I have put all I have to summon Seshouin Kiara and guess what... Nope ! I think this game doesn't want me having any five stars servant.
Now I'm thinking on putting some money for some more chance to get her because she is sooo gorgeous

. I have read something about switching location on my google acount to do that but this info seems old.
All is not bad because I got 3 EMIYA (Alter) (which I don't like), 2 Elizabeth Bathory (at last I got a good lancer) and Ibaraki Douji. I don't know if I should be happy with Ibaraki because I like her but I already got Heracles who does miracles when he is the last man standing in my team.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get BB but I'm blocked at the Act 4 : Beauty In The Submerged Forest (3/4) second arrow, the last battle against Suzuka Gozen. I have seem what boss await me after that and it seems out of my reach. I found this event so hard and time is against me.
This is what I have now :
Shielder : Mashu Kyrielight lvl.70 (10/10/10),
Saber : Le Chevalier d'Eon lvl.60, Elizabeth Bathory (Brave) lvl.60
Archer : EMIYA lvl.70, Chloe von Einzbern lvl.60, EMIYA (Alter) lvl.1
Lancer : Elizabeth Bathory lvl.62, Cu Chulainn lvl.46
Rider : Medusa lvl.60, Boudica lvl.54, Marie Antoinette lvl.40
Caster : Medea lvl.60, Elizabeth Bathory (Halloween) lvl.25, Helena Blavatsky lvl.70
Assassin: Stheno lvl.18, Carmilla lvl.50, Hassan of Serenity lvl.60
Berserker : Heracles lvl.72, Ibaraki Douji lvl.1
Avenger: Gorgon lvl.70
Alter Ego : Passionlip lvl.62
I know it's a bit bold to ask, but some can analyse all I have and say me in what I can optimise or what cheap trick I can do with my servant ?
I read on reddit that Merlin + Mashu + Necromancy CE combo or Asterios can do some magic and win every fight. Maybe I should try.