Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Damn the ideas floating around this thread... we might as well band together and form a "A-S NTR Bro" Circle and make the stupidest ideas come alive. :P
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Did anyone find the scans for (C91) [50on! (Aiue Oka)] Saimin Seishidou 2 Kurashiki Reina no Baai? I've been waiting for it be uploaded but so far it hasn't :(
Could you tell me where can I find NTR futanari? It's really rare, so sugestions are welcome.

I think futanari NTR mystery game would be awesome, I don't know for the life of me why they don't make it. since developers experiment with the weirdest and stupidest ideas in order to find something new that fans would like (with variable results). They could pretty well do a futanari NTR mystery, instead of the bullshit they come up with. Imagine you as the MC trying to figure out who is banging your girlfriend, and when the MC discards all the posibles suspects, he finds out that the NTRer is actually her best girl friend, that can actually fuck her like the MC could never even dream of. SOOO HOOOOT.
This one? is male on futa, not futa on female unless I'm forgetting something.

I've seen the futa-on-female NTRish scenario before, but it's either not core to the game or simply not worth solely playing for anyway.

There are better examples of it in manga/doujini/standalone CGs, but I don't have names off-hand.

Exhentai should introduce a "dickgirl on female" tag and vice versa akin to the "dickgirl on dickgirl", "dickgirl on male" and "male on dickgirl" tags they already have.
Oh , i never find game with that premise. Only found some image series in Pixiv, but i forgot the artist too haha
Could you tell me where can I find NTR futanari? It's really rare, so sugestions are welcome.

I think futanari NTR mystery game would be awesome, I don't know for the life of me why they don't make it. since developers experiment with the weirdest and stupidest ideas in order to find something new that fans would like (with variable results). They could pretty well do a futanari NTR mystery, instead of the bullshit they come up with. Imagine you as the MC trying to figure out who is banging your girlfriend, and when the MC discards all the posibles suspects, he finds out that the NTRer is actually her best girl friend, that can actually fuck her like the MC could never even dream of. SOOO HOOOOT.

Totally agree, as long as the futanari is only the ntr girl.
Btw new title just surfaced on the sharing scene. Migawari From the title, it sounds like a girl becoming a teacher's fuck toy for the sake of her best friend. But is there NTR elements or is it just pure blackmail eroge. /hmm
Btw new title just surfaced on the sharing scene. Migawari From the title, it sounds like a girl becoming a teacher's fuck toy for the sake of her best friend. But is there NTR elements or is it just pure blackmail eroge. /hmm

nah...not ntr

new noraneko koubou with osananajimi ntr hypeee... this artist ntr game is on point lately with the last cg followed by this one, hopefully the translation will come quickly too because the last one only took 1-2 week to get translated :D:D
The question is: How much NTR elements has this game?
It allows you to choose what you want to be.
The basic premise is MC fucking someone else wife. That's netori if you take the correct choices.

Screw it up willing or not and you will get netorare routes.
I'm here from time to time but mostly lurk now a days. mostly download the NTR games but never get around to playing them D: good seeing you back thou ^^

Prettz! I'm so glad to see that you're hanging around. I really missed being here, glad to see the O.G. members and the new bloods gush over our NTR Curse. Anyway I'm still setting up my library of games recently I got most of them hunted down. My problem is however when I start the NTR Bancho game( it gives me an error: i translated the Japanese text, it says "script file not found" 00.txt line:1. i never seen this error, could someone help me with this? Also was there a Hentai Purge? Because I'm going through Hell finding some of the games that was recommended to me?
My problem is however when I start the NTR Bancho game( it gives me an error: i translated the Japanese text, it says "script file not found" 00.txt line:1. i never seen this error, could someone help me with this?

If i recall correctly the guy who put one of the torrent on nyaa added his name / the name of his site at the beginning of every files, you have to remove this.

Also was there a Hentai Purge? Because I'm going through Hell finding some of the games that was recommended to me?

The whole wani catalog is owned by fak ku, making it really hard to find but it only concern manga. The torrents run out of sources pretty quickly but I'm not aware of any purge in the last few years.
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Anyone knows any news about Heartful Maman?
Is it going to have DRM?

Any chance you can explain the chart a little?
I'm still working on my katakana/hiragana, kanji is a far away dream.

i cant read it either but i've done a bit of research last month.

The game plays very similar to Tsumamigui 3, their last game.

The main character has a phobia of females and passes out if he gets too close to them. His father remarries and the MC gets close with his new wife when the father goes away. The good route is Netori. You get a set amount of days to complete the story but if it's like Tsumamigui 3, you can complete a route within 70% of that so timing shouldnt be restrictive.

Every day you get 5 choices of what you want to do. You can spend it with the wife to progress the netori route, or you can do other stuff. Occasionally when you do other stuff, the wife will spend the time with one of the three purple characters in that chart for one of the three NTR endings. To make it difficult, if you spend too much time with the wife you need to have a break and do something else. If you're unlucky (lucky) the next time you need a break will also be when she meets one of those NTR characters.

