Hongfire offline?

Hello together unfortunately I can not upload here pictures I made of the element investigation on fierfox who can also be the time hongfire
Hello together unfortunately I can not upload here pictures I made of the element investigation on fierfox who can also be the time hongfire

Please avoid posting the same post when they have entered moderation please, any repeated offense in the future will result in more severe consequences. Many thanks.
Yep, I check here daily now but HF maybe only once a week. Such a shame it's being abandoned. :(

the same goes for me. HF site has not been updated since about 8 or 9 months, the banners on top still mention competitions and topics from mid 2016. After the site got hacked at least twice it never went back to what it was before. It was just put back rather lovelessly, not only by appearance, and noone seems to be really taking care of it anymore.
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It seems HF management doesn't care anymore? First the no more direct dl because server/isp policy then the hack/ddos and forum software issue.
This is getting annoying.
I wrote a question a couple of days I want answered about AA2trainer on its thread on Hongfire since I had technical issues, I solved the issue just recently though.

Still It's going to be a real shame if the site goes down forever, I browsed the site often for games people were making.
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Hello have found out over what server www.hongfire.com leaks hir 2 left first where you get the infos from http://whois.domaintools.com/hongfire.com and hir the link to the Server provider https: //www.enom .com / da means it

We're aware of a "Service Under Maintenance". We're working on it. Thanks for your patience

Google is thanks to whom you google google find everything :D
I like how this thread is the first match in Google for finding info about Hongfire's server stability. :D

Seems like HF really is ready to keel over though, this has been going on for a long time. And I just hit my 13 year membership there..:(

It seems HF management doesn't care anymore? First the no more direct dl because server/isp policy then the hack/ddos and forum software issue.

Sure seems that way. Their new redesign was awful, their side bar ads were offensive as all hell, and the server admin never even talks anymore. The only mod who ever really did anything that I saw was Inquisitor (who is a very awesome mod imo). Eh, whatever, Anime Sharing is my #1 ero game forum now.
If you do not know what is wrong with a page and nowhere information about it then I sit down and try what to find over the hosters of the sites takes however until one finds the right

But on HF are also still much active moder on the way
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Hello have found out over what server www.hongfire.com leaks hir 2 left first where you get the infos from http://whois.domaintools.com/hongfire.com and hir the link to the Server provider https: //www.enom .com / da means it

We're aware of a "Service Under Maintenance". We're working on it. Thanks for your patience
That doesn't mean what you think it does:
Enom, Inc. is Hongfire's domain name registrar. And Enom is doing maintenance on their e-mail system. This does not, however, have anything to do with the status of Hongfire which remains very much a mystery.

As for your previous screenshots:
They show that AS is working fine (though quite slow) and that you can connect to Hongfire's server, but it throws a generic error message. One would have to investigate the server what exactly went wrong. This means unless Hong takes a look and invests some time to fix things, Hongfire is likely to remain unstable/down.

Die Nachricht auf Enom bedeutet nicht was du denkst: Das "Service under Maintenance" bezieht sich auf die Webseite von Enom, Inc. (genauergenommen deren E-mail System) und hat nichts mit Hongfire zu tuen. Keiner weiß genau wie der Status von HF ist.

Und zu deinen vorrigen Screenshots:
Die zeigen, dass AS normal läuft (wenn auch langsam für dich) und das du eine Verbindung zum HF Server aufbauen kannst. Der wirft aber einen generischen Fehler—und bis Hong den analysiert und behebt wird die Seite wahrscheinlich instabil/unerreichbar bleiben.
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When Hongfire was founded about 15 years ago the people in charge were young guns, students, perhaps even pupils and such. Yet they have grown older and what is named "real life" has taken over more and more parts of their daily business, perhaps they even changed countries where they live. What was started with a lot of ambition over the years turned out to be just normal or even a millstone around their neck. Interests and hobbies are changing over the years...


