Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Trying to remember the name of a game I saw the cg on I only remember two of the heriones one was a policewoman or security guard and the other was your loli niece or cousin and I remember at the end there was a group scene with all the heriones in cosplay outfit at I think a doujinshi event having sex with protag and others. I posted this here because I think in the tags it said netorare and I forgot to save the game name so I could find the game later so I would realy appreciate it if someone knew the name.

There are some liquid game similar to it.
There are some liquid game similar to it.
Thanks I don't think any of those are it but as time goes I'm getting less sure about there being a security guard or police woman herione that I might have mixed it up with a another novel but I am definitely sure that the was a herione who was your niece or cousin with black hair because it mentioned it on the vndb page for it and I know it had like four or five heriones and there was a group scene were all the heriones except the niece/cousin could have sex with other guys at like at comic kit event. Sorry if I am really vague I only saw the cg once at night when I was about to go to sleep and then typed the name into vndb and saw it looked interesting and meant to bookmark it but forgot and I guess somehow my history got deleted cause the next day when I noticed I didn't bookmark it checked my history and didn't see it my history and have been looking for it for about a week or two.
Look very interesting
Where and when u found that?
Is it a 2018 game?
and it also Ntr game?
If your asking about the game I'm talking about I saw it on exhentai as a game cg and thought it looked interesting so I checked its vndb but like I said I forgot to save the page and couldn't find it in my search history later but I think it had a netorare or blackmail tag. Don't know what year it came out.
There is just 2 things that bother me with the offcicial translation: money (wich is the lesser of 2 evils since i could always wait until i have it) and censorship, i hate with all my soul, that and i hate when they translate japanesse honorifics and some expression like nee-chan or xxxx-kun.

Well 1 more thing was that unless i get a digital copy even buying it gets complicated =S

BTW i found an epub version, my only complain would be that its all volume sin a single epub so it is between 6000 and 7000 pages long, now that doesn't scare me as much as some of you (check out Malazan Book of the Fallen or the Wheel of time to know why lol) but it does feel tyresome seeing that big a number xD, oh and the ilustration never fit well in my epubs, at least on my pc.

BTW i know what you mean with impatient people, that is why i like bakatsuki since they only post or link translations up to a certain standard wich is why i was even willing to read the whole thing using wayback machine xD

PD: any other good novels or wn? translated that is, i am open to anything so long as it comes reccomended but real harems (either poligamy or real mistery on who the guy will end up with), seinens, action, etc works best!

Well, out of the japanese webnovels I'm reading, my current favourite ones that you might not have heard of yet are I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?, My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (author updates have slowed to a crawl), Demon Girl ~Tale of a Lax Demon~ and Kuzu Inou【Ondo wo Kaeru Mono】 no Ore ga Musou suru made. Not sure if they'll suit your taste though, since while they've got action they're not that fast paced. If you want a novel with proper polygymy that actually happens during the story rather than as an ending, then there's Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! which is good but rather slow, long chapters and focuses as much on noble politics and intrigue so while action does come, it's every few chapters.
I've been favouring korean novels lately though. If you want action, harem and comedy, then Everyone Else is a Returnee is brilliant and complete (though the author claimed several times it wasn't going to be harem while writing, but lied in the end). Dragon Maken War is pretty good and full of action. The Novel's Extra is possibly the best web novel I've read in years and i highly recommend it. It also fits into the whole "mystery on who the protag will end up with" bit.
Dungeon Defense is simply the best translated light novel I've read period. Seinen, quite dark and full of moral ambiguity. Protag is a magnificent bastard who is a rare type who has no powers or cheats (despite being a demon lord) and has the strength of a typical human, relying purely on his intelligence, guile, silver tongue, manipulation ability and politcal acumen to bend the setting to his will. He's the Tyrion Lannister of the translated far eastern novel scene. Just keep in mind that the first novel is a bit misleading since the author was adding some litrpg elements to stick with what's overwhelmingly popular in korea, but pretty much leaves that behind once he gets into his stride. Despite the name, very little defending of dungeons takes place and the usual skills and stat blocks are almost gone by book 2.
Hope you at least find something you like there.

