- 2 Fire FX (red & blue)
- 1 Lightning FX
- 1 Water FX
Uncompress into your HS folder.
All effects are under the Hand Accessory section.
Not sure how it'll perform on lower end machines (especially the fire) but if it doesn't work or super laggy, then that's one of the reason.
this one is limited because it's a rendered effect and not a mesh object like Lightning or Water. It can't resize or be colored (hence the blue version). The effect is similar to the Light Bulb in studio, where you can scale the lightbulb (which is a mesh) but the glowing effect stays the same.
You can however scale the Heat Wave effect (where stuff looks melty & wavy due to the heat)

scale it all the way down to remove the heat distortion OR scale it up to magnify the effect.
Lightning & Water can be scaled and colored (well tinted, see above) since they're mesh with effect applied to them.
Scale them on the X to make them project from the hands. Had some weird, internal reflection issues with the water (guess it doesn't like to be in a ball) but think I fix the huge ones, there might still be some weird reflection at certain angles. I don't really have anything to compare it to since every water surface in the game is flat.
Works in studio too, but fire is temperamental. It'll extinguish if you have a background image (so can't save a card with background frame) and in studio it'll sometime extinguish during map changes. You'll have to change outfits till it comes back.
Will add more effects later since some requires more tweaking than these.


pw: 3y76
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