[ILLUSION] VR Kanojo (VRカノジョ)

Dr Yoshi

Mad Scientist
Nov 7, 2013

Game Information

About this Game

Game Trailer

Game Trial and Nude Hack


Download from official website - Mirror on MEGA


Original download (from Reddit) - Backup mirror
Last edited:
ar.... I just finished posting on Honey Select thread.....
Didn't see this coming....

Um..... both Rift and Vive...
I am planning to get PS-VR, just wondering with that work on PC too.
Is it just me, or do the physics on that skirt seem ultra-realistic?

I can't wait for this game. It is exactly what I've been wanting in a VR title.
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Gotta say, Illusion may finally have started to grow a pair.....or perhaps half a pair???

We all know the Illusion Grief Cycle, so I'm not getting hyped yet, but if Illusion can crack and then GROW the VR Eroge market, then more power to them.
Also this might be the sad excuse I need to justify to myself to spurge on upgrading the workstation.
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Gotta say, Illusion may finally have started to grow a pair.....or perhaps half a pair???

They grew some fucking balls of steel : VR Kanojo is now on Steam Greenlight.

The hype is real : a game from Illusion is going to be pushed on the biggest digital distribution platform. If I had a little bit more time, I would write a wall-of-text to start the discussion about how disruptive this is.
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They grew some fucking balls of steel : VR Kanojo is now on Steam Greenlight.

The hype is real : a game from Illusion is going to be pushed on the biggest digital distribution platform. If I had a little bit more time, I would write a wall-of-text to start the discussion about how disruptive this is.

Wtf? Illusion should not be on Steam. Those two worlds do not need to mix.

This also leads me to believe that this game will be 'PG' rated.
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Wtf? Illusion should not be on Steam. Those two worlds do not need to mix.

This also leads me to believe that this game will be 'PG' rated.

My thoughts exactly...though I doubt I'll have VR (or any platform remotely powerful enough to support) within the future to come...nor do I want to have anything to do with it.
This also leads me to believe that this game will be 'PG' rated.
Even if the game is adult only, international release means no kinky stuff (rape, training, monsters, and so on), no loli/shota: just plain lovey dovey vanilla sex scenes.
It's good to see them out of their cocoon, given their talent, but they will probably be super prudent to avoid another shitstorm, even if the international adult market has indeed grown some balls lately, and does give less a fuck as before to censor crazy people.
I can’t believe this industry is moving so fast.

I anticipated what is currently happening during Summer 2015, and briefly talked about it at the end of one of those beefy walls-of-text I posted on HF :

Dr Yoshi said:
I believe this market to reach maturity in the next decade, even if it stays a niche. Until now, it was closely tied to the Japanese domestic one, but eroge are slowly gaining attention in the West, drastically raising the number of potential customers. Furthermore, the gaming industry is currently having some kind of a revolution : thanks to digital distribution, crowdfunding and the availability of cheap, user-friendly game engines, game development is in its democratisation phase, allowing the rise of a new generation of indie studios. Some of those indies will be (and already are) developing erotic games.

Lastly, general availability of VR headsets and GPUs powerful enough to handle them smoothly is around the corner. This is going to be a game changer. Adult content providers always have been early adopters, sometimes even pioneers (look at the history of the printing press, VHS, Internet, e-commerce or streaming) and virtual reality isn't going to be an exception. This is going to be a powerful drive for the 3D eroge industry (and アイワン, the mother company of Illusion has been leading the way).

So, this market has a huge potential for globalisation. With a bit of luck, the emergence of West-based H-game companies could push the Japanese ones to open to foreign customers, thus setting new standards and stimulating the competition. This is going to take time, but it's definitely a scenario I can see happening. The unicorns are far away, but not totally out of reach.