Als Hongfire vor ungefähr 15 Jahren gegründet wurde, waren die Verantwortlichen Jungspunde, Studenten, vielleicht sogar nur Schüler. Sie wurden älter und das, was sich "real life" nennt, wurde mehr und mehr Teil ihres Tagesablaufs, u.U. haben sie sogar das Land gewechselt, in dem sie wohnen. Was sehr ambitioniert startete wurde über die Jahre einfach nur normal oder nun sogar vielleicht ein Klotz am Bein. Interessen und Hobbys ändern sich halt über die Jahre...
Completely okay with people getting bored with a hobby. IF that is the actual case, then they should transfer power to someone else who is not . :) Plenty of people still love Hongfire to keep it alive easily! Either that, or admit the lack of motivation for keeping the site and just shut it down instead of wasting time/money on it anymore.
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This is pretty much it. My guess, however (and this is pure speculation from a somewhat newbie user) is that the owner (this Hong, or whoever calls the shots, I don't know/care) isn't inclined to simply give away his legacy to someone else, because let's be honest HF is a name everyone in the scene knows better or worse, it's a veteran site which has a reputation no other place can compete with. For ages, it has been "the site" when it came to HGames, mods and discussions in english. Even today, being a shadow of what it once was, it generates a traffic that other, better suited websites can only dream with. And that should have some value in the world we live in.

He is no longer able to/interested in keeping the site, that's pretty much a fact at this point. But my guess is that no one has made a tempting offer to him, so he just sticks with it, hoping the site will keep running somehow, until A) he can properly take care of it again in the future B) someone steps up and makes an offer to him.

Sure, he could just pass the ball to some amateur admin/friend and save himself the bucks he is paying for the server costs every month, but that's not a very smart thing to do when you own something like HF. Even if that would be the best from an user perspective!

Take this with a whole can full of salt, of course.
I think that redrooster probably have the answer about the why and you guys are right about the he should have. But life is life. ...And it's full of surprises; good or bad. Don't judge a man until you have walk a mile in his shoes...

I do hope he will pass the flag because so much could be lost in our (too) small community...
Indeed, it is... yet again... for like the third time in the last week or so. -_-
Hongfire himself has seemingly jumped ship quite some time ago. At this rate, it's only a matter of time until it finally dies or gets abandoned.
I'd have to think that even the more loyal members, like others and myself, get fed up. Seems Kensaiakamei has already made up his mind. : /

Well, I didn't make up mind in the previous post. I was making a sad funny joke about my own quick obituary of HF for some relief. I know I got a small laugh out of it LoL.

I do have a small glimmer of hope that it all works out somehow ....BUT.....it kind of doesn't look that way. Especially with the recent issues of now, within the last year and even some from years before. Seems like more and more issues keep trickling down HF's way with less and less getting done about it.

Everyone here has made some great points about what could possible be happening to our beloved HF forum. We may find out or may never find out. One thing is for certain that it is or never will be the same unless (like pointed out by Redrooster http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/general-discussions-debates-7/hongfire-offline-498644/index34.html#post2673317 , randomreader http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/general-discussions-debates-7/hongfire-offline-498644/index34.html#post2673363 and Stampar http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/general-discussions-debates-7/hongfire-offline-498644/index34.html#post2673367 in some posts ) someone able and with passion takes it over.

Now I certainly hope it comes back, but there is a reason why we are all here of course. One of the few things that does concern me is that there are members/modders that strictly only operated there for the English-Anime Forums. That will be a sad thing to miss out on, is that community of core members that did a lot for the general community of HF. Some of them did come here and brought with them their own awesomeness but a lot of them remained there.

So until something actually surfaces of what is up with HF that is concrete, I will stick with my HF Obituary until Ra's al Ghul comes back from the Lazarus pit.