I have to admit that my definition was incomplete, but it wasn't that off. You added something interesting in the definitions you posted in a previous post: WILL. I think that's the key to the definition. Maybe we are talking about the same, but I will tell you what I think.

First I don't think that setting a definition on stone is the right way to go. Genres can change and the definition of a given genre can change or evolve along with it. NTR is not the same as it was when first showed up, specially since the appearance of Netorase. So instead of basing the definition on what someone else said some time ago, that has being passed out for years, it's better to analyze it in a logical way.

I'm not expert in japanese but if we review the termination of the word we can expose the diferences between Netorare and Netorase :

RARE: Something that happens to you without regard of your will or against your will.
RASE: Let something happens to you willingly.

Someone more proficent in japanese can correct me if he wants.

As far as I understand it the will or it's lack for something to happens it's the key diference. In the case of the RASE termination, it doesn't mean you let something happens to you because you can't stop it, but because you want it to happens, without regard of the actions you do to make it happen or not. In the case of the RARE termination is something that happens to you even if you can't stop it, so you just have to accept it, let it happens. I'm making this clarification because there are people that things that Netorase only applies when the husband/boyfriend has to do something to make it happen, and it's not like that. The words refer to the will not to the actions the person itself takes to stop it or make it happen.

Having this in mind we can discern if something is NETORARE or NETORASE by checking the will of the MC. Let's put some examples:

In Toaru Hitozuma no Netorare Jijou 2 there is a NETORASE route in which the husband finds out her wife is having an affair, and makes everything posible to film or record the wife when she cheats on him. He doesn't have control over the situation, nor he made it happened or organized. He just discovered it and get excited by it, so he let it happens. Nor the wife or her lover knows that the husband knows. So even though he didn't do anything to make it happens, he let it happens WILLINGLY once he finds out, thus: NETORASE

In Takabisha na Tsuma no Torisetsu, both in the PREQUEL and it's SEQUEL the husband discovers that her wife is cheating on him, but he doesn't wants it, however he can't stop it because he is a pussy. So even though he let the affair happens, he doesn't wants it to happen. He UNWILLINGLY has to let it happens, thus: NETORARE

I can put a lot more examples in which that rules applies, and I think is a very good way to tell apart NETORARE from NETORASE. Of course there might be some works in which the line is dificult to see, but I think checking the WILL of the husband/boyfriend can really help to define the genre in most cases.

The whole idea of Will might be a good way to describe it. I don't disagree with you there. I also agree that a strict interpretation of what constitutes NTR should be avoided, since people seem to have many different opinions on the matter. It should always be open to discussion. But that wasn't my main concern.