This "prediction" was actually rather simple and obvious. Basically, my thought process was :

  • VR is coming. And currently, its "killer-app" is adult entertainment. Everyone and their dog want some full-featured 3D VR porn.
  • Thanks to the "Indie Revolution" in game development, we're seeing more and more Western gamedevs building adult games.
  • Japanese companies will soon jump on the bandwagon, following the way that Indies are paving, in order to keep their leading position in the adult-gaming scene.
  • And we'll ultimately see the dawn of a golden age in adult entertainment.

I was pretty sure that Illusion would be one of the frontrunner, since they have a lot of experience in the field and have been active in every conference and event about Unity and VR in the Tokyo Area for the past few years. But I wouldn't have guessed that they'll move so fast.

I was anticipating them to wait for VR and adult gaming to be a little more "mainstream" in the West before making their move, and thus expecting 3 to 5 years of delay before seeing them trying to push a title to the global market. But less than two years after, while VR is still its in infancy, here they come already.

And it's a really bold move.

Wtf? Illusion should not be on Steam. Those two worlds do not need to mix.

This also leads me to believe that this game will be 'PG' rated.

This is the trial version. And actually, this is a really good way to advertise their game : they put a PG-13 demo of their title on Steam in order to tempt players into buying the full (uncensored ?) version on their website.

They could even follow the "Nekopara Route" and release the game and adult content separately.

By the way, you probably noticed that they announced this game the exact same day that PSVR is released. With "Summer Lesson" from Namco Bandai being one of the launch titles. While this game is largely inspired by the aforementioned game. They are doing everything they can to give this game a LOT of visibility.

Even if the game is adult only, international release means no kinky stuff (rape, training, monsters, and so on), no loli/shota: just plain lovey dovey vanilla sex scenes.
It's good to see them out of their cocoon, given their talent, but they will probably be super prudent to avoid another shitstorm, even if the international adult market has indeed grown some balls lately, and does give less a fuck as before to censor crazy people.

I already see the shitstorm coming : Western developers are small crowdfunded studios without any history of censorship that can fly under the radar, while Illusion is a well-known Japanese adult entertainment mastodon that already has quite a big number of detractors... and keeps on publishing games with underage characters.

It's obvious : the heroine from VR Kanojo is a teen. A virgin schoolgirl, still wearing her staple uniform, who is way below legal age in a large amount of Occidental countries. There may not be rape in this title, but I'm pretty sure we're going to see a lot of feminist and kid protection associations going crazy before this year ends.

That's why I thought they would wait a few years before going international. To let any other developer act as a guinea pig and face the teething troubles related to adult gaming publishing in the West. For them to go nuts like this and put their game on Steam and have trailers on Youtube is quite surprising.

My thoughts exactly...though I doubt I'll have VR (or any platform remotely powerful enough to support) within the future to come...nor do I want to have anything to do with it.

You're going to miss a lot of fun things if you don't want to give VR a try at all. This is going to end up being one of the favoured way to consume entertainment.

Especially that kind of entertainment that doesn't need to be shared with your friends and family. Like all the adult stuff.

And, let's be honest : VR H-games are awesome. Just toying with modded Illusion titles via a heavily hacked Cardboard + Trinus combo already blew my mind, and with this new announcement, I don't believe I'll be able to wait until Christmas before buying myself a Vive (I resisted so far).

Just ask AK420 if he could return to "flat" H-games now that he got a taste of how it feels to "see" the girls as real-sized 3D virtual beings.

To top it off, it seems this game has a nice production value. The animations seem great, the graphics are way better than usual (and they didn't fail at lighting the scene this time), the voice actress sounds real nice and they even made an exclusive BGM for it (instead of rehashing the same old melodies).
I'll definitely buy it to support their effort, even if the content is limited to a few up-skirt pantsu-shots and a couple lame game like that Pocky one. This is a game from their Kanojo Series after all, so I don't expect them to make anything better that what they did 7 years ago (Real Kanojo was far from being one of their best title and only had a few scenes per girl).
Just ask AK420 if he could return to "flat" H-games now that he got a taste of how it feels to "see" the girls as real-sized 3D virtual beings.


