Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

A scenario like that would be hot but Icchii no longer works that that school lol. Harada mentions it after the good ending when hes accepting he cant get Misao anymore. Thats why he makes the jump on Imai.

You missed alot I think.

The reason Baba took Misaos virginity is more complex. It all happened in the past and had nothing to do with her marriage to Kaede being called off. The truth is that he always wanted to have Misao to himself so marrying her to Kaede was just an excuse to impregnate her himself. When Misaos mom hears that she refuses and chooses to sacrifice herself in that role. Misao then catches them in doing it like beasts (Anoyama people lol) and since shes so worried about her delicate health she goes to Baba to offer her virginity in exchange for leaving her mom alone. The two are very alike. Well see more of this in the short game about Misaos past that nao will announce soon. I think its gonna be free for people who support him or already bought the game. Curious about the sex that traumatized Misao since when shes doing it wildly with Harada she has flashbacks to that.

Theres a lot more details but the main thing you misunderstood is the main plot of the game lol. Misao already wished Icchii never leaves his side at the end of the previous game. She had no interest in the shrine anymore...but when they go to Anoyama because her moms sick they come across Tomita whos looking for it. This is unnerving for them but its not a real problem until Tomita goes to meet Misao on his own later in the story and shows her a photo of the shrine. He teases her that he knows the truth about her past with Baba thanks to it and fools her into talking more about it. But the truth is that he just went and took the photo, hed just overheard Baba vaguely talking about that. Tomita now has a wish and information about Misaos past so thats where his plan begins. He threatens her to use the wish to make Icchii vanish from this world and since shes seen that its magic for real she has to listen. The alternative he proposes is helping him break Ichii's heart. Misao accepts because shed rather Icchii hates her than have him disappear from this world.

Tomitas plan at the start is simple. He blackmails her into sexual acts (cant have sex because her traumas rejection is that strong) which he takes photos of. And then as the final blow he wants her to confess that shes not actually a virgin since she had sex with Baba. But when he does Icchii shows that he has grown a lot. It hurts him but if you choose the right thing he knows how to move on rather than run away like he used to in the past. Thats when Tomita realizes he needs something new to crush him because as he is now he wouldn't fall for photos of him doing it with Misao. Icchii would know someone manipulated her into it. So instead he takes attention of Harada which hes heard from through the cameras he has in Icchiis house now. He even hears that hes from Anoyama and that Icchii hates him. So his definitive plan to break his heart is to force Misao into being unfaithful with Harada, thinking that itll really hurt Icchii if it comes from someone unexpected who isnt him and that he already dislikes. Theres also a great scene when youre after the scene where Icchii accepts Misaos part his POV because you see the credits roll like in a happy end but they corrupt and end abruptly. No happy end yet.

Tomita forces Misao to seduce Harada under the threat that he will delete Icchiis existence otherwise. If she does that and it breaks Icchiis heart, Tomitas wish will be nulified. Misao begins doing that and her body really gets into it. When Tomita did stuff with her it was different because hes good at sex but she hates him. But with someone shes alright with and both being from Anoyama its different. Her hearts always with Icchii but by the end of it she gets so much into it that she forgets about him at times too. Harada eventually manages to break her sex trauma (she does it with Icchii once because of this too but its nowhere as wild as with Harada so shes a bit dissatisfied) and eventually decides to have one last wild night with Harada at the school before breaking up that relationship forever. Thats when Tomita exposes everything to Icchii with the website he used in the past. Though this time its different since the site is sort of lying/hiding how things actually went. After seeing Misaos POV about how all this happened, Icchiis super pissed but he lashes out at Tomita rather than at Misao since hes not a dumbass and understands who caused it all.

But theres a problem. This didnt break Icchiis heart like Tomita wanted. Hes too strong after two games. Misao dashes back to Anoyama and finds him at the shrine as hes wishing that the person he knows as Icchii (I swear this sounds less awkward in Japanese) disappears. And what that does is... make Icchiis existence disappear from Tomitas mind entirely. He leaves confused but also relieved because the person who traumatized him no longer exists in his mind. Tsubasas grandpa pops up from behind the shrine and explains that its never been able to fulfill evil wishes or change peoples feelings. It can only fulfill positive wishes and things you do for the sake of someone else. This is a big reveal for Misao because she had the suspicion that Icchii was only sticking with her after all those crazy reveals because of her previous wish that he didnt leave him. That the wish was manipulating him and that in a way she stole Icchii from Touko. But the trush is simply that he loves her that much. Since she doesnt want someone that nice to suffer with all the painful memories shes given him, Misao wishes that Icchii forgets about her.