My main problem is that the definition isn't supposed to be a restriction on what NTR is or isn't and isn't supposed to be non-negotiable. The definition is supposed to be a way for people to understand what you're talking about and be able to find and share media that contains it with others who like NTR. It's about communication. The whole point is that the definition I gave you in the previous post is what the japanese had in mind when they coined the terms netorare and netorase and what i believe they are still going off of. Hence when a producer calls a work netorare or netorase, that's what they mean is in it. They also tag is as netorare when they sell it on sites like getchu/dlsite/etc. This people like us to find that work and take in interest in it, before we read summaries and such and find out in more detail. I find this pretty important since i remember back when finding anything with NTR was a struggle and we all got excited by pretty much anything that was released with netorare as the central theme.
The problem is that in the western hentai scene people are redefining NTR according to their own interpretation and then pushing it as the ONLY correct definition. This mainly becomes a problem when it comes to tags. e-hentai is the one that troubles me the most since people can remove the netorare tag by voting down, as haters love to do. The worst thing is that the mods sometimes impose their own definition of netorare, decide a certain gallery isn't NTR regardless of what the readers or even the original author say, and then BLOCK the tag from being added. So if you like the sort of situation in that particular work, you're just out of luck. Or just better be checking another h-manga site.
Maybe this is just my pet peeve. I'm fine with people having their own view on NTR, having works that are NTR for them while others don't feel like it for them at all, even though other readers do feel it's NTR. So long as they can accept it's NTR for someone and that they should be allowed to call it such if is. I just can't stand it when people say their definition of NTR is the only one that counts and the only one that should be called NTR, simply because they don't want to go to a work tagged as NTR only to find that it doesn't fit their taste in NTR and feel it was a waste of time. "It's not NTR for me, therefore it shouldn't be tagged NTR at all!" They're just being selfish. They just want everything that has a netorare tag to be the situation they like and don't give a damn about people who like other situations. It really rustles my jimmies.
That's why I get a bit sensitive when anyone says that "this is what netorare is" and start to think they're excluding everyone who has a different opinion. I didn't mean to get on your case over it. So about this 堕とされた美姉妹 ~どうかその娘だけは助けて下さい~ (silkys game).. It has equal tags of both Netori and Netorare.. How does that work with only 3 characters? Was the Netorare tag a mistake- looks more netori to me but then again it doesn't have Rapist Protagonist or any tag like that. Is it pure netori like I assume or is there something deeper than that?
need source for this manga


And straight.shota is correct. Rareru + verb is passive form of verb (that's why i think ntr'd word is weird haha). And Saseru + verb mean letting someone doing (verb) to subject.
Demo released for the newest ANIM game:

Quickly skimmed through it, didn't have enough time this morning. But from what I can tell is a bit netorare, at the first sex scene has the innocent boy catch his mom and the mischievous boy fucking. This was to be expected. I also couldn't get any of my text hookers to attach, maybe because it's a demo? So I didn't truly understand the context. Other than that, quality animation and cg! They've added field of depth during the visual novel text portions: ex. a character model is further away, character models overlap like they are touching each other (sure isn't new), and more animations during all those novel parts...nice touch. For those looking forward, there's a good amount of cg. I just can't understand any of the text yet lol.

There are changes samples of the innocent not and his mom. Would be cool if he ntr the mischevious boy for his own mom.
Last edited:
need source for this manga


And straight.shota is correct. Rareru + verb is passive form of verb (that's why i think ntr'd word is weird haha). And Saseru + verb mean letting someone doing (verb) to subject.

I need the source too, that shit looks unbelievable but is the hot shit that you can only see in hentai, that is suspension of disbelief used well in my opinion.

So I tried a couple of 3dcg games and to be honest I could never get used to that 3d rendered cgs. I played for hours hoping that I would get over the visuals but nope, those graphics just made my eyes bleed more. And the writing.. yeah western writing is just not for my taste(let's leave it at that). Overall had one of the worst experience trying to fap to games.
Last edited: So about this 堕とされた美姉妹 ~どうかその娘だけは助けて下さい~ (silkys game).. It has equal tags of both Netori and Netorare.. How does that work with only 3 characters? Was the Netorare tag a mistake- looks more netori to me but then again it doesn't have Rapist Protagonist or any tag like that. Is it pure netori like I assume or is there something deeper than that?

Tag is not mistake game have 3 routes with 5 characters involved : 2 females, YOU(Janitor) and another 2 males teacher
Demo released for the newest ANIM game:

Quickly skimmed through it, didn't have enough time this morning. But from what I can tell is a bit netorare, at the first sex scene has the innocent boy catch his mom and the mischievous boy fucking. This was to be expected. I also couldn't get any of my text hookers to attach, maybe because it's a demo? So I didn't truly understand the context. Other than that, quality animation and cg! They've added field of depth during the visual novel text portions: ex. a character model is further away, character models overlap like they are touching each other (sure isn't new), and more animations during all those novel parts...nice touch. For those looking forward, there's a good amount of cg. I just can't understand any of the text yet lol.

