Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

The links dead everywhere, can someone reup this : 恋妻くずし
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

God damnit, Atelier Sakura

I know that your lead writer has moved on to another brand, but please get some new talent

草刈 sucks

he has always sucked

He writing has no fucking subtlety or style at all. I bet this would even suck as a non-NTR nukige
I've never met anyone who likes his writing. Japanese fans don't like his writing.
I bet even Stephanie Meyer thinks he sucks as a writer
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=16856]starlightbreaker[/MENTION] I take it you just tried the new demo that just came out.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Ok for those who are interested in playing 魔剣士リーネ but have no idea wtf the moonrunes in the menus are talking about here's a couple fo screenshots. I figured them out through trial and error and I think i completed the game, beat the final boss but missed out on alot of the scenes, so I think they're pretty accurate or at least will get you along with your game.

If you know how to use cheat engine you can pretty much edit yourself to have unlimited gold, and let your enemies have none, and make your main hero invincible.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Ok for those who are interested in playing 魔剣士リーネ but have no idea wtf the moonrunes in the menus are talking about here's a couple fo screenshots. I figured them out through trial and error and I think i completed the game, beat the final boss but missed out on alot of the scenes, so I think they're pretty accurate or at least will get you along with your game.

If you know how to use cheat engine you can pretty much edit yourself to have unlimited gold, and let your enemys have none, and make your main hero invincible.

Just my luck, when someone finally gives some info about this game I already finish and open all scenes by myself...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

most of the scenes come from getting the 4 main heroines captured

if you send them on a sabotage mission or they are defeated in an attempt to conquer a territory they will be sent to prison

for main heroines there is a gauge to see how far away they are from getting screwed by the enemy boss

if they managed to get screwed you won't get an ending with them (but really that's not the point of this game)

if they get screwed multiple times they will switch sides

even after all this is said and done, you can still defeat them in battle and have them join your side again. Sometimes this allows them to have troop types that they would not get otherwise.

and if they get captured again, well.. the cycle repeats

getting all of the female commanders corrupted leads you to a harem NTR ending.. it's not much really, so don't get too excited

but as I said, this is a solid NTR game and an OK strategy game

If It were to me, I would make it so you would have an NTR variation to each girl's ending

for instance, you clear all a girl's events but she gets corrupted afterwards.

She still likes you enough to marry you as promised, but you also have to take care of her baby that is not yours XD
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Alright any idea on how to get the pink haired girl, Lamentia? When I go and defeat her at her castle she doesn't join my party and just disappears after I defeat her.

but you also have to take care of her baby that is not yours XD

I just love it when the NTR games have this, better if the guy doesn't find out or find out when the child is already born and grown up, gatenki...I'm looking at you!
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Alright any idea on how to get the pink haired girl, Lamentia? When I go and defeat her at her castle she doesn't join my party and just disappears after I defeat her.

you need to go back to your original castle. The very first one after the prologue.

Lamentia will greet you there

I just love it when the NTR games have this, better if the guy doesn't find out or find out when the child is already born and grown up, gatenki...I'm looking at you!

This is one of the major things preventing 愛する妻、玲奈の浮気告白 and 愛する妻、真理子が隣室で抱かれるまで from being a really great NTR story

愛する妻、玲奈の浮気告白 cut it short. Sorry, obscuring things and leaving things to my imagination I can understand, but this is leaving TOO much to my own imagination

愛する妻、真理子が隣室で抱かれるまで had birth control pills.. where's the fun in that? That's like watching a horror movie with the light on and with a hand above your eyes

One the other hand, 他の男の精液で孕むとき had the impregnation, but it had none of the subtle teasing and voyeuristic approach. I mean.. the guy already knows his brother is going to knock up his wife, but there is no mystery, nor there is the perverse pleasure from being a voyeuristic husband..

Ah.. Atelier Sakura.. so.. soo very close
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

IMO, the problem has always been 草刈元

I get the feeling he just doesn't get netorare. He's one of those people go on exhentai and rename all the rape labels to NTR labels. And he can't write sex scenes either.

Now, おんぼろ月 had a few flukes as well, but those happened because either

1) He tried be like 草刈元. BIG FUCKING MISTAKE
2) He tried to write a fantasy drama story and pretend it was NTR

But it's clear the guy understands what people value in an NTR game.

And said, Atelier Sakura only had two writers. おんぼろ月 is being transfered to their sister brand , from what I've hard.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Yeah, there were things a really, really liked about 愛する妻、真理子が隣室で抱かれるまで~あなたが知らない事、彼がたくさん教えてくれました~, which made me gush after first playing it. But I'm beginning to feel it pulled it's punches a little too much.

I was a big fan of the confession scene. Similar to the one from愛する妻、玲奈の浮気告白, but better. The way it starts out as a confession with her acting guilty, but has the atmosphere slowly change as he gets aroused and has her attitude change to teasing him with the cheating story and seeing him get off, was great for me.