And thats where you have the final choice. If you interpret that like a good wish for the sake of someone else then it works and Icchii forgets Misao. Leads to a bad ending where Harada brings a big belly pregnant Misao to the school and kinda laughs at him for having forgotten who she is. Hes not a crazy villain but can be a big asshole lol. If you choose to make him remember then they reunite immediately and have a final scene where they can be honest to each other. You see a final event CG with Misao happily holding that pregnancy announcement card (though you dont really know whose it from lol). Theres a lot more to the game but I think these are the big things you didnt get.

woah thanks for that, it clears up some of my question as well!

summer salt 2 is really good, but the whole shrine thing was a bit wonky for me when I play through it..
I beat Summer Salt 2 while I enjoyed it overall (and certainly one of the better games released this year) , there are a few elements that made it more of a mixed bag game for me from purely an NTR perspective - maybe an 8/10? All the H-scenes were super hot though.

The good
- The reveal that Misao actually had long standing relations throughout Summer Salt 1 and its details
- The whole setup with Icchi + Misao not being able to have sex was new and refreshing - the idea of the Maotoko having sex before the husband long after marriage was great, and needing to rely on Harada's sex technique to make sex possible was awesome
- The blackmail setup between Tomita and Harada where Misao is plays the role of the seducer was interesting
- The hair change scene
- Touko's continued slide into a sex freak,

The bad
- The writing in general took a drop. There's very little character & world development in this game compared VENUS's previous games and the drop off was noticeable. Most of the supporting cast only made a token appearance as well, which was disappointing.
- Too much reliance on temple magic. Back in the last game I interpreted the power of the temple as not real and the disappearance of Tsubasa as the real trigger for Icchi's recovery. Handwaving it as magic
- The lack of actual NTR in the game (well aside the ending where Icchi forgets about Misao...but is that even NTR if the protag doesn't even know who it is)? I don't think the story really works in an NTR context because most of it is really around blackmail & Misao taking the lead. Harada is also content following Misao's lead and there's no evidence of their relationship continuing after the happy ending either...Would have loved to see an ending with evidence of Misao continuing her side relationship with Harada (maybe changing hair color whenever she meets him and switching it back as a naughty persona reserved only for Harada)

All that said, I'm in for the sequel and I think there's some interesting opportunities for Tsubasa. The way I hope the story works out would be..
The protag of the game would be Touko's Son when he and Tsubasa is in highschool and ...Icchi can become the one who steals Tsubasa while Kaede steals Misao :) Ok, it's a bit of a stretch based on the games so far but...if we take the Temple magic as fact there's two things here that can come into play next game:

1. We KNOW Tsubasa's wish : For Icchi to feel "genki". This can be retconned as Icchi getting hard whenever he's around Tsubasa once she's older and this slowly makes him go down a deranged path where she's all he can think about even though Misao is there.
2. We still don't know what Kaede asked for when he reached the temple. It may be something that allows him back in once once Icchi starts on his path...
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I beat Summer Salt 2 while I enjoyed it overall (and certainly one of the better games released this year) , there are a few elements that made it more of a mixed bag game for me from purely an NTR perspective - maybe an 8/10? All the H-scenes were super hot though.

The good
***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

The bad
***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

All that said, I'm in for the sequel and I think there's some interesting opportunities for Tsubasa. The way I hope the story works out would be..
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just use spoiler tags instead of "like walling", unless you are sharing content
Sorry - thought they were the same thing since it's the only one I see in the UI. Didn't realize it forces likes to see it. What's the tag for it? <spoiler> or
doesn't seem to work?

edit : fixed it after some digging. Looks like you need add the "="
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I have been playing a good number of games recently, and want to give my thoughts. Alright, so here goes! My way of trying my best to give back to the community a bit. I apologize in advance for the long post.

1. Summer☆Salt
Guess I'll start with this since the secibd game just came out too. I played this about a month ago partly due to all the good things I heard about it, and partly to get ready for this new game. The game was great but at the same time I wish it was longer. I also got stuck at the computer page for the longest time, trying to access the hidden part of the site. That dot was impossible to find. I wish we got to know more about the lore of the bloodline that makes people horny. I was a bit lost on the NTR though. So the guy just hated Touko's new bf/husband, us as the MC for some reason and wanted to ruin our life? The hidden sex an absolute joy though. I love mystery NTR and when the person getting cucked does not know of it or suspects thing but doesn't have a definite answer. Did the little girl go missing/dead too or was I mistaken? I swear I remembered a route like that. I can't recommend this game enough though, but judging by comments you guys have all already played it. Truly a masterpiece.

