Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I have it, I'll try and find it I remember asking about this game and someone had it up in a day. cause the ntr community is awesome!

been in the bioware forums too much lately, Indoctrination theory and all that.

I have find everywhere but cannot find it, I'm very grateful if u can help.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Ver9 is working on the 4th volume of their cheating wives story

it seems like they're swapping pairs this time

previous works

Also, I'd like to add that the demo for Kiss's xxx-na Kanojo no Tsukirikata 2 was pretty great

Especially if you make a non-virgin girlfriend and make her confess of her past deeds
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

That new NTR strategy game sure is fun. Artwork is great. Though, got to the point where when I conquered the green army's main castle the game froze saying something about a script... hope they patch and re-upload it sometime.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

They have released the 1.03 patch for "Leane of Evil Blade"
Click "修正データのダウンロード" to download it (for those having problem finding the link) ;)

Extract the "patch.xp3" files and put it in same the folder you put the game.
They forgot to rename internally the patch, it will say the game is version 1.02 if you check the in-game menu ;)


・拠点から退却すると同時に武将 → 移動を選択すると動作がおかしかったのを修正

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

That new NTR strategy game sure is fun. Artwork is great. Though, got to the point where when I conquered the green army's main castle the game froze saying something about a script... hope they patch and re-upload it sometime.

which game are you talking about?

seems interesting
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

not finding it, I got it last May but did have a hard drive crash last June so it might be lost, ill keep looking
Too bad, the one I found on PD just won't start downloading for some reason.

There's a new demo of the Teatime game (, but after choosing someone else's waifu the server times out every fucking time :saveme:
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Too bad, the one I found on PD just won't start downloading for some reason.

There's a new demo of the Teatime game (, but after choosing someone else's waifu the server times out every fucking time :saveme:

I tried it out but was not using any translation, so I had no idea what I was doing.:hypnotized: I hope someone dose some translation patches for the menus
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I tried it out but was not using any translation, so I had no idea what I was doing.:hypnotized: I hope someone dose some translation patches for the menus

Does AGTH/ITH work on the game?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


thanks a lot^_^
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Hey anyone have a complete save data for 魔剣士リーネ?
A walkthrough also helps.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I was re-playing gatenkei, but i forgot how to get fin 01 ending, when i follow the walktrough, i got end 08. Anyone know how to get fin 01? Please help me?:)
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

bet lots of ppl now is playing Diablo3...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Haven't played Diablo3 yet, but I have cleared Makenshi Leane mentioned earlier

nice game, MakuraSoft knows what they are doing

personally, I think they could have gotten more out of this game in terms of NTR, but their heart is in the right place. This is a solid effort and I'm they're getting my money for this.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I tried it out but was not using any translation, so I had no idea what I was doing.:hypnotized: I hope someone dose some translation patches for the menus

tell me if you find any, i like this kind of game, when i understand what gthe menus say xD
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

There's not much yet in the Teatime game demo

it's basically a stat raising game except you're raising your own player stats

each custom girl has a favored stat, so you mold your player stats in order to woo her.

if thing go well she can confess to you or you can confess to her, but this part isn't in the demo yet.

if she accepts the confession, she becomes your girlfriend

Now here's where the online thing starts

You can meet with other custom girls belonging to other players, but the process you also agree to let your girlfriend meet other players.

You can repeat the process of making another player's girl your girlfriend even though she is already dating another guy, or in some cases, several other guys

The more guys she sees, the more experience she gets

if another player becomes your own custom girlfriend's boyfriend your relationship to her might change. One of the possible options are "sex friend" (ie: you're not going steady but you're using each other for sex)

There's also an online rank which tracks which players has the most sex friends, the most time confessed, and the most time confessed to.

But as of the demo, none of these are working.

Your custom girl information is stored on their server side it seems, but as of now it is made that you can not progress that much and all records are wiped out.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Your custom girl information is stored on their server side it seems, but as of now it is made that you can not progress that much and all records are wiped out.

I'm getting bad vibes from this, I'm thinking their server will just block non japanese IPs and there goes your online NTR adventure.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Also one of the MC activities you can do at night is fapping, and you lose body condition points :whistle:
But yeah, they may block white devil IPs, to say nothing of pirated copies plus proxies aren't an option since most are dog-slow, let's hope HF resident wizards come up with a solution.

We have another game for June: no cover or screens yet though.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

wow, just wow.

Now that's almost real life NTR. But in this case, you "exchange" your virtual GF, and she has no way to refuse your offer. :D

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Minman45678 wrote on Shine's profile.


Release date: 2025/02/07
i need link this game :D
Here is DMM link
Because Dlsite link gives error code No related product.
i want download this game :frown:
Minman45678 wrote on ramori's profile.


Release date: 2025/02/07
i need link this game :D
Here is DMM link
Because Dlsite link gives error code No related product.
natsuki wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, I played the game "大正浪漫ミステリー 石榴の時計 新改盤" that you shared, and it was so much fun!
Could you please upload other games from this series? Thank you!