charmaker that isn't translated.
You mean in the character customizer in "Accessory xx Settings"?
If so, then that is supposed to be translated as "Copy". Are you sure you have the latest text translation?

Anyway it's to copy accessories and their customized positions. (To left / right side and to other clothing sets.)
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

You mean in the character customizer in "Accessory xx Settings"?
If so, then that is supposed to be translated as "Copy". Are you sure you have the latest text translation?

Anyway it's to copy accessories and their customized positions. (To left / right side and to other clothing sets.)

Ah, thank you. I may need to update my translation files.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ


My "HoneyStudio_64.ini" inside of the "DRIVE:\illusion\HONEYSELECT\Plugins\UITranslation\HoneyStudio\Image" file looks like this when I open it:



No Shared assets references made anywhere? This is why it doesnt work? I feel I am getting closer.
Thats fine because there is no image translation for the studio (yet.)
But since the only button images used in the studio are for the map selection and for the exit dialog, it's not a big deal. Everything else is translated by the text translation.
Make sure that your Plugins\UITranslation\Translation.ini is fine. It should look something like:

Edit: fixed the last line in CODE.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Mine looks a bit different from yours. But it is all there.... welp. Back to square one I guess.


EDIT: other than those ini that I mentioned above in my image folder under Uitranslation, I have these in my text folder:



  • x4dKqDY.png
    15.3 KB · Views: 209
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Mine looks a bit different from yours. But it is all there.... welp. Back to square one I guess.
Your Translation.ini is fine. But I guess, I know the problem:
I think the recent update patch by Illusion also updated the dll for the studio. (under HoneyStudio_64_Data\Managed). You have to copy the dlls for the studio again from the UITranslation loader.

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