2. Boku no Mama wa Jusei Niku Dorei ~Tomodachi no Hahaoya Choukyou~
This one was interesting. You have 21 days to mindbreak your classmates mom. The mom has 4 stats.
Health of your subject: if it hits zero you she needs to recover.
Her mental status: If it hits zero it will break
How erotic it is: She becomes your bitch slave the higher it is
How motherly/how much of a loving mother she is? - I didn't really understand this stat

You also have dominance stat. It shows your power in relation to the mom's

So everyday you have a few options. You can go to your classmate's house to play with his mom. In which you have this hexagonal map which has different scenario on it. You click one and it unlocks other sex-plays. The other options you have are going to play outside with friends which will unlock different sex plays on the hexagonal map. Talking to your perverted gaijin ouji-san to get sex tips, which will also unlock over sex-plays. Or uploading photos you took during your previous sex-play to your website. You also have a website with a popularity score. The more pictures you upload the more the score goes up. But choosing any one of these activities will take up your whole day, so keep that in mind.

3. Itsu made mo Ore wa Mama ni Koishiteru! ~Ii yo, Mama ni Amaete, Oppai de Ippai Osewa Shite Ageru♪~
Only played the route where you fuck, knock-up and marry your friend's mom. Not really Netori, or NTR I guess in the grand scheme of things since no feelings of jealously by the son. He is kind of mad at the start then gets over it totally if I recall correctly. Has some hot scenes though here and there. Nothing much to write about.

4. Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~
Nothing much to be said about this that hasn't already been said. Fetish wise and writing/theme/atmosphere it fires on all cylinders for me and just like summer salt is a 10/10 for me. Gets more amazing with each update. If you are having problems with the mini-game to unlock scenes either mess around with files, or just use cheat engine. I highly recommend this game, and the prequel.

5. Toaru Hitozuma no Netorare Jijou "Y"
Another game by Rascou. This feels like the early "test-this-concept" build of his current game. Not to take anything away from it because it is still fun. Just not as long and I don't think it is getting anymore updates. The ending was kind of sweet too for an ntr. Instead of a blog site getting updated in this it is an e-mail between the people. And once you beat the game there is this extra route that unlocks too.

6. Dekachin Kozou
Another 10/10 from me. An easy quick game. All the women were super hot. Their scenarios were hot, the animation was also a plus I didn't expect in this budget title.

7. Shin'yuu no Haha Kumiko ~Ana no Ichi kara Haramasekata made Subete Kanojo ga Oshiete Kureta~ / Friend's Mom Kumiko ~She Told Me Everything About Sex~
This one was a wild ride. From what gathered from the translation programs. You are in love with your friend's mom and you talk her into having sex with you, you tell her she is your only love and that you don't know much or anything about women because you never really had sex ed and you want to learn. For some reason she agrees really quickly. And the story goes from there. There are some truly wild scenes and lines in this. For example you ask to see her taking a shit, so she goes and takes a shit right in the middle of the living room. You also fuck her in front of your friend in a wedding dress (I don't think you get legally married) but for all intents and purposes she doesn't count her husband as her husband anymore from my understanding and belongs to the friend in every single way. She also agrees to turn her daughter into a cum-slut in the future too, but the game ends by that point. Great character models and art, and some hot scenarios. I am confused at how quickly the milf goes from 0 to a 100 though. Either she is the worlds biggest slut or the translation didn't do the text justice. Another gem imo all things considered.

8. Mother's Lessons
This one is by NTRMAN. It really is godly. It is all in English too. Great art and scenarios. The scenes could stand to be a big longer though. In a sense it is almost like another Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi. Might be why I love it so much. I also love NTR where the person getting NTR'd doesn't know what is going on, or has suspicions but can't confirm them. Which is why I like summer salt so much. I kind of hope that the son never truly finds out. But has feelings of jealously, but is innocent and naive enough to not fully understand the context. So just like Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi the mom is a tutor and it goes from there. I think you can guess the rest from here not need for further explanations. I really recommend it.

I guess based off these you can tell what kind of NTR I really enjoy. :p

I also really hope ANIM comes out with dlc for Boku Mama x Tomo Mama Koukan Hameppu Life. They teased the mom moving in with the other kid's family at one point, while she wanted to, she still ultimately turned it down. I really want them to go down that route. Would be huge in terms of betrayal.

I started Mother's Lesson and its' awesome! What makes it so great for me is simply because its in English, even if the game isn't critically up there with Rascou/Venus or doesn't have the high quality h-scenes by bigger publishers in Japan. I've been long relying on translators to do the job, but trying to understand the context it is a lot of work. However it does leave more to the imagination when the translators aren't clear enough lol.