There are changes samples of the innocent not and his mom. Would be cool if he ntr the mischevious boy for his own mom.

It looks veeeery promising.
Just by this trial I would give 10/10.
I've never been so hyped for VN. :D
Mayumi is fabulous, after November I will have to update my post in "Your Top 5 Girl character in NTR Game" thread.
@DiabolicalGenius thanks for the suggestions, i knew 1 or 2 but practically every KW was unknown to me but Dungeon defense. i have already read Hachiman, it does start slow but it gets better, kind of like sevens (wich you should read if you haven't, is totally harem but without ecchi wich makes it interesting, plus wayyy to funny sometimes). Honestly what i was searching around was what 1 reviewer described as MC with balls and that don't behave like walking vaginas xD

You should check out Rakudai no Kishi if you haven't is not harem but well liek i said the relationship fucking move ON!!!
@DiabolicalGenius thanks for the suggestions, i knew 1 or 2 but practically every KW was unknown to me but Dungeon defense. i have already read Hachiman, it does start slow but it gets better, kind of like sevens (wich you should read if you haven't, is totally harem but without ecchi wich makes it interesting, plus wayyy to funny sometimes). Honestly what i was searching around was what 1 reviewer described as MC with balls and that don't behave like walking vaginas xD

You should check out Rakudai no Kishi if you haven't is not harem but well liek i said the relationship fucking move ON!!!

Yeah, i know Sevens. It's pretty good, especially once you realise that it's about a protag who starts out as a shell with little will of his own and seeing him develop over the course of the story until he grows into a protag you can root for. The Mr. Lyle scenes are pretty damned funny too.
Protag with balls are good, but it's hard to find one that isn't an over the top, self-insert homicidal maniac like in almost all the chinese cultivation novels. Used to read those and enjoyed to begin with. But so many have practically the same story and each story is just the same kind of scenario repeating over and over again with different people in different locations. I just got tired of them. But the worst was the protags. No character development. They're all complete from the start and never experience any growth. They never doubt themselves, never make a wrong choice and even if they've never killed before are stone cold and decisive the moment they do without any regrets. And no matter what they do or how extreme they act, the entire setting is contrived so that they'll get no realistic consequences and will be admired and worshipped for how badass they are, even after killing thousands. They don't even feel like real human beings. Read one of those, you've read them all.
Interesting and original novels in that category are hard to find, so I won't recommend any. We weren't even talking about them, just you mentioning protags with balls just brought it back to me.

Korean novels are a bit better, though thanks to Legendary moonlight sculptor, too many focus on the vrmmorpg theme (which I don't really like) and self-absorbed protags who only think about themselves and get stronger by themselves to the end.
I recommended those ones because they are all actual fantasy rather than vrmmorpg, have reasonably likeable and interesting protags and also have plenty of characters other than the protag that remain important and keep appearing even as the story progresses, rather than being sidelined as the protag ascends the royalroad.

I just have trouble recommending works like the one's you described because too many of the protags who get praised as having balls and being kickass by the denizens of novelupdates, usually just seemed like self-absorbed assholes to me. Or don't seem like real people at all, more like the author's Marty Stu.
If you give me a more solid example of the kind of protagonist you want to see I might be able to help more. Depending on whether mods object to us going so far off topic. If the mods haven't just given up on policing this thread ages ago...........

