Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread


NTR Bar Phyllis - Netorase game. I didn't like the synopsis, but tried it anyway and found it to be decent. Short and linear without combat, it's like an upgraded version of Inn My Wife.

Sarah and the Magic Circle of Purification - Loved the game until the very end, where I found the endings to be mediocre and disappointing. Not a long game and there are no fights, just follow the red arrow (don't bother interacting much with NPCs - you can always obtain random slutty scenes later for 100% completion), and enjoy the heroine being blackmailed for sex acts in close proximity to her unwitting childhood friend. Strong recommendation for anyone wanting to kill time.

If anyone knows anything similar to the 2nd one, please post or PM me suggestions; if I haven't already played them, I'd love to discover more titles like that.
Does anyone have the new updated version of Rascou's
Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~
The update came out 4 days ago. July 9th 2018

Aside from the extra content added to this version, i'm mainly asking for it so that i can actually finish the other endings and 100% the game finally, because the April 26th 2018 version keeps crashing and giving error codes.

Tried this game yesterday and loved it.

I can't find any download links fro the newest version and since I've got no money:( *sad*, I am also requesting someone to share the most recent version beyond July. I've played the 1.41version and have to say it was great. The corruption and NTR story is really up my alley. I'm usually not into shota though but this one was an exception. The corruption of Yukari told from Kentou's perspective then the switch over to Yukari was well executed, to add she's a bit of tsundere as well which I really liked.

Finished the game with a lot of missing CGs leading me to conclude that I need a walk-through and also was surprised to find out more content has been added which got me hyped up.

I'm curious with the new content because there are a lot of scenes about her thinking that Touta might have gotten her pregnant so i'm still going to run another playthrough but If possible with the most recent version.

As for the voice acting, I don't really mind if there is none, the game is still great without, but there are rumors that the game will have one on December(unsure.) anyone else wants a sequel after that ending? lol now i want to read other works from this group xD

Nothing to do with ntr but does anyone know where i can find Mushoku Tensei to read online? or to download in pdf/epub (preferably each volume/arc in order), i think it was compelte in bakatsuki and i should be able to read it using wayback machine but that is anoying especially on my phone.

It's not hard to find on the various novel aggragation sites, like this one. Or you can just torrent the whole series off of Nyaa. It's a great series, but unfortunately the translation isn't very reliable. It was too popular and too many people weren't willing to wait on proper translaters and just machine translated away. And people only reading the translation can't always tell when something isn't right. It's really too bad. It's finally getting an offical english release of the light novel. More accurate in some places, but may be casually rewritten for anything that might be lost in translation so that don't have to bother explaining it. Always happens in licensed translations. It's a bit of a peeve of mine.

And yeah, I'm glad that ghost one got translated, it's pretty hot. A follow-up would be nice, but isn't likely. The circle has already released something different since.
It's not hard to find on the various novel aggragation sites, like this one. Or you can just torrent the whole series off of Nyaa. It's a great series, but unfortunately the translation isn't very reliable. It was too popular and too many people weren't willing to wait on proper translaters and just machine translated away. And people only reading the translation can't always tell when something isn't right. It's really too bad. It's finally getting an offical english release of the light novel. More accurate in some places, but may be casually rewritten for anything that might be lost in translation so that don't have to bother explaining it. Always happens in licensed translations. It's a bit of a peeve of mine.

And yeah, I'm glad that ghost one got translated, it's pretty hot. A follow-up would be nice, but isn't likely. The circle has already released something different since.

There is just 2 things that bother me with the offcicial translation: money (wich is the lesser of 2 evils since i could always wait until i have it) and censorship, i hate with all my soul, that and i hate when they translate japanesse honorifics and some expression like nee-chan or xxxx-kun.

Well 1 more thing was that unless i get a digital copy even buying it gets complicated =S

BTW i found an epub version, my only complain would be that its all volume sin a single epub so it is between 6000 and 7000 pages long, now that doesn't scare me as much as some of you (check out Malazan Book of the Fallen or the Wheel of time to know why lol) but it does feel tyresome seeing that big a number xD, oh and the ilustration never fit well in my epubs, at least on my pc.