Which bring me to this: Does anyone have a list of good Mom NTR in English, preferably straight shota and old man with milf? Even lower budget games can go a long when I can understand it instantaneously.

UPDATE: also i went ahead and checked out all of NTRman's games.
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So, finally clearing Newest Anim Team MM and New Venus one, just to review it to represent my values to the game.

For Anim i'm happy with Ayase development but not enough for Noa (well, it's that i expected). Some scene are good to read and make me laugh seeing that but, i feel that Ayase POV on bad ending should be included, (even i knew this gonna add more scene) but at least the closet one should be put on Ayase POV to see how she reacted to Protagonist seeing that (and iirc anim never put how the protag reaction on CG).

As for Summer☆Salt ~Doutei to Shojo no Fuufu~, i really like with story development either from POV of Isshiki or Misao (even i want to see some short scene after true ending especially from these two not to discard Harada scene) but i feel misao need more emotion on the way she speaking, like too normal or too casual to react with the condition that happened. As a game, it's a great one to read and i suggest it to buy it

Conclusion, it's really worth for spending near 10000 Yen for these two games...
Finished Summer Salt 2.
Hey.. it's actually better than i thought. The amount of hscenes get me hyped and all of them are hot. All i can say what makes the hscenes hot was the foreplay itself, the build up tension for the actual sex was crazy, i literally can see he (Nao) puts so much effort into this which i am glad i played this game. But yea i don't really like the supernatural thing. Maybe more realistic plot could have been better but no complaint here. Love that twist at the mid, more mystery NTR.. why not? I'm diggin it. Overall 9/10. Hoping for another sequel or side story of Misao.

Some scene are good to read and make me laugh seeing that but, i feel that Ayase POV on bad ending should be included, (even i knew this gonna add more scene) but at least the closet one should be put on Ayase POV to see how she reacted to Protagonist seeing that (and iirc anim never put how the protag reaction on CG).

You thought so too? Yes they should add her POV in that scene or maybe an extension in DLC. They should have add more lewd conversations in the middle of sex. Also the camera focus still feels off to me. Why don't they put more focus on the sex scene itself instead of viewing the whole scene from the closet. That way we can get full quality sprites of the sex scene.

Actually some people hate this game because it lacks of NTR. But some of them don't really play it, yet they speak their hate. Tbh Ayase did tell us about NTR-'play' in the beginning, so this is not an actual NTR, they just pretend to act like the real thing. Its kinda rude to hate this game while not knowing the actual purpose, which is all about teasing. I mean.. they don't even buy it :ninja:

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Finished Summer Salt 2.
Hey.. it's actually better than i thought. The amount of hscenes get me hyped and all of them are hot. All i can say what makes the hscenes hot was the foreplay itself, the build up tension for the actual sex was crazy, i literally can see he (Nao) puts so much effort into this which i am glad i played this game. But yea i don't really like the supernatural thing. Maybe more realistic plot could have been better but no complaint here. Love that twist at the mid, more mystery NTR.. why not? I'm diggin it. Overall 9/10. Hoping for another sequel or side story of Misao.

Within the game itself Nao announces that he will be releasing a mini-side story for Misao later this summer to cover her past with Baba. Not sure if the release timeframe is still summer ish, but I'm expecting something around 1000yen mark since he said that he'll likely offer it free for Cien supporters
Within the game itself Nao announces that he will be releasing a mini-side story for Misao later this summer to cover her past with Baba. Not sure if the release timeframe is still summer ish, but I'm expecting something around 1000yen mark since he said that he'll likely offer it free for Cien supporters

She said Baba only takes her virginity, but i doubt that, maybe there is still some conspiracy behind it. 1000yen is fair enough. I bet we will get Tsubasa as main heroine for his next project or so i hope. But again there will be more shrine stuff around her story.
Finished Summer Salt 2.
Hey.. it's actually better than i thought. The amount of hscenes get me hyped and all of them are hot. All i can say what makes the hscenes hot was the foreplay itself, the build up tension for the actual sex was crazy, i literally can see he (Nao) puts so much effort into this which i am glad i played this game. But yea i don't really like the supernatural thing. Maybe more realistic plot could have been better but no complaint here. Love that twist at the mid, more mystery NTR.. why not? I'm diggin it. Overall 9/10. Hoping for another sequel or side story of Misao.

You thought so too? Yes they should add her POV in that scene or maybe an extension in DLC. They should have add more lewd conversations in the middle of sex. Also the camera focus still feels off to me. Why don't they put more focus on the sex scene itself instead of viewing the whole scene from the closet. That way we can get full quality sprites of the sex scene.