I do know one chinese novel worth reading though, since it's not a cultivation one, but is more realistic after some scifi at the start. A Step Into the Past. That one is very good. Though it is set in historical ancient china. Follows what happens when a young chinese special forces soldier is made to be the test subject for a time travel experiment that goes fubar and leaves him stranded in ancient china over 2000 thousand years in the past, a few years before the man who will become the first emperor of china will enter history for the first time. Protag is a trained soldier, but has all the bravado and machismo you get with elites in the military. Upon realising what's happened and the period he's in, gets it into his head that he can find the young emperor-to-be who is still unknown and powerless being held hostage in a rival kingdom, help and befriend him and ride his coattails to a life of wealth, decadance and a harem of beauties. In an age where people admire heroes and laud heroic deeds, he sets out to make a name for himself. Of course he finds out that you should be careful what you wish for, since while he does succeed in winning fame and heroic status, he discovers that this period isn't all about heroic battles and living it up at the palace. Ruthless politics, intrigue, assassinations and betrayal are everywhere and by catching the notice of the great and powerful he's now right in the middle of it.
It's a great story where the protag starts out as young, cocksure and ignorant of the bigger picture. Harsh experience and time temper him and he matures into a well rounded and capable man. He's also lacking in any of the necessary skills to be a hero in that period, the sword, the bow and horses all requiring years of training to master and most called heroes have practiced since childhood. But he's a modern soldier, his training highly focused on firearms. He's skilled in hand to hand and with knives, but those are seen as abilities for thugs and brawlers at that time. So he's forced to use tactics, modern knowledge and improvisation to compete with his peers.
This probably doesn't sound like the sort of work you'd be interested in if you're used to webnovels, especially since it doesn't quite fall into the light novel or otaku-media catagory. it's more like a proper novel. Also no fantasy, no special powers or magic. After the whole time travel bit, it's a modern man in a period drama. But even so, I recommend it. It's good enough that china made an actual live action tv series based on it. And it perfectly fits your requirements of a protag with balls. But he's also human and makes mistakes, but survives and keeps going with resourcefullness and daring. He also undergoes a lot of character development, which a really like. Since it's also completely translated and online, it's definitely worth a try.
To get back on topic, it even has a NTR-like bit in it, even if it's not much and doesn't recur. The only real flaw I can think of with it, is that it's all set in the Warring states of china period and you may have to look up a bit about the history to get what's going on. Even though the author does make the protag someone who only has basic knowledge about the most famous events of the period, so that the reader can get some expostion if they don't know it all. They still expect you to know what most chinese people would.
I've gone on a little too much with this so I'll leave it here. I was supposed to be in bed by now. The moment I remembered a good work I couldn't stop........
Yeah, i know Sevens. It's pretty good, especially once you realise that it's about a protag who starts out as a shell with little will of his own and seeing him develop over the course of the story until he grows into a protag you can root for. The Mr. Lyle scenes are pretty damned funny too.
Protag with balls are good, but it's hard to find one that isn't an over the top, self-insert homicidal maniac like in almost all the chinese cultivation novels. Used to read those and enjoyed to begin with. But so many have practically the same story and each story is just the same kind of scenario repeating over and over again with different people in different locations. I just got tired of them. But the worst was the protags. No character development. They're all complete from the start and never experience any growth. They never doubt themselves, never make a wrong choice and even if they've never killed before are stone cold and decisive the moment they do without any regrets. And no matter what they do or how extreme they act, the entire setting is contrived so that they'll get no realistic consequences and will be admired and worshipped for how badass they are, even after killing thousands. They don't even feel like real human beings. Read one of those, you've read them all.
Interesting and original novels in that category are hard to find, so I won't recommend any. We weren't even talking about them, just you mentioning protags with balls just brought it back to me.

Korean novels are a bit better, though thanks to Legendary moonlight sculptor, too many focus on the vrmmorpg theme (which I don't really like) and self-absorbed protags who only think about themselves and get stronger by themselves to the end.
I recommended those ones because they are all actual fantasy rather than vrmmorpg, have reasonably likeable and interesting protags and also have plenty of characters other than the protag that remain important and keep appearing even as the story progresses, rather than being sidelined as the protag ascends the royalroad.

I just have trouble recommending works like the one's you described because too many of the protags who get praised as having balls and being kickass by the denizens of novelupdates, usually just seemed like self-absorbed assholes to me. Or don't seem like real people at all, more like the author's Marty Stu.
If you give me a more solid example of the kind of protagonist you want to see I might be able to help more. Depending on whether mods object to us going so far off topic. If the mods haven't just given up on policing this thread ages ago...........