The only problem now is that I need to touch them...
You're going to miss a lot of fun things if you don't want to give VR a try at all. This is going to end up being one of the favoured way to consume entertainment.

Especially that kind of entertainment that doesn't need to be shared with your friends and family. Like all the adult stuff.

And, let's be honest : VR H-games are awesome. Just toying with modded Illusion titles via a heavily hacked Cardboard + Trinus combo already blew my mind, and with this new announcement, I don't believe I'll be able to wait until Christmas before buying myself a Vive (I resisted so far).

Just ask AK420 if he could return to "flat" H-games now that he got a taste of how it feels to "see" the girls as real-sized 3D virtual beings.

To top it off, it seems this game has a nice production value. The animations seem great, the graphics are way better than usual (and they didn't fail at lighting the scene this time), the voice actress sounds real nice and they even made an exclusive BGM for it (instead of rehashing the same old melodies).
I'll definitely buy it to support their effort, even if the content is limited to a few up-skirt pantsu-shots and a couple lame game like that Pocky one. This is a game from their Kanojo Series after all, so I don't expect them to make anything better that what they did 7 years ago (Real Kanojo was far from being one of their best title and only had a few scenes per girl).

Alas, we have different set of needs, circumstances, economic conditions, social conditions, etcetra, etcetra...
This "prediction" was actually rather simple and obvious. Basically, my thought process was :

  • VR is coming. And currently, its "killer-app" is adult entertainment. Everyone and their dog want some full-featured 3D VR porn.
  • Thanks to the "Indie Revolution" in game development, we're seeing more and more Western gamedevs building adult games.
  • Japanese companies will soon jump on the bandwagon, following the way that Indies are paving, in order to keep their leading position in the adult-gaming scene.
  • And we'll ultimately see the dawn of a golden age in adult entertainment.
Also, from what I heard, Japanese (h)gaming industry is in an economic crisis, and needs to go global to not disappear, simply.

I already see the shitstorm coming : Western developers are small crowdfunded studios without any history of censorship that can fly under the radar, while Illusion is a well-known Japanese adult entertainment mastodon that already has quite a big number of detractors... and keeps on publishing games with underage characters.

It's obvious : the heroine from VR Kanojo is a teen. A virgin schoolgirl, still wearing her staple uniform, who is way below legal age in a large amount of Occidental countries. There may not be rape in this title, but I'm pretty sure we're going to see a lot of feminist and kid protection associations going crazy before this year ends.

That's why I thought they would wait a few years before going international. To let any other developer act as a guinea pig and face the teething troubles related to adult gaming publishing in the West. For them to go nuts like this and put their game on Steam and have trailers on Youtube is quite surprising.
It's kind of true, but this isn't blatant loli, nor having any darker (and more interesting ^^) fetishes, so I guess it's in the gray area. (I can't believe I'm arguing about the age of a bunch of pixels BTW, what a world to live in :sowwy:).
Also, even if it was a full fleshed obvious MILF, haters will hate, so...
And even so, I guess the market is so big now, so diverse, and somewhat more mature, that a shitstorm like the one for rapelay will be less likely IMO.

You're going to miss a lot of fun things if you don't want to give VR a try at all. This is going to end up being one of the favoured way to consume entertainment.

Especially that kind of entertainment that doesn't need to be shared with your friends and family. Like all the adult stuff.

And, let's be honest : VR H-games are awesome. Just toying with modded Illusion titles via a heavily hacked Cardboard + Trinus combo already blew my mind, and with this new announcement, I don't believe I'll be able to wait until Christmas before buying myself a Vive (I resisted so far).
I personally tried the Oculus Rift (the last one before the official release), and it was still blurry, but definitely awesome to go around and explore the scenes in the Play Club Studio. Some kind of voyeur wonderland ^^

A good choice is to wait for the second generation Vive and Oculus to buy them (and the computer to run them properly) IMO.
I'm like you, I'm trying to be patient (and I don't have the money anyway to buy all of that).
Interesting move, though I think it'll probably be softcore (esp. considering Steam Greenlight), so not the usual Illusion game. Even so, I still look forward to play it on my CV1.