There's also the other heroine whom i didn't find too much information about. Your her childhood friend and senpai and she loves you, but she was forced to marry into another family. I imagine she also has a Netori and NTR route as I do recall seeing CG between both her and her husband, and her and the MC.
My problem is however when I start the NTR Bancho game( it gives me an error: i translated the Japanese text, it says "script file not found" 00.txt line:1. i never seen this error, could someone help me with this?

Hmm. Hard to troubleshoot without some more details so lets start off with a basic comparison since the error feels more about missing data.. Here is a screenshot of my own copy. Have a look and see if there are any size differences.

Also here is the screenshot of the size of "nsa" folder.


My copy is running just fine with the present data size so any size difference will tell us if the issue is with a corrupt/incomplete copy or not.

Also was there a Hentai Purge? Because I'm going through Hell finding some of the games that was recommended to me?

No witch hunt. Just normal dying of sources. Most Torrents that are barely 1 to 2 years old are hanging on with 1 to 10 seeders and this is from reputed uploaders like 2.D.J.F and girlcelly. Other uploaders like NewDragon do upload random titles from time time but their torrents die within a few months.

Some uploaders share stuff through direct hosting sites like uploaded, rapidgator, bigfile etc. because they pay them every time someone downloads their links. Unfortunately most of these hosts are crap for free users. Plenty issues like slow speed, download breaking with no resume facility, no file manager support etc. Plus copyright agencies are so far down the throat of these hosts that these links don't survive past 3 to 5 months. Prime example is biohrd uploader who made more enemies than friends so much that people report his uploads plenty just for the heck of it. Sadly it is fans like us who suffer since asking for a re-upload falls on deaf ears most of the time. Still there are few other uploaders like Shine, Otokonoko and others who re-upload their stuff most of the time if requested.

Sadly in the end better reliable sources like mega, mediafire, zippy who are most free user friendly and known to keep files floating for a good amount of time are generally ignored just because they don't pay diddly-squat from their links.

Anyways let me know if you are looking for specific titles. If I have them I'll upload em for you and for our other NTR brethren.
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My 50 cent to AliceSoft's は~とふるママン:

It's simply fantastic. Art AND Gameplay (this was a surprise here)
F*ckin buy it. (or wait/download)

The protagonist's father finds a new soon to be wife, and you get 55 days to control everyone's destiny.
I thought it would be all about netori, but actually it feels more like a traditional cheating story (the dad is gone most of the week, and returns only for weekends, his presence is weak and ignorable) IF you go for the fiancee/soon to be mother.
This route is just a master peace. I mean there are so many games where they fall in love in 10min and go right to the "action".
THis game takes it enjoyingly slow, but at a steady pace. Reminds me a lot of 妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 (GEM) where sex is an absolute taboo at first, and must be worked on. (at the end unlocking regular creampie action is hard, man, no joke lol) There are a lot of H scenes (guess because of one heroine, and one minor side character). The wife is not a shy, little girl, but mature, loving, teasing. 10/10 GOd I love her design.

Let me talk about the gameplay:
you get 55 days, to try to seduce your mother and impregnate her (for happy ending), otherwise she gets married to your father.
There's an endurance meter which can be leveled up and is used for interacting with the woman and taking her to places, and to win her affection.
Surprisingly you have to think strategically because if you just waste your endurance and hit 0, you are knocked out for the whole day which means:
you loose affection and OTHER COMPETITORS take your place.

It feels like a race, because you can see their names on the affection meter, everyone trying to knock her up. And if you go for the happy ending, do not let them pass: When their rating is higher than yours AND you see them on the map, they will always ruin your attempt for dating, take over and get a huge affection boost.
THis is where the NTR aspect is strong and kinda funny: You feel helpless and bad.
(but no worries, there's a low chance for that if you manage your endurance wisely)

Beside the competitors you also must have condoms in stocks in later affection levels, otherwise she will reject you. So you always have to plan your day.

It seems there are several routes: The fat grandfather, ugly uncle, a shota (also an uncle, the little brother of the father - JESUS THIS ROUTE IS HARD SOMEONE HELP ME), another bad end (won't spoil), and two for the other younger girl.
The younger girl has also a nice ntr mechanic, where her fat husband tries to fill up her impregnation meter, and you are forced to win the girl before it's over.

Seriously guys, this game is a gem.