BTW i know what you mean with impatient people, that is why i like bakatsuki since they only post or link translations up to a certain standard wich is why i was even willing to read the whole thing using wayback machine xD

PD: any other good novels or wn? translated that is, i am open to anything so long as it comes reccomended but real harems (either poligamy or real mistery on who the guy will end up with), seinens, action, etc works best!
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Further down it says that there is no voice for the prelude. And no voice for prelude even in the commercial release (I'm not sure if I interpreted this correctly so someone please rectify).
Maybe voices will only be for ero scenes or after the prelude ends? I don't know.

BTW commercial release planned for next year if I'm reading this correctly.
The way Venus does it - they usually have pretty long, skippable unvoiced prologue, with character and story introductions and "main" story with Voice acting. I think its gonna be the same here.
New game is a very good news indeed, Venus rarely disappoint.

Saburo is Artist of Waffle new ntr game :eek: His games for Ail were amazing
But writer guy did some minor various stuff :(, well atleast CG gonna be awesome

Edit. WTF are there multiple Saburos? :confused:
Here is one which did some work for Ail & Tinkerbell
And here is another one so i guess they are different persons?
Anyway both have pretty good drawing skills.
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I am not 100% sure if this is another ntr game, but will come out in december.
Maybe someone else can find out more.

It doesnt look like a NTR game from reading the synopsis, the MC is frail mentally and physically and he gets more when he realizes the few people he feels a connection to pity him or have ulterior motives to be around him, and the school nurse, his confidant and source of admiration, is getting married. From the start the childhood friend whom always looked after him is already dating another guy, with the MC's approval. The underclassman is interested in the childhood friend's boyfriend, and the school nurse gets intimate with him after he tells her how he feels. The male teacher character looks very shady tho, he might be the villain. The title indicates it'll be more of a moral corruption kind of game and from the CGs you can infer that the MC will be somewhat involved, or possibly witness the women's fall into sin.

It's very very vague but looks like an interesting game nonetheless. I love Silkys so I'll probably play.
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Physical resistance or just verbal? That's what makes it important for me.

There is some physical reistance but not much.

In the first scene she tries to resist the pleasure, but ended up cuming like crazy anyway, even though she never admited that she came. In the second scene she tries to push the guy when he tried to kiss her, but it was for a very short time. She was kind of reluctant to do some things but the guy sweet talked her into it and she gave up pretty easily. In the second scene it was obvious that she really wanted it, but was still putting up the chaste wife act.

Okay. It's not like I want to argue about it or anything. I just want to clarify that the definitions I wrote weren't something that I came up with or just my own point of view. Those are the definitions that we've been running off since the terms were first coined. I was just repeating them. The first post of the thread has the whole definition of netorare as it was given to us back when the first NTR discussion thread was started back in 2008 and the netorase one was introduced in this thread around the time the Marina games became popular and interest in that kind of scenario took off and the japanese wanted a term to differentiate it from other kinds of netorare. I've been going off those descriptions of those terms ever since. In fact my previous post was also a bit off since it implied that netorare and netorase are different things, which they originally weren't meant to be. Netorase was meant to be a subgenre of netorare since netorare is pretty much any scenario where the person the protagonist likes is sleeping with someone else. So netorase is also netorare, just a specific kind of netorare that people liked so much they gave it a name of it's own.
You can believe what you want of course and I certainly can't stop you from redefining the terms for your own convenience. But it seems like it defeats the whole point of having the terms in the first place if everyone is going off a different definition of what they mean. The whole reason they came up with them to begin with was so that when they said that something was NTR, other members of the community would know what they were talking about. It was so they could find and share works that fit into their fetish at a time when there were very few works that focused on it and where almost no-one had even heard about it. A general consensus of what constitutes NTR is pretty much mandatory for that to work.
I'm sorry if this bothers you, but this is something that has been frustrating me for years now. Plus one of the reasons this thread was made was so that people who didn't understand NTR could come and ask questions and discuss it. If we can't talk about the definition of NTR anymore because so many people have their own idea of what NTR is and should be and might get upset if they feel their view is being attacked, then this thread is pretty much reduced to being nothing but a place to post about new NTR games and beg for recommendations. Which I'd find pretty sad.

I apologise if I've offended anyone. This should be a place where people can talk about whatever without fear of judgement or hostility (since we face plenty enough from certain other members of the hentai community). I hope everyone can at least agree on that much.

I have to admit that my definition was incomplete, but it wasn't that off. You added something interesting in the definitions you posted in a previous post: WILL. I think that's the key to the definition. Maybe we are talking about the same, but I will tell you what I think.