If you think it won't be softcore, please link a Steam game which isn't. Thanks.
Interesting move, though I think it'll probably be softcore (esp. considering Steam Greenlight), so not the usual Illusion game. Even so, I still look forward to play it on my CV1.

If you think it won't be softcore, please link a Steam game which isn't. Thanks.

Well, hello there stranger. How've you been?

I totally agree with you on this one, I have a strong feeling that this will be a tame release.

But, I do feel that Illusion is taking the right steps in jumping on the VR bandwagon now. Pretty soon the market will be saturated with titles like this now that they are paving the road.
Interesting move, though I think it'll probably be softcore (esp. considering Steam Greenlight), so not the usual Illusion game. Even so, I still look forward to play it on my CV1.

If you think it won't be softcore, please link a Steam game which isn't. Thanks.

I agree that the Steam version will be softcore, but that doesn't say anything about a separate international or patched version.

NEKOPARA & the Sakura games are all precedents of that. All of them are on Steam, and the hardcore versions continue to work on Steam just fine.

Also, VR allows a bit more... flexibility in what defines softcore & hardcore, by the simple fact that you are in full control of your own actions as a participant in the scene itself. That sounds fully creepy I realize. :P
Also, from what I heard, Japanese (h)gaming industry is in an economic crisis, and needs to go global to not disappear, simply.

It is not as bad as you picture it, but there's truth to that.

Since the "Bubble Era", the Japanese economy suffered quite the decline. The population is ageing, and the younger generations don't have as much money as their elders, so the Japanese spend less and less on entertainment. From videogames to movies to anime to music, all the sales numbers are steadily falling down.

Even though, there's still a lot of money to make in Japan. The sale figures may decrease, but they were so insanely high in the first place that there's still a lot of room before a total collapse. We're talking about the second largest "First World" economy, after all.
And the Japanese economy is really "domestic". When it comes to local productions, like anime or eroge (and even food like Kobe beef or Yubari melons), they're used to rely on business models based on low volumes and high prices, thanks to rabid fans ready to pour big money on their favourite stuff. They know how to survive with little sales.

So, the eroge industry is not actually dying, but rather stuck in an economic limbo : as long as they stay domestic, they won't totally shut down, but won't grow either due to the economic depression. That's why they need to go global : not to fight for their survival, but as a mean to retrieve some much needed growth. It's a small but subtle difference.

It's kind of true, but this isn't blatant loli, nor having any darker (and more interesting ^^) fetishes, so I guess it's in the gray area. (I can't believe I'm arguing about the age of a bunch of pixels BTW, what a world to live in).

Don't you know ? Titties are magic.

Create any imaginary creature, any digital character, and you'll be able to do whatever you want to them : slaughter them like pigs, send them flying, kill them by the thousands, capture and confine them in small spaces to raise them like pets... Anything is possible ! And everything is fun !

But as soon as you put some titties on them, you materialise them. You make them real people with real rights. That is the magic of the titties.

Or at least, that's how I understand it. Any other explanation would make much less sense than that.

Also, even if it was a full fleshed obvious MILF, haters will hate, so...
And even so, I guess the market is so big now, so diverse, and somewhat more mature, that a shitstorm like the one for rapelay will be less likely IMO.

That's the issue : haters are gonna hate. And when haters hate, they use anything they can to dirty the target of their loathing. And here, with the teeny look and the schoolgirl uniform, Illusion simply gave them some munitions. A stick that haters will sure use to try to beat them.