A major tip for beginners to not waste your time like I did:
The affection meter on top of the map IS BAD. If this fills up, it's Game Over. It just means that you have fully accepted the woman as a mother. (I know! its strange xD) Yes, it unlocks h-scenes but it seems it will lock you out of the true ending if you level it too much.
Besides, this meter can be easily filled in a second play through
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My 50 cent to AliceSoft's は~とふるママン:

It's simply fantastic. Art AND Gameplay (this was a surprise here)
F*ckin buy it. (or wait/download)

The protagonist's father finds a new soon to be wife, and you get 55 days to control everyone's destiny.
I thought it would be all about netori, but actually it feels more like a traditional cheating story (the dad is gone most of the week, and returns only for weekends, his presence is weak and ignorable) IF you go for the fiancee/soon to be mother.
This route is just a master peace. I mean there are so many games where they fall in love in 10min and go right to the "action".
THis game takes it enjoyingly slow, but at a steady pace. Reminds me a lot of 妻の媚肉を弄る父の太い指 (GEM) where sex is an absolute taboo at first, and must be worked on. (at the end unlocking regular creampie action is hard, man, no joke lol) There are a lot of H scenes (guess because of one heroine, and one minor side character). The wife is not a shy, little girl, but mature, loving, teasing. 10/10 GOd I love her design.

Let me talk about the gameplay:
you get 55 days, to try to seduce your mother and impregnate her (for happy ending), otherwise she gets married to your father.
There's an endurance meter which can be leveled up and is used for interacting with the woman and taking her to places, and to win her affection.
Surprisingly you have to think strategically because if you just waste your endurance and hit 0, you are knocked out for the whole day which means:
you loose affection and OTHER COMPETITORS take your place.

It feels like a race, because you can see their names on the affection meter, everyone trying to knock her up. And if you go for the happy ending, do not let them pass: When their rating is higher than yours AND you see them on the map, they will always ruin your attempt for dating, take over and get a huge affection boost.
THis is where the NTR aspect is strong and kinda funny: You feel helpless and bad.
(but no worries, there's a low chance for that if you manage your endurance wisely)

Beside the competitors you also must have condoms in stocks in later affection levels, otherwise she will reject you. So you always have to plan your day.

It seems there are several routes: The fat grandfather, ugly uncle, a shota (also an uncle, the little brother of the father - JESUS THIS ROUTE IS HARD SOMEONE HELP ME), another bad end (won't spoil), and two for the other younger girl.
The younger girl has also a nice ntr mechanic, where her fat husband tries to fill up her impregnation meter, and you are forced to win the girl before it's over.

Seriously guys, this game is a gem.

A major tip for beginners to not waste your time like I did:
The affection meter on top of the map IS BAD. If this fills up, it's Game Over. It just means that you have fully accepted the woman as a mother. (I know! its strange xD) Yes, it unlocks h-scenes but it seems it will lock you out of the true ending if you level it too much.
Besides, this meter can be easily filled in a second play through

Thx for the 50 cents without spoilers xD somehow the childhood friend looks more promising to me in terms of ntr, but i will play both of course, this game have any drm like anim games ?
It feels like a race, because you can see their names on the affection meter, everyone trying to knock her up. And if you go for the happy ending, do not let them pass: When their rating is higher than yours AND you see them on the map, they will always ruin your attempt for dating, take over and get a huge affection boost.
THis is where the NTR aspect is strong and kinda funny: You feel helpless and bad.

So, are the adversaries that can gain the moms affection randomized each play-through, or does the player have control over which guys to bring into the picture to compete for her? I'm way more interested in that NTR feel that you mentioned than trying to win the mom with the MC.
I am interested in buying the new Alicesoft game, is there a site I can download it in America? Basically is there a site that won't be country blocked and accepts USD for H-Games?
Thx for the 50 cents without spoilers xD somehow the childhood friend looks more promising to me in terms of ntr, but i will play both of course, this game have any drm like anim games ?

Yeah she's cute, and her husband is so ugly and fat, that it really feels bad to see her get knocked up xP
about the DRM: yeah, it seems like it :/ At first there was this weird loading screen, but later I noticed that the game actually connected to internet. I guess you have to be online once, but not sure. (now offline works)

So, are the adversaries that can gain the moms affection randomized each play-through, or does the player have control over which guys to bring into the picture to compete for her? I'm way more interested in that NTR feel that you mentioned than trying to win the mom with the MC.

I'm still trying to figure out the adversaries' mechanic - but there are for sure certain "event" points where the same adversaries come on the map.
But yes, you still have control over which competitor gets to win because if you see a certain guy on the map, you can just ignore the wife by doing sth else like visiting some places without her.
It's actually pretty important to ignore her accordingly, to regain endurance and to buy condoms.
But don't overdo it because of another ingame mechanic: she'll lose one "star" affection - if you loose 5 stars she'll completely ignore you for one day, sometimes you can apalogize to her but sometimes you can't, it also seems to ruin her route)

I am interested in buying the new Alicesoft game, is there a site I can download it in America? Basically is there a site that won't be country blocked and accepts USD for H-Games?

you can try amazon japan or dmm (this guys are pretty nice to help out)

Does anyone have walkthrough for Heartfull Maman? I need it

God, I'm also looking for one, some routes are a PAIN to get for example the shota one. It seems like you have to do certain parts of the true route, to unlock certain conflicting events with him.
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FlyingNonagon wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, can you please re-upload the update for this game? Thank you.*lovers-初回限定版-v1-01-special-disc.1279648/
okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)