When HF finds out from his lackey that you went to another site]

HF raging with a passion for vengeance]

What HF does to the sucka that left his site lol]
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I am a member of Hongfire since 12, 13 or 14 years already (I guess, cannot check because the site atm is down) and have got VIP-status there. It is not about leaving the site forever or to turn my back on HF, but what can be done when the site more and more turns out to becoming a ruin of what it was in former times, more or less atm it is nothing more than a zombie. It seems that the amount of contributing members is decreasing month by month, some sections seem to be very badly moderated because of all the old stickies piling up and even the banners on top of the site at least are from mid of last year. The forum style atm is awful too, club activities are down to zero already since ages. Why? All the effort once put into forum appearance, avatars, signatures and the reputation system simply was gone from one day to the other about a year ago and never came back yet. And where are all the former staff members who once took care of the site exemplarily? The staff list of Hongfire was much longer than the list of any other site. Most of them simply disappeared. It is not even told by anyone what the reasons for these chances were and you cannot even ask someone what is going on? Not to mention the many down times...

A forum site needs two parties to breathe life into it, on one hand it is the staff, on the other hand there are the users contributing to the site. Somehow it seems in case of Hongfire that the staff has abandoned it´s users. And I am very serious about this.

The amount of sites like Anime-Sharing or Hongfire rather is limited and it is a pity to see a pioneer site like Hongfire being neglected by it´s staff this way or even going down completely anytime...

These are my tear drops too...

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I think we have to face the facts:

It's never going to be the HF we remember prior to the attack last year. The biggest reason HF felt like "home" was because of the older, vBulletin design. The reason it looks and functions the way it does now is out of necessity, not due to simple aesthetics. The old vBulletin it functioned as became vulnerable, so going back wasn't going to happen.

Even if it could somehow return back to a similar design/functionality, the damage has been done. People have moved on. Real life has swept them away. Take your pick, but that's reality.

To compare this situation to something closer to home, the forum Scanlover got shut down by its original creator, and we now have a newer, far lesser version of what once was. Do I still visit the new site? Yes, but not with the same reverence and enthusiasm I had for the original.

And now, the obvious cliche...

"All good things must come to an end."

I don't want to believe Hongfire will end, but we're staring at a grim situation, right now.
If anyone is in denial thinking that HF will come back strong here is a message you need to understand and let it go.
If anyone is in denial thinking that HF will come back strong here is a message you need to understand and let it go.

Rofl Ram-O-Ram, excellent way to put it out there for the whole world to understand, especially the kids. (You know I almost thought this was a legit message, thank you for this :) )
Don't know what else I can add to the discussion other than to say I've been a member of HongFire for 7[?] years, and it hurts to see
it going away [if that is what is happening].:( We'll see...
It's up again(HF)

Ram-0-Ram ,that was actually rather funny as HF tan looks/looked sorta like a princess

Was gonna post i could go on to IRC to see if there was any news but we know how that turned out last time(Yeah i got what they call a long memory...forgiven is not forgotten and the like) ,still...HF was my...home/hangout of sorts on the net for 7 or 8 years so despite issues that made me leave i hope it works out for them.

Not really concerned though if it should falter most modders will just spread out,some will come here others will go to/go back to zod (or others sites i am unaware of) but stuff will continue to those that have an interest in this type of game

thing that HF had/has? were discussions about none H stuff...so yeah did not leave when they removed downloads,did not care about the rep crap or look(course by then i had been gone already...posting-wise)still would probably be there...but one thing i won't tolerate is unfairness or disrespect so why i'm here.

So yeah some of us were pretty loyal and "would have" stuck with it no matter what as it was a legacy hangout,The one thing that comes to mind is the owner should have probably asked for help....pretty sure some members would have helped him out for free on the code side(that loyalty thing again)
Ugh... I could have really, really, REALLY done without that song/movie.

why? what did you dislike about the movie,not a musical fan myself but it's a disney movie so there will be that aspect to it.

I see the story as the typical reaction hypocrisy when the people turn on Elsa...she should had wiped out the traitorous guards

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okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
Wakabayashi wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, in this post part 2 and 4 in mexashare are down. Could you please reupload ?? Thanks!