There are reasons why even big studios like Koei Tecmo or Namco Bandai don't sell all their games in the West. And they're pretty open about it : they don't like the "climate" that is currently trending in Occident, with SJW shitting on everything that may feature sexualisation of female characters and politicians ready to jump on the bandwagon to get a bit of publicity.

We'll see how everything plays out. They may fail in the end, but I'm sure that there will be attempts to get this game banned and censored. There may even be some successes. Let observe the political reaction to this game in countries like France, UK, Australia...

But, I do feel that Illusion is taking the right steps in jumping on the VR bandwagon now. Pretty soon the market will be saturated with titles like this now that they are paving the road.

Indeed. But I can't help but feeling uneasy. We saw so much shitstorm over nothing during the last few years that having such a controversial company as Illusion as the front-runner for VR adult-gaming may end up being a prejudice.

If SJWs decide to start a war on VR, it can be disastrous. Even if the VR community is really welcoming toward Illusion, we don't know how the big companies behind VR will react. I'm sure they don't want their multi-billion dollars market to be stained. I'm sure that big players like Facebook or Google don't want their platform to host games from a company that is known for rape simulations featuring underage girls.

But alienating the silent majority in order not to hurt the feelings of a vocal minority could also backslash. This could lead to interesting outcomes.

Interesting move, though I think it'll probably be softcore (esp. considering Steam Greenlight), so not the usual Illusion game. Even so, I still look forward to play it on my CV1.
I totally agree with you on this one, I have a strong feeling that this will be a tame release.

The title that is on Steam is just the demo.

If you remember how "Real Kanojo" played out, you first had some kind of branched storyline with simple yes/no questions, silly mini-games and a few panty shots. You changed location a couple time and, in the end, you had the sex scene, with different scenarios (location and positions) based on your choices.
This title will be really similar. It is from the same series, after all. And Real Kanojo already had some "fake VR" features like stereoscopic 3D and "head-controlled" interactions (you could even zoom simply by approaching the screen / camera). I'm pretty sure it will follow the same kind of progression pattern.

What is going to happen is pretty obvious : in the demo, you'll only have the first "date" with the girl. A short introduction sequence that settles and sells the game, with just a few upskirt takes, questions and games.
And you'll have to buy the full game for the rest, that will feature all the following "dates", probably with a progressive escalation in sexual content (groping, fondling, foreplay, etc...).

Honestly, I don't think that they will chicken out and sell a "no sex allowed" title. It is branded as an adult game, and in the "product" info at the end of its website, they clearly states that it is "Adults only, or 18 and older". And when a Japanese publisher says "adult", there's no ambiguity : it's porn (like in adult games, adult anime or adult videos).

I agree that the Steam version will be softcore, but that doesn't say anything about a separate international or patched version.

NEKOPARA & the Sakura games are all precedents of that. All of them are on Steam, and the hardcore versions continue to work on Steam just fine.

That's another possibility. In my previous message (higher on this page), I stated that "they could even follow the "Nekopara Route" and release the game and adult content separately."

A free demo and a "softcore" game sold on Steam. While they publish a patch to add the sexual content on their website. It could work. I could even lead to some massive sales.

And if a shitstorm is coming, and they're asked to censor the game, they could even go the "unofficial patch route". Just like JAST did with games like Starless and Shiny Days, that they had to censor in the West due to zoophilia, scatology and lolicon. They published a "restoration patch" that they distributed via torrents, while saying : "Oh, it's not us. This is just some community-made uncensored content that has nothing to do with us. Use it at your own risk."

Even so, I still look forward to play it on my CV1.

I hope you'll give us some feedback. If you can do so, and AK420 too, we'll have an idea of how the game runs with the two major headsets currently available.

A good choice is to wait for the second generation Vive and Oculus to buy them (and the computer to run them properly) IMO.
I'm like you, I'm trying to be patient (and I don't have the money anyway to buy all of that).

