The real problem I run into is sample size, Huke only ever drawn like 2 of the FGO art and in the amount of media I see her in for F/GO she is "blended" in with Seiba, the best example I can give is the front page of F/GO: where to me it Altera is so "blended" in with Seiba I would thought its done by Take. I see a lot more of Wada Arco Nero and other character design such as Tamamo which I can instantly tell the difference between the artist even if it is in similar "blended" media advertisement. Maybe you just seen more Huke art than I've so that's why you're able to notice the more subtle difference. Also I got to remind you I'm a fan of Seiba, not just Take drawn Seiba xD Actually I'm not even sure who drawn my favorite Seiba art, couldn't find the artist, could be Take?
And in fact I really like Ishida Akira take on Seiba Lancer, as shown in my avatar