On the other hand though, the fact from then on she isn't so much cheating as having an affair with his blessing and for his pleasure, took the edge off the NTR for me. And the fact that her trolling about letting the other guy come inside and make her pregnant, turned out to be an trick to cater to his fetish, with her having taken the pill, was a let down.

I'll admit, I don't like it so much when the girl simply stops caring about the MC and dumps him for the other guy, but there should still be some cruelty and betrayal. By the end of this though, they were practically back in the loving relationship that had turned into an open relationship so she could have great sex and he could get NTR fetish. More or less a happy ending, which is a little too bland for my tastes.

I would have liked it more if he had gotten disgusted with himself after getting off on her confession, and refused to admit that he was excited by the thought of his wife cheating. And rather than her going along with it for his sake, it'd be better if she started getting turned on by the thought of him being aroused by her cheating and then set him up to see it happen of her own instigation. The MC is supposed to be the victim in an NTR scenario, and any time when he asks for it himself, even if it is because of an NTR fetish, kind of undermines that.

This may all just be my personal taste though.

NTSA said:
I just love it when the NTR games have this, better if the guy doesn't find out or find out when the child is already born and grown up, gatenki...I'm looking at you!

Does anyone know any games like this? Where the MC marries a girl who has been cheating (with or without him finding out), has a bunch of kids which grow up, and one day suddenly finds out that she's kept cheating with that guy throughout their marriage and that none of the children he has been so lovingly taking care of or actually his. Literal cuckolding. I'd really want to play something like that.
It'd be really good if the game starts out with them as high school sweet hearts and covers everything up to the revelation years later, if that could be done.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I think we have similar tastes, DiabolicalGenius

Yes, balance is the key. How much to show, how much not to show. How much is teasing. How much is bullying.

As for your question... I can't think explicitly of any eroge like that, but I think there's a few josei manga that has that settingng.

Oh, I'm not sure you've heard of it. But the latest Fire Emblem game for the 3DS kinda has that for one character.

Spoiler: Hilight to read

Time travel is involved which enables the characters to meet their future children. (they came from a destroyed future, so they had to flee into the past)

But for one character, his future son doesn't carry his blood. He is another man's child with this wife

End spoiler
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Does anyone know any games like this? Where the MC marries a girl who has been cheating (with or without him finding out), has a bunch of kids which grow up, and one day suddenly finds out that she's kept cheating with that guy throughout their marriage and that none of the children he has been so lovingly taking care of or actually his. Literal cuckolding. I'd really want to play something like that.
It'd be really good if the game starts out with them as high school sweet hearts and covers everything up to the revelation years later, if that could be done.

I can remember this off the top of my head: シュレーディンガーの扉
Also if you want to read manga I think ver9's 彼女が下半身だけで男を選んじゃう汚話 series is pretty good. They have been translated and starlightbreaker mentioned that a new one is in the works.

Also about 愛する妻、真理子が隣室で抱かれるまで~あなたが知らない事、彼がたくさん教えてくれました~ we are probably just disappointed that the wife didn't betray the MC and it turned into an open relationship. However I still get the feeling that perhaps the wife likes her boss too much and pretty much prefers fucking him but for some reason doesn't want to leave the MC, or is glad that the MC has an cuckold fetish so she can keep fucking her boss and not have to worry about MC getting pissed at her.

I thought that there were discrepancies during her confession story, like what she said wasn't exactly the truth or she just told the partial truth.
For example I think there was the hotel scene where they fucked for the entire day but just told the MC that they stayed for an hour?
That they have actually been fucking raw most of the time, but she told the MC that they used condoms.

Unrelated but there's that last scene where her boss requests that she removes her ring when they fuck and she agrees, to me that kinda shows that MC wasn't too important to her at that point.

I kinda hope that the birthday present could have been more cruel, where she would pass the dvd to him/or leave it at the table. MC would return home happily thinking he would get a nice surprise only to find that he was playing with fire and got burned as the wife declares in the dvd that she is going to leave him, bonus points if she gets impregnated in the video.

Ok I didn't really use AGTH cause somehow it wouldn't grab the text for me after a certain point in the game so I'm not too sure how accurate I am so forgive me if I completely missed the points (I'll have to go back and play the thing again then). TA still has that issue where it'll grab text fine for a line or two and start skipping multiple lines on other games so I've pretty much given hope on that, this appears with the current version, I recall that I never had this line skipping shit with an older version. Haven't used ITH yet.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I think we have similar tastes, DiabolicalGenius

Yes, balance is the key. How much to show, how much not to show. How much is teasing. How much is bullying.

Well, I don't really mind it if the heroine is cruel. In fact, I'm kind of starting to get into the idea of really sadistic heroines in NTR, meaning the verbal and emotional sadism as opposed to dominatrix type stuff.
It's indifference to the main character I don't like as much. When she simply decides that the MC is a loser and she's dumping him for the other guy and his magic dick, and doesn't give a damn what happens to the MC anymore. That may be cruel, but it's not really my thing.
At the very least, she should still have feelings for him, even if it's not enough to beat her desire for cheating with the other guy.