I'm a PC gamer and a hobbyist gamedev, so I have a VR-ready PC and enough budget for a headset. And each and every time I launch UE4, I'm thinking to myself : "And how would this look like in VR ?"

I know that the best choice is to wait for second-gen hardware. It will be better and cheaper. It will have extended compatibility, nicer features and the game library will be much larger.

But we're talking about virtual waifu. Right here, right now. Waiting is a torture when I think about all the cool things I could do with such an equipment. So, when the Vive is going to be available on Amazon in my country, I don't know if I'll be able to resist the urges to blow my mind with custom-made VR girls.
But we're talking about virtual waifu. Right here, right now. Waiting is a torture when I think about all the cool things I could do with such an equipment. So, when the Vive is going to be available on Amazon in my country, I don't know if I'll be able to resist the urges to blow my mind with custom-made VR girls.

You wouldn't regret it one bit. EusthEnoptEron's Vive support is unbelievably good, and all these latest three games PlayClub, SexyBeach & Honey*Select are all completely different from 2D and pretty much *shocking* experiences in room-scale VR (Dryne11 did SB, but the core VRGIN library is Eusth's).

I don't think it's possible to feel buyer's remorse with the Vive, especially considering that you'd be on track for version 3 of the hardware (if you resist V2 that is), which should prove to be something completely different than just a rez bump.
Don't you know ? Titties are magic.
hehe, lol! :D

The title that is on Steam is just the demo.
hmm, I tend to disagree and think they aim for the full game to be on Steam.

If you remember how "Real Kanojo" played out, you first had some kind of branched storyline with simple yes/no questions, silly mini-games and a few panty shots. You changed location a couple time and, in the end, you had the sex scene, with different scenarios (location and positions) based on your choices.
This title will be really similar. It is from the same series, after all. And Real Kanojo already had some "fake VR" features like stereoscopic 3D and "head-controlled" interactions (you could even zoom simply by approaching the screen / camera). I'm pretty sure it will follow the same kind of progression pattern.

What is going to happen is pretty obvious : in the demo, you'll only have the first "date" with the girl. A short introduction sequence that settles and sells the game, with just a few upskirt takes, questions and games.
And you'll have to buy the full game for the rest, that will feature all the following "dates", probably with a progressive escalation in sexual content (groping, fondling, foreplay, etc...).

Honestly, I don't think that they will chicken out and sell a "no sex allowed" title. It is branded as an adult game, and in the "product" info at the end of its website, they clearly states that it is "Adults only, or 18 and older". And when a Japanese publisher says "adult", there's no ambiguity : it's porn (like in adult games, adult anime or adult videos).
I doubt any of those scenarios. An adult title on Steam is by definition softcore (meaning no genitals). We once had a similar discussion about making up features in the SBPR pre-release discussion and you respected that I was using Occham's razor and again I think I'll just put my bet on the most simple feature set. :) I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. At least we have this great community and skilled modders that most likely will "fix" the game for us if it is at least decent. :P

I see that the demo is out today and I hope that I can find some time during the weekend for trying it out and I'll give you guys some feedback on how it runs/works on the CV1.
Oh crap, I didn't realize that the demo was out. I will check it out today and drop my feedback in here later on.
Tried the demo, and was mostly disappointed, especially in comparison to EusthEnoptEron's room-scale Illusion mods.

* It's not designed for room-scale, or for the Vive. Selections are made by gaze direction. You don't see your controllers at all, and their only function is to use the trigger like a mouse button.
* Your viewpoint is mostly locked, you cannot teleport to change your frame of reference in the room. You can move around in your space, but she is often just outside of the roomscale boundaries for a given scene.
* The demo is time-limited for each scene and highly scripted. There's no sandbox. I'm left wondering if there will be any sandbox mode at all, or if the full game will be on rails as well.
* There's not a whole lot of time to appreciate the situation or the model, as the demo is constantly cycling over and over again.
* Her eyes. They are horrific. Too huge. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes... Shark's in the water... Kanojo's in the water... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUuH4TEmgLo

But hey, you gotta start somewhere. Props to Illusion for doing something interesting. It'll be a fun diversion.
So, the demo is out. Here are the download links :


- Download from official website
- Mirror on MEGA

hmm, I tend to disagree and think they aim for the full game to be on Steam.

