As Hongfire goes down often, i copy the thread also to this forum:
I decided to setup a little plugin which lets you create movies in the studio neo and main game.
since version 0.4: Only studio neo is supported
The main idea is that you have a timeslider, at which you can define points where the camera should be moved / animated or other states change.
Currently, it supports the following things:
* Create markers in timeline by moving camera to a new point by switching instantly to the new camera position
* Create markers in timeline by moving camera to a new point by animating from the last to the new position
* Unlimited camera positions! (e.g. no restriction to 10 positions :-)
* Play / pause the timeline with your animations
* Save functionality, which saves your timeline to a folder in the UserData folder
* Load functionality, to load previously saved timelines
* Resetting the timeline
* Deleting a marker by clicking on it
since version 0.2
* animated camera options with ease-in, ease-out and ease-in-out
* added support for changes of characters animations (button "current character state")
this means current animation and speed of every character!
* added support for changes of mouth / eyes expressions (button "current character state")
since version 0.3
* fixed mouth openess to work correctly
* when switching animations, they will be faded instead of a hard switch. This may look very nice on some animations, sometimes strange on others
since version 0.4 - only works if you DO NOT have latest dlc from 5/26
* support for characters position, rotation and scale
* only supporting studio neo beginning from now
since version 0.5
* works with latest studio neo (game v1.20)
See the spoiler (5MB gif) to see the timeline in action
This is only the basic functionality.
I am sure that some people are interested in other things, like switching animations, expressions, etc.
I wanted to create a poll in this thread where you can vote for the next features that should by implemented, but the forums function for poll seems broken. So if you have ideas for upcoming features, drop them here.
Some ideas of mine:
* Change of characters animations -> done since v0.2
* Change of Mouth / Eye expressions -> done since v0.2
* Change of light settings / position
* Change of clothes
* Change characters positions (x,y,z) -> done since v0.4
* Change characters poses (man that will be hard to do)
You need IPA installed to use the plugin
v0.2 (only compatible with the old studio!):!KAFQAKgL!uAp3WFy6MChMObERGJkDW9l-cRituLm6dqEwrp3DGes
v0.3 (only compatible with the old studio!):!6VsTBYiC!fzqwrRT8RXgWh-3P5nSNs0j7v8bQnwi9_a9zSklvGzU
v0.4 (only compatible with studio neo, only works if you DO NOT have latest dlc from 5/26):!HUdzSCpY!oOWaY2bIydZ9nUSXc1CGXnLGqcc4qjEI6KVKEdbYrfg
v0.5( works with latest studio neo)!KBcBTQxa!uR9_j8GF2m_3wWkCFhJvQO-Qs1_d2x2gkcy-d2c286I
Drop the dll from the zip file into the "Plugins" folder of the main installation.
1.) Start up the studio, then press the left ALT-Key to activate / hide the plugin
2.) To create a movie, you will have to add an action at the very first frame of the slider.
Do so by clicking on "Add action" and the choose the "Add camera static position".
3.) Move the camera to a destination of your choice
4.) Move the slider to the right a bit and add another action. This time, you may select the animated camera option.
5.) Repeat this steps as often as you want, there is no limitation in camera settings!
If you save a timeline, it is important the when you load it again, that you use the same scene / level the timeline has been saved in, or the camera animations will not fit!
You can also share your movies with others, all you need to do is to share the studioscene and the csv file from your timeline, which can be found in the UserData / movies folder
As Hongfire goes down often, i copy the thread also to this forum:
I decided to setup a little plugin which lets you create movies in the studio neo and main game.
since version 0.4: Only studio neo is supported
The main idea is that you have a timeslider, at which you can define points where the camera should be moved / animated or other states change.
Currently, it supports the following things:
* Create markers in timeline by moving camera to a new point by switching instantly to the new camera position
* Create markers in timeline by moving camera to a new point by animating from the last to the new position
* Unlimited camera positions! (e.g. no restriction to 10 positions :-)
* Play / pause the timeline with your animations
* Save functionality, which saves your timeline to a folder in the UserData folder
* Load functionality, to load previously saved timelines
* Resetting the timeline
* Deleting a marker by clicking on it
since version 0.2
* animated camera options with ease-in, ease-out and ease-in-out
* added support for changes of characters animations (button "current character state")
this means current animation and speed of every character!
* added support for changes of mouth / eyes expressions (button "current character state")
since version 0.3
* fixed mouth openess to work correctly
* when switching animations, they will be faded instead of a hard switch. This may look very nice on some animations, sometimes strange on others
since version 0.4 - only works if you DO NOT have latest dlc from 5/26
* support for characters position, rotation and scale
* only supporting studio neo beginning from now
since version 0.5
* works with latest studio neo (game v1.20)
See the spoiler (5MB gif) to see the timeline in action

This is only the basic functionality.
I am sure that some people are interested in other things, like switching animations, expressions, etc.
I wanted to create a poll in this thread where you can vote for the next features that should by implemented, but the forums function for poll seems broken. So if you have ideas for upcoming features, drop them here.
Some ideas of mine:
* Change of characters animations -> done since v0.2
* Change of Mouth / Eye expressions -> done since v0.2
* Change of light settings / position
* Change of clothes
* Change characters positions (x,y,z) -> done since v0.4
* Change characters poses (man that will be hard to do)
You need IPA installed to use the plugin
v0.2 (only compatible with the old studio!):!KAFQAKgL!uAp3WFy6MChMObERGJkDW9l-cRituLm6dqEwrp3DGes
v0.3 (only compatible with the old studio!):!6VsTBYiC!fzqwrRT8RXgWh-3P5nSNs0j7v8bQnwi9_a9zSklvGzU
v0.4 (only compatible with studio neo, only works if you DO NOT have latest dlc from 5/26):!HUdzSCpY!oOWaY2bIydZ9nUSXc1CGXnLGqcc4qjEI6KVKEdbYrfg
v0.5( works with latest studio neo)!KBcBTQxa!uR9_j8GF2m_3wWkCFhJvQO-Qs1_d2x2gkcy-d2c286I
Drop the dll from the zip file into the "Plugins" folder of the main installation.
1.) Start up the studio, then press the left ALT-Key to activate / hide the plugin
2.) To create a movie, you will have to add an action at the very first frame of the slider.
Do so by clicking on "Add action" and the choose the "Add camera static position".
3.) Move the camera to a destination of your choice
4.) Move the slider to the right a bit and add another action. This time, you may select the animated camera option.
5.) Repeat this steps as often as you want, there is no limitation in camera settings!
If you save a timeline, it is important the when you load it again, that you use the same scene / level the timeline has been saved in, or the camera animations will not fit!
You can also share your movies with others, all you need to do is to share the studioscene and the csv file from your timeline, which can be found in the UserData / movies folder
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