I don't read many josei manga, since it's naturally aimed heavily at female readers. If one had that kind of setting, it'd probably focus on the woman and her feelings about involvement with the other guy while hiding it from her husband, without much emphasis on the husband's perspective. If you happen to know any that are pretty good though, feel free to let me know. ;)

[MENTION=14115]NTSA[/MENTION] I'm afraid I already played シュレーディンガーの扉 and enjoyed it. Actually contributed to my wanting to see more, though I felt a little let down in one respect. That fact that the guy only finds out if you take the option that will lead to him finding out at various intervals at which you get an NTR bad end. And if you take the option for it to keep going with him ignorant, it ends with him staying clueless. It would have been a hell of a lot better if it had had him finding out years later and continued on with his reactions and what he does about it.

Also read ver9's work too. It's pretty good, with a nice moral corruption. Especially the dark haired one, she was great. Do feel the husbands have next to no presence though, making it feel a little more like netori.

In 愛する妻、真理子が隣室で抱かれるまで I'm sure she actually was very attracted to the boss and had much better chemistry with him than she did with her husband. Even so though, she still loved her husband and felt guilty about it later. Even if that didn't stop her from giving in to temptation. I liked that, it felt more believable, like a real life affair. And yes, she did seem to find it convenient that she didn't have to give up on affair she was enjoying and was able to please her husband at the same time. It was a win win situation for her.

And yes, she lied in places. That was the whole point. She starts out feeling guilty for the first half of the confession and deliberately keeps some of the crueller details back, saying that she only did it for an hour that time and used protection every time they did it.
But in the second half she realises he's getting turned on and decides to go with it. At that point she stop trying to hide the full details and actually begins teasing him with them, even making a point about whether he'd be happy if she let the boss do it raw.

That whole transition was what I loved about it. That she starts out playing down the full extent of the cheating, and changes to telling all the gory details halfway supports that whole effect.

I recommend ITH. It worked quite well with this game for me, and rarely lets me down. Once you've tried it, you'll hardly ever use AGTH anymore. It's pretty good. :)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

when the heroine starts to get joy from being emotionally cruel to the protagonist I call it NTR trolling. I'm all for those but it need a balance to it. have start trolling to soon and to long can be bad, the story got to build where we can like both the guy and girl and feel rage and sadness at her change in personalty. take triangle blue, one point are guy wakes up thinking a earth quake is happening but it's just Akane having sex with the guy waking him up on purpose.

where the girl gets turn on form keeping it a secret that her boyfriend is getting NTR. also like it when the girl for some reason has to be with the other guy but she and the protagonist promise that they will get thru this a get back together some how. so at night the protagonist wonders in agony what she is doing, is she staying strong or maybe falling for the other guy. are they sleeping together. then when they meet up he worryingly looks for signs that she changes at all.:lovestruck: NTR MYSTERY
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] Yeah, NTR trolling can be great if it's handled well. But it can also be very disappointing when it's handled badly. Generally when it's crudely done and without any subtlety. It really irritates me when the heroine goes from true love with the MC, to full scale NTR trolling in less than a week or two just because she got addicted to the other guy's magic dick. I just sigh at the wasted potential there. You need some believable character development. The girl can't just have a radical change in personality overnight, it has to be done slowly, in increments. You should see a slow development of moral corruption starting at her developing NTR trolling feelings towards the MC, but refusing to admit it, eventually admitting it but hating herself for it, and finally starting to forget about the guilt and begin to revel in the feeling. Something along those lines.
Unfortunately not many are willing to put in that kind of time and effort for that sort of thing. Shame. :dispirited:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Wedding Blue demo is out. It contains 4 sex scenes. (surprisingly generous for a demo. If this was a doujin, it would be the full game.. xd)

husband x wife. Self explanatory
brother x wife. It seems that wife loves the brother instead, but she had to marry someone else.
co-worker x wife. An argument with that husband led her to having an affair?
uncle x wife. err.. typical rape game scenario. Not my thing.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Wedding Blue demo is out. It contains 4 sex scenes. (surprisingly generous for a demo. If this was a doujin, it would be the full game.. xd)

husband x wife. Self explanatory
brother x wife. It seems that wife loves the brother instead, but she had to marry someone else.
co-worker x wife. An argument with that husband led her to having an affair?
uncle x wife. err.. typical rape game scenario. Not my thing.
Can you give a link for the demo?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[Atelier Kaguya] Aisuru tsuma, Mariko ga rinshitsu de dakareru made...
Epix Story!! Like a Real story.. lol
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Can anyone list me some good NTR games,if not the best?I have me already the blue box set and a game called seifuku tenshi for the genre,and both games have ntr scenes that are really hardcore,if you know what I'm saying.And please dont post the ntr blogs links or hongfire,cuz i need recommendations not selections.(Preferably b or )
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Dear Warriored,

1.[circle OP]ふわふわ彼女
2.[煩悩本舗] ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~
3.......... maybe ...... coming soon......

Yours sincerely,
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