There are three plausible scenari :

  1. They plan to release a full-featured adult game and putting it on Steam was simply a publicity stunt. The same kind of stunt as announcing the game the very same day Summer Lesson was released while being blatantly inspired from it. They did it as a way to make sure everybody understood that they're planning for a worldwide release, in case having an English-translated website with subtitled videos wasn't enough.
  2. They took inspiration from the dozens of titles released by Sekai Project on Steam and plan to release at least two versions of the game. A free demo, or a "softcore" edition that is available worldwide on Steam and an "adult version" that will be sold on their website (and may go "Japan Only" if the shit hits the fan).
  3. They plan the game to be a "girlfriend experience" that doesn't feature any sex scenes, so that they can actually publish the full version on Steam. It will basically be a PC version of Summer Lesson with a bit more panties.

I ordered those three scenari by the probability I see them happening. I really doubt that Illusion is determined to publish their title on Steam, and I believe this move to be more of an afterthought, a cheap and easy way to advertise their game.

Because they're not that adamant to get their title on Steam, when you think about it. In their latest announcement they conclude by : "We are really sorry. We couldn't complete the Steam registration, so please follow this link (to our site) to download the demo".
And I call bullshit on that one : you don't need VR games to get "greenlit". Valve is currently welcoming any kind of VR content (even shovelware) to build their catalogue : you don't need to get any acknowledgement for the Steam Community, and their team is really responsive when it comes to validating new titles (we're talking less than a day).

So, if they really wanted it to be released, they could simply have bypassed the whole "Greenlight" process. But they wouldn't have had all the hype and publicity that comes from it.

I doubt any of those scenarios. An adult title on Steam is by definition softcore (meaning no genitals). We once had a similar discussion about making up features in the SBPR pre-release discussion and you respected that I was using Occham's razor and again I think I'll just put my bet on the most simple feature set. :) I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. At least we have this great community and skilled modders that most likely will "fix" the game for us if it is at least decent. :P

It depends on how you see it.

We have a company that never made a single "softcore" game during the last two decades, that is releasing a new game that they labelled as a "VR adult game" with a webpage that features META keywords such as "adult, ero, hentai" as well as a good old "18禁". A company that is known in Japan as the front-runner in VR "adult" entertainment, has been participating in all the "hentai-oriented" conventions around Tokyo, is sending their PR team on NicoNico live shows to talk about VR sex and is having their dev publish their vision of future adult entertainment on big outlets like ASCII, with a strong emphasis on sexual content.

So, what should the razor cut, here ? If there is an incompatibility between "sex" and "Steam", what do you believe Illusion will ditch ?

Especially since here, we're not speaking about a features list, but the very core of what Illusion games stand for : sex. It's not like we were speculating about having room-scale interactive H-scenes with gesture controls (which won't be in the game).

Tried the demo, and was mostly disappointed, especially in comparison to EusthEnoptEron's room-scale Illusion mods.

* It's not designed for room-scale, or for the Vive. Selections are made by gaze direction. You don't see your controllers at all, and their only function is to use the trigger like a mouse button.
* Your viewpoint is mostly locked, you cannot teleport to change your frame of reference in the room. You can move around in your space, but she is often just outside of the roomscale boundaries for a given scene.
* The demo is time-limited for each scene and highly scripted. There's no sandbox. I'm left wondering if there will be any sandbox mode at all, or if the full game will be on rails as well.
* There's not a whole lot of time to appreciate the situation or the model, as the demo is constantly cycling over and over again.
* Her eyes. They are horrific. Too huge. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes... Shark's in the water... Kanojo's in the water... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUuH4TEmgLo

But hey, you gotta start somewhere. Props to Illusion for doing something interesting. It'll be a fun diversion.