First I don't think that setting a definition on stone is the right way to go. Genres can change and the definition of a given genre can change or evolve along with it. NTR is not the same as it was when first showed up, specially since the appearance of Netorase. So instead of basing the definition on what someone else said some time ago, that has being passed out for years, it's better to analyze it in a logical way.

I'm not expert in japanese but if we review the termination of the word we can expose the diferences between Netorare and Netorase :

RARE: Something that happens to you without regard of your will or against your will.
RASE: Let something happens to you willingly.

Someone more proficent in japanese can correct me if he wants.

As far as I understand it the will or it's lack for something to happens it's the key diference. In the case of the RASE termination, it doesn't mean you let something happens to you because you can't stop it, but because you want it to happens, without regard of the actions you do to make it happen or not. In the case of the RARE termination is something that happens to you even if you can't stop it, so you just have to accept it, let it happens. I'm making this clarification because there are people that things that Netorase only applies when the husband/boyfriend has to do something to make it happen, and it's not like that. The words refer to the will not to the actions the person itself takes to stop it or make it happen.

Having this in mind we can discern if something is NETORARE or NETORASE by checking the will of the MC. Let's put some examples:

In Toaru Hitozuma no Netorare Jijou 2 there is a NETORASE route in which the husband finds out her wife is having an affair, and makes everything posible to film or record the wife when she cheats on him. He doesn't have control over the situation, nor he made it happened or organized. He just discovered it and get excited by it, so he let it happens. Nor the wife or her lover knows that the husband knows. So even though he didn't do anything to make it happens, he let it happens WILLINGLY once he finds out, thus: NETORASE

In Takabisha na Tsuma no Torisetsu, both in the PREQUEL and it's SEQUEL the husband discovers that her wife is cheating on him, but he doesn't wants it, however he can't stop it because he is a pussy. So even though he let the affair happens, he doesn't wants it to happen. He UNWILLINGLY has to let it happens, thus: NETORARE

I can put a lot more examples in which that rules applies, and I think is a very good way to tell apart NETORARE from NETORASE. Of course there might be some works in which the line is dificult to see, but I think checking the WILL of the husband/boyfriend can really help to define the genre in most cases.


I beat the 2nd game last night, makes more sense that the 2nd game is just another path from the 1st game.

I'll give the 1st game a try sometime later and come back to the 2nd game when voices and additional content has been added.

Yeah when I read that the mother was being paid more if the kid did well, I knew that would become a huge factor in why the mother let the kid progress with his reward system. I liked the fact that the original deal was only for the summer but the mother decides to keep tutoring the kid so he can continue to improve and "decides" the reward system and weekly sex session will have to keep continuing. Nice way to justify her desires and lust. :)

Tried this game yesterday and loved it.

I can't find any download links fro the newest version and since I've got no money:( *sad*, I am also requesting someone to share the most recent version beyond July. I've played the 1.41version and have to say it was great. The corruption and NTR story is really up my alley. I'm usually not into shota though but this one was an exception. The corruption of Yukari told from Kentou's perspective then the switch over to Yukari was well executed, to add she's a bit of tsundere as well which I really liked.

Finished the game with a lot of missing CGs leading me to conclude that I need a walk-through and also was surprised to find out more content has been added which got me hyped up.

I'm curious with the new content because there are a lot of scenes about her thinking that Touta might have gotten her pregnant so i'm still going to run another playthrough but If possible with the most recent version.

As for the voice acting, I don't really mind if there is none, the game is still great without, but there are rumors that the game will have one on December(unsure.)

For those that are interested into playing Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~ I strongly recommend to play it's prequel first: Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~. Seriouslly you are missing a lot. For starters, the second game is a direct sequel from the first, it continues from the ending number 6 from the first game. So by starting on the second game you are missing a lot! You are missing the set up of the relationship between Yukari and Touta, that was stablished in that game in projection to what the second game would be. It's like skipping all the first part of a NTR game and starting from 1/4 through it. On top of that, the first game has one of the hottest sex scenes I have seing in NTR: The last sex scene from that game, which has two variations depending on the decisions you made/the ending you are heading to. The first game is kind of short, so you shouldn't skip it, it's much better to start from it and later play the second game.