I do know one chinese novel worth reading though, since it's not a cultivation one, but is more realistic after some scifi at the start. A Step Into the Past. That one is very good. Though it is set in historical ancient china. Follows what happens when a young chinese special forces soldier is made to be the test subject for a time travel experiment that goes fubar and leaves him stranded in ancient china over 2000 thousand years in the past, a few years before the man who will become the first emperor of china will enter history for the first time. Protag is a trained soldier, but has all the bravado and machismo you get with elites in the military. Upon realising what's happened and the period he's in, gets it into his head that he can find the young emperor-to-be who is still unknown and powerless being held hostage in a rival kingdom, help and befriend him and ride his coattails to a life of wealth, decadance and a harem of beauties. In an age where people admire heroes and laud heroic deeds, he sets out to make a name for himself. Of course he finds out that you should be careful what you wish for, since while he does succeed in winning fame and heroic status, he discovers that this period isn't all about heroic battles and living it up at the palace. Ruthless politics, intrigue, assassinations and betrayal are everywhere and by catching the notice of the great and powerful he's now right in the middle of it.
It's a great story where the protag starts out as young, cocksure and ignorant of the bigger picture. Harsh experience and time temper him and he matures into a well rounded and capable man. He's also lacking in any of the necessary skills to be a hero in that period, the sword, the bow and horses all requiring years of training to master and most called heroes have practiced since childhood. But he's a modern soldier, his training highly focused on firearms. He's skilled in hand to hand and with knives, but those are seen as abilities for thugs and brawlers at that time. So he's forced to use tactics, modern knowledge and improvisation to compete with his peers.
This probably doesn't sound like the sort of work you'd be interested in if you're used to webnovels, especially since it doesn't quite fall into the light novel or otaku-media catagory. it's more like a proper novel. Also no fantasy, no special powers or magic. After the whole time travel bit, it's a modern man in a period drama. But even so, I recommend it. It's good enough that china made an actual live action tv series based on it. And it perfectly fits your requirements of a protag with balls. But he's also human and makes mistakes, but survives and keeps going with resourcefullness and daring. He also undergoes a lot of character development, which a really like. Since it's also completely translated and online, it's definitely worth a try.
To get back on topic, it even has a NTR-like bit in it, even if it's not much and doesn't recur. The only real flaw I can think of with it, is that it's all set in the Warring states of china period and you may have to look up a bit about the history to get what's going on. Even though the author does make the protag someone who only has basic knowledge about the most famous events of the period, so that the reader can get some expostion if they don't know it all. They still expect you to know what most chinese people would.
I've gone on a little too much with this so I'll leave it here. I was supposed to be in bed by now. The moment I remembered a good work I couldn't stop........

Yeah character development is the best in a novel, in Rakudai you see in both protagonist at least a little (including of course their relationship) but nothing like sevens, very few novels are like that, i also get what you mean with how some badassess seen like jerkassess instead, it is a fine balance and there isn't really a rule in how to make a MC like that, for example it makes much more sense that an Isekai protagonists has problems with killing and spends even 1 or 2 full volumes dealing with it, but even in Isekai that amount of angs could vary with different factors, for example i can tell you an Isekai protagonist from a country like Venezuela, nicaragua etc won't have the same amount of angs than a japanesse teen/young adult due to how different their growing enviroments are. Or if the MC was a soldier, police officer, etc.

Then you have full on fantasy setting where unless the MC is kid the amount of angs should be minimal, since killing would be part of the world, not to mention things like hunting or buchering animals do condition people to deal with killing or using lethal force to defense themselves.