Thanks for the feedback.

I think it's actually great that the game doesn't revolve around room-scale shenanigans : having to rely too much on it would prevent a lot of people to play the game (all Oculus DK owners and people that don't own Touch controllers yet).
And, well, since it's that kind of game... I don't believe it's a bad idea to design it so you can play it as a seated experience while only holding a single controller. With controls simple enough that you can use your left hand. It would be sad if the gameplay was so demanding that you simply couldn't sit down and "relax".

Also, the limited interactivity and "on rails" scripted scenes were predictable. This game is a successor of Real Kanojo, so we had to expect it would play the same : nod your head to answer her questions, take a peek at her panties, nod some more, play some stupid mini-game, have sex. Done. It will probably a game that you can "finish" in less than 30 minutes.
If what you want is some kind of sexual tamagotchi that can perform multiple activities without having to follow a predefined sequence, and offers plenty of replayability, you'll sadly have to wait for Illusion to announce something like Hako VR or Jinkou Kanojo (I would definitely buy those games).

Now, there are issues that I keep hearing about : not-so-great performances, terrible aliasing, and quite a few "uncanny moments" because of her big hands, her big eyes, and animation stiffness. But those are diluted in a sea of massively positive impressions.

Can you detail a bit more ? I'd like to hear about things like scale, for example, as well as lightning and texture quality. How does the girl look, except for her big black eyes ?

I see that the demo is out today and I hope that I can find some time during the weekend for trying it out and I'll give you guys some feedback on how it runs/works on the CV1.
Oh crap, I didn't realize that the demo was out. I will check it out today and drop my feedback in here later on.

Thank you. I'm on the edge with this one, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this case. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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On the first page someone said the words illusion and polished , I was about to point out that those two words don't go together, Since the very beginning when I tried my first Illusion game AG2 i've been terribly disappointed(yes not just disappointed but terribly) I mean even then games like oblivion already existed and so i was expecting something maybe with not as much graphics or sophistication but at some level past the late 90's with a central focus on hentai.

There's been little improvement since though finally at least the visuals and system were improved but the h part which is what separates and is unique about these games has not,with these guys it's always 2 steps forward 3 or 4 back,you had an open world in HM and then it's gone in the next title,you had the ability to make some fighting moves in heroin then gone(forgot the name of game,the one with sefi) , could have maybe gone further and maybe come up with custom h positions,or obviously expanded upon the open world if not at the time then later.

as i said the important part of these games is the H,something anyone making one of these titles should keep in mind,whether it's and rpg maker game or a game made with a text system like inform,the point is H ,if i wanted to prioritize story i could play any number of big scope rpg or read a book watch a film

I've played games from this genre and they have an variable amount of investment in conventional game mechanics but the hook of what brought in players in to play them initially is not nearly as well represented, basically a pic here or unsatisfying line of text there describing the scene, usually if repeatable it's the same scene and pic or same text at which point the h in game is more a novelty than feature which makes playing such a title pointless.

I've trailed off so back to this new VR Kanojo,after contemplating the words illusion and polished used in the same sentence i decided to see the vid i was actually surprised by how fluid it looked, plus i like the sweet normal cheery feeling of it,I'm not really into the darker things so any loss of ahago or bdsm or whatever is no loss to me

Animation looked good,theme was innocent and normal , physics looked ok so at that time i left open the possibility that perhaps they might be trying to improve their stuff...not that i thought it likely,then i read some reviews of the demo you guys made and was not really surprised.

DR Yoshi summed up some good points of what their game plan might be, here's an older point I'll make that's been said before, they don't really need to improve too much as their actual market keeps buying their product anyway(no i'm not sure of the numbers)

Hope i did not ramble on...

PS. Is the demo playable without vr?(normal pc screen)

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