Yukari is one of my favorite MILFS. She is adorable and sexy at the same time. She is a tsundere with a strong character, so when you start on the first game you can't help but wonder how Touta is gonna melt that harsh outside of her and get to her inner sweet side, specially after watching her attitude towards him at the begining, when he blackmails her ("I'm gonna kill this fucking brat!!!"). The corruption (although I think it's more appropiate to call it "change of heart") is made in a brilliant way, slowly but steadily, sometimes very subtlety. It's a master class on how corruption should be made.

A voice update on december has already being announce by Rascou in his website. Also, two more endings with their respective routes and more content will be added next year ("good grades" and "bad grades" endings).

EDIT: Everytime Anim adds samples for the shota swapping game, I get more and more dissapointed -_-
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Then, be happy, I bought the game so here it is : さよこ~星に願いを掛けた夏_1.15 (link to

It's the last version of the game and it should work since there is no DRM (at least I didn't see any).

As for the new scenes, the dev added some non-H and H scenes but not playable during the game, you have to go to the "Extra Tips" in your bedroom to see them. There are 3 H scenes unlockable after the end of the game to add more details (one scene for each ending and another one common to the two ends) and it was great. Not perfect, but great and I really hope the dev will add more scenes in the future.

Thank you, much appreciated.
Can I request an updated download link(the MEGA one is currently down.)
Also, I checked dlsite, it seems the game has been updated again as of 2018年11月04日
Edit: nvmd, i wasn't reading the latest posts, lol.
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Hey guys, it's me again!
And god damn it the new ANIM game.... the best design of heroines for me from all of Anim games and is shota! ARGH!!!

Also I didn't found it to download so here - Sharing
Eye Mask ~ADV Edition~ (

Can someone share a mega link for this? it only allows free slow downloading at less than 500mb.
Edit: NVMd i was reading not from the latest post, lol.
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For every fan of Sayoko, a new update should come quickly. The dev talked about it some days ago and it should add a new part of the story not just a new scene. I hoped for a new version this weekend, but nothing until now, so maybe next week.
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The way Venus does it - they usually have pretty long, skippable unvoiced prologue, with character and story introductions and "main" story with Voice acting. I think its gonna be the same here.
New game is a very good news indeed, Venus rarely disappoint.

Saburo is Artist of Waffle new ntr game :eek: His games for Ail were amazing
But writer guy did some minor various stuff :(, well atleast CG gonna be awesome

Edit. WTF are there multiple Saburos? :confused:
Here is one which did some work for Ail & Tinkerbell
And here is another one so i guess they are different persons?
Anyway both have pretty good drawing skills.

That's the same Saburo who worked with Ail and Tinkerbell. Easiest way to tell is that his pseudonym is written in katakana most of times.
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Trying to remember the name of a game I saw the cg on I only remember two of the heriones one was a policewoman or security guard and the other was your loli niece or cousin and I remember at the end there was a group scene with all the heriones in cosplay outfit at I think a doujinshi event having sex with protag and others. I posted this here because I think in the tags it said netorare and I forgot to save the game name so I could find the game later so I would realy appreciate it if someone knew the name.
Trying to remember the name of a game I saw the cg on I only remember two of the heriones one was a policewoman or security guard and the other was your loli niece or cousin and I remember at the end there was a group scene with all the heriones in cosplay outfit at I think a doujinshi event having sex with protag and others. I posted this here because I think in the tags it said netorare and I forgot to save the game name so I could find the game later so I would realy appreciate it if someone knew the name.

I remember Butcha-U had drawn something like that for Clock Up. Is it Kenzen! Hentai Seikatsu no Susume? There is a loli and a milf with military uniform, also the loli does cosplays so..
I remember Butcha-U had drawn something like that for Clock Up. Is it Kenzen! Hentai Seikatsu no Susume? There is a loli and a milf with military uniform, also the loli does cosplays so..
That's not it but thanks for trying if it helps the loli I'm pretty sure had black hair and she was the only one related to the mc. Also like I said it had a event were the heriones were at like a comic convention selling doujinshi for the main character.
Kodamashi (the developer that made Yanzuma Koharu has realease a new Mazo Kano voiced CG: マゾカノ ~寝取られ志願~ it's Netorase though

Also, tt seems MosquitoMan will be releasing a new work on december:


We suddenly have news and releases out of nowhere. It seems NTR developers have realize suddenly, that 2018 is almost over and they haven't release shit this year. Now they are fighting against the clock to beat the end of the year LOL.
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