[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

I dont even know how to read this and ask question appropriately in here. but I am asking anyway.

I am working on bring cloth effect, collider and customized shaders/scripts from Unity engine into HS.

To my knowledge, Mayar1 and Yangala has successfully brought cloth effect into the game, Roy12 brought gem shader in.

There are requests from modders like plasticmind for a customized skin shader and I have requests as well.
Anyone else have some degree of success out there?
I have one question. What could be the reason, that I have around the nipples an collison with the alpha channels?
By rotating the camera are always the nipples fully visible. I created a cos, where the breast area have transparent textures and I use that new alpha 3 shader.
I am having this weird problem. Strangely this is first ported to SBPR (no problem there) and now from there I am porting it to HS. There are number of meshes that's disappear when camera angle changes. No it is not about an entire mesh disappear and comes back. I know that problem and I have certain way to fix those. This is one is different. When Camera is at distant certain meshes are not visible and coming very close I can see it and when changing the angle it starts to disappear.




It is everywhere and I sort of don't want to lose this map.... Any help please.... Here is the file....
You are the second person after Enimaroah who hit two birds with one stone. :XD:

I read your post here and applied your suggestion in problem stated in the post above and my problem is fixed. :D

Big Big thanks......


I never thought that this problem has to do with mip-maps... I thought something has to do with meshes...
You are the second person after Enimaroah who hit two birds with one stone. :XD:

I read your post here and applied your suggestion in problem stated in the post above and my problem is fixed. :D

Big Big thanks......


I never thought that this problem has to do with mip-maps... I thought something has to do with meshes...

Very glad that I could be of help, even if it was pure luck. :D

I discovered the issue while working in one of my mods. But I don't know the reasons why it happens with some items and not with others.
During implementation of support for different texture formats, I had seen Unity choke when a dimension was not a power of 2. Their mipmap handling for those dimensions is different from DirectX. So Sb3UGS works fine while Unity can even crash.

Also make sure that you create all levels or no mipmaps at all. That what Sb3UGS does for PNGs when it converts them to DXT5 (using DirectX).
Thanks mate, but I found the problem.
I typed it in my release post: #18
hi,how to convert SBPR cards to Honey Select cards, i click "convert" button but it keeps saying "converting character cards" and it seems to never finished, (while i only have a few cards in chara/female and male folder)
Ok this is really grinding my teeth..... How do I fix the orientation in Maya/Max/Blender????? Why is it cheating me!!!!:@

I am trying to port rigged IK studio animals.... Hopefully comic writers like Gil and Elrodeus may like it...

In 3D tool


The armature / skeleton must include all transformations - NOT the mesh. That isn't supported by the games, and must be changed in the 3d editor before export. Sb3UGS doesn't support mesh transformations on the mesh object itself.
Hi guys, there has been some discussion elsewhere about a native collision object in the game that the breasts and other nodes will collide with, I assume this is how the boobs are squashed against walls and such.

Anyway one guy managed to show the node in game, looks like an ik Sphere and have the breasts collide and bounce around it in animation, he posted the code to enable it here https://hastebin.com/wujidaqoli.go . I'm looking for a way to make a simple UI to include this in game, as the guy that did it said he doesn't have the time or care to. Does anyone that is familiar with this see any issue with the code? or have any pointers on how best to implement it? I thought perhaps reaching to to Animator to maybe include it in his shortcuts mod but I don't know the specifics of this code to even enable it as this point.
How I can create / use items with bones, that I can trigger them in the studio via IK/FK control?
Is this generally possible?
How I can create / use items with bones, that I can trigger them in the studio via IK/FK control?
Is this generally possible?
I made ik controlled monsters and items but you have to open the male or female bodies armature in a 3d editing software and line your item up perfectly along the armature the best way you can because the mesh will rotate at the armatures joints, after that start applying bone weights then add your item to a character clothing slot in sb3 that uses the same armature. That is how I did it. Hope this helps.

You can notice below how i lined up this dragon with the males armature and applied bone weights so it moves with the armature in studio.
Can anyone please help me convert this to a compatible bump map to work in honeyselect? Trying to convert it to greyscale alpha but it seems like map is applying to entire mesh with no alpha channel.


  • penis_n-DXT1.rar
    286.9 KB · Views: 291
Can anyone please help me convert this to a compatible bump map to work in honeyselect? Trying to convert it to greyscale alpha but it seems like map is applying to entire mesh with no alpha channel.

While DXT1 is 32bit, the alpha layer is fixed. A variable alpha layer requires DXT5.
While DXT1 is 32bit, the alpha layer is fixed. A variable alpha layer requires DXT5.

That seemed to work perfect, had no idea that makes since. Unfortunately now it works great in studio, but in studio neo it is super reflecting and shines white and looks less realistic. I've even tried using different shades, I think it just must be studio neo.

Can anyone tell me please, how I can create recolouable studio items?
Somehow I don't get it. I don't get the colour slider in the studio for an item, which I create.
Can anyone tell me please, how I can create recolouable studio items?
Somehow I don't get it. I don't get the colour slider in the studio for an item, which I create.

I don't think you can, that's why i was never able to add my penis poses to studio. They would all be one color. If a advanced modder could create a plugin for that it would be awesome.
Hello, new member here, been crawling as a guest for a while though, here and on HF.
I skipped the welcome thread for obvious reasons (lol), so hi everyone and congratulation for the nice and helpfull community!
So yeah, that was my chit-chat moment...
Now, since it's the modding discussion thread, here's a question for you guys. (sorry if it's been asked somewhere, I kinda got overwhelmed searching about it.)

What would happen if I were to try to "clean/condensate" my HS files?
As in recreating one big list file, one big manifest file, one big mat/tex file and finally just one file for each categories of meshes (like only one ca_head_00 for all head accessories)?
This implies vanilla and modded files and that mat/tex are externally linked.

OFC my cards would all be messed up and compatibility with new mods or game updates would be compromised but... you think it would work?
Is there some kind of limits to the number of entries in a file or it's filesize?
Would game performances be hit? If yes, positively or negatively?

This is all for the good sake of practice and understanding and I felt you guys could advise me on the subject before I go all out and mess everything up lol.
I intend to tackle more intense stuff later on but 1st I want to exercice myself and have a good idea about what's going on deep under.
is it possible to create transparent skin in HS?
if possible how can I do that? I tried using SkinTexMod with transparent texture but the character doesn't appear to be transparent

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