I may try that chinesse novel sometime....but the name of chinesse characters scare me xD

To keep this conversation more or less on topic can you imagine (or better yet know) a novel where the MC has to work is ass off to get power then he is betrayed (preferably with ntr) by someone who after getting the info on how he got strong (secret technique, word of power, training regime, etc) and basically fights him/kills him, and even gives that info to his enemies?
Demo released for the newest ANIM game:

Quickly skimmed through it, didn't have enough time this morning. But from what I can tell is a bit netorare, at the first sex scene has the innocent boy catch his mom and the mischievous boy fucking. This was to be expected. I also couldn't get any of my text hookers to attach, maybe because it's a demo? So I didn't truly understand the context. Other than that, quality animation and cg! They've added field of depth during the visual novel text portions: ex. a character model is further away, character models overlap like they are touching each other (sure isn't new), and more animations during all those novel parts...nice touch. For those looking forward, there's a good amount of cg. I just can't understand any of the text yet lol.

There are changes samples of the innocent not and his mom. Would be cool if he ntr the mischevious boy for his own mom.

I get the feeling there are a lot of events in between these scenes for the trial but this is basically what happens leading to the first scene and it's all from the POV of Takumi (shy kid). Takumi and Eita (brat) are introduced playing at Takumi's house and then Mayumi (Takumi's mom/red hair and ponytail) is introduced. Her personality is brash and playful which Eita seems to like since he's shown to be kinda clingy to her when she brings snacks for the two while the play video games. Eita also mentions that he prefers Mayumi over his own mom when Takumi asks Eita if he likes his own mom. One day, they're playing at Eita's house where Takumi notes that he hasn't been there in a long time. Then, Ayako (Eita's mom/long purple hair) is introduced and Takumi seems to really enjoy being around her because of her kindness and beauty. Scene cuts to Takumi arriving home at night and Mayumi is angry with him because he's late. He then heads to his room and Eita sends him a text basically saying he's really upset at Takumi and wanted to play at Takumi's house (which hints his attraction to Mayumi). After eating dinner, Takumi lets Mayumi know of Eita's angry text while she's washing dishes. For some reason, Mayumi is shook and surprised when Eita's name is mentioned to the point where Takumi also wonders why she's acting weird. The scenes after this and in between the first sex scene are basically Eita being much more clingy around Mayumi in front of Takumi and a lot of hints at discreet sexual acts which promts Takumi to investigate/check up on the two. There's even a scene where Takumi checks up on Mayumi and Eita to Mayumi's surprise where she puts up a fake face and tells Takumi that she was looking for him and basically "shoo's" him out by sending him on errands to buy groceries. At the same time, Eita also begs Takumi to do him a favor and get a game from his house. This only sidetracks Takumi even more because as he arrives at Eita's home to grab his game, he meets Ayako and loses track of time chatting with her, much to his delight. As he gets home, a flustered Mayumi welcomes him back with Eita.

Now onto the first sex scene. Basically, school ended earlier than usual because staff members have no more work for the day and Takumi decides to go home and remembers Mayumi scolding him on coming home late. On his way home, he wonders if Eita is fine because Takumi mentions how during lunch he got sick and was sent to the school nurse's office. As Takumi gets home, he announces that he's home but no one answers. He then notices a familiar pair of shoes that isn't any of their own household. As he goes searching around the house for his mother, he hears moaning sounds and sees Eita and Mayumi having sex in her bedroom. During the scene, Eita mentions how この前 (last time) they did it, she said it didn't feel good, implying that they had sex before this. Takumi talks about how he's shocked but has his eyes glued to the scene in front of him and how he feels both betrayal and arousal seeing the two having sex. Shortly after, he decide's he can't watch anymore and quietly exits the house without them noticing his presence.

As leaves the house, he wanders the streets and coincidentally bumps into Ayako. Haven't played past this part because I'm more interested in Mayumi but there's more content past the first sex scene with Eita and Mayumi.
I could not hook the Anim's game demo, I tried some ITHVNR versions and the last Textractor to no avail. I hope that this changes in the full release.

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okinawa wrote on Esan's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

okinawa wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
Wakabayashi wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, in this post part 2 and 4 in mexashare are down. Could you please reupload ?? Thanks!ヒロイン陵○mp4動画集7-イリヤのターン.1557696/