Actually some people hate this game because it lacks of NTR. But some of them don't really play it, yet they speak their hate. Tbh Ayase did tell us about NTR-'play' in the beginning, so this is not an actual NTR, they just pretend to act like the real thing. Its kinda rude to hate this game while not knowing the actual purpose, which is all about teasing. I mean.. they don't even buy it :ninja:


Well they can't do like boku mama with Eita POV, but they should put like Boku daka scene. Well, hoping for dlc for this i think not gonna happen, (maybe if they willing to put on ANIMMovie it'll be interesting)..
She said Baba only takes her virginity, but i doubt that, maybe there is still some conspiracy behind it. 1000yen is fair enough. I bet we will get Tsubasa as main heroine for his next project or so i hope. But again there will be more shrine stuff around her story.

Yeah - there are a ton of hints that the relationship with Baba wasn't a one-off, since there are so many scenes where Misao mentions the sex she's having with Harada reminds her of her time with Baba, or where all of her BJ + HJ skills came from ;). Tsubasa as the main heroine is almost guaranteed unless Nao changed his mind and is sick of the setting - in his previous Cien update last year he shared that he was planning to do both Misao and Tsubasa in the same game but was having so much trouble with it that he decided to make Summer Salt 2 Misao only.
Yeah - there are a ton of hints that the relationship with Baba wasn't a one-off, since there are so many scenes where Misao mentions the sex she's having with Harada reminds her of her time with Baba, or where all of her BJ + HJ skills came from ;). Tsubasa as the main heroine is almost guaranteed unless Nao changed his mind and is sick of the setting - in his previous Cien update last year he shared that he was planning to do both Misao and Tsubasa in the same game but was having so much trouble with it that he decided to make Summer Salt 2 Misao only.

And his decision was right. Having 2 main heroines in 1 game would be disastrous. Less focus means less contents. Also he's one man army, so that won't do.

Not relevant but next-gen animation would be like:

I wonder about the baby too since in the bad ending you see pregnant Misao and Harada confirms its his child. When he starts cumming inside Misao at the end of the game she says its supposed to be a safe day but shes not sure thats going to be enough since they do it so much that day. I dont think these three will be together anymore since we know whats in his future (lol this game confirms that what happened to Imai is Misaos fault in a way) but the ending also leaves questions. Harada blackmails Imai because he "reawakens" as an Anoyama man. Weve seen what happened to Touko after awakening. Theres even an extra with her still doing it with the kid because shes frustrated here. So hows Misao going to deal with this?

Did you not read the previous game? The shrine is the first thing they introduce before even the romance/NTR starts. Its also part of the climax of that game. It was the teaser image for this sequel. How is that an asspull lol.

You know, you're actually right, so I changed my original comment:

I consider Venus as one of the bet NTR developers and I'm sure I'll enjoy the rest of the game, but I have to say this: After such a wonderful build up in the mystery route comes... what's have to be the most elaborated Deus Ex Machina in the history of NTR.

As Niwaka clarified, we had already heard about the temple in the prequel.
The Anoyamaverse has a touch of "fantastic" and I don't find that far-fetched either ...? And compared it to hypnotism, I don't agree. I hate the NTR kind with hypnotism (it's just not netorare to me).

Misao loves Ichii and does what she thinks she needs to do to save him from Tomita's clutches.

If the child is from Harada, will Misao keep him? I mean, okay, she enjoyed sex with Harada but having her child ...?

Me, what I would like to see in a probable sequel:

- 5 years have passed, Misao no longer works and takes care of her child.
- Ichii and Harada are still teachers at the same school.
- Tsubasa arrives in the same high school as Ichii and moves in with Ichii and Misao.
- One day, when Ichii comes home from high school to drop Tsubasa sick, he sees Misao masturbating in the bedroom and he hears "Harada-san" from her mouth.
- Another day, Ichii realizes that Harada is sexually touching Tsubasa. He confronts him and the latter admits that since this time before, he can no longer "hold back" and Tsubasa has a lot of effects on him (she has blood from Anoyama).
- Ichii, hesitates to go to the police and talks about Harada's case to Misao. Misao blames herself because she is the cause of all this. Ichii to reassure her will tell her that it is his fault because it's because of his past with Tomita ...
- Ichii then confronts Misao and asks her if she's sexually satisfied (and he tells her that he saw her masturbating while shouting "Harada"). She then replies no, but it doesn't matter because it's her blood that's cursed. Ichii doesn't see it that way and is willing to sacrifice as much as Misao has sacrificed for him before.
- He then offers Harada and Misao to see each other once, from time to time, so that both can satisfy their thirst for sex (and this allows Harada to no longer touch the students and therefore Tsubasa at the same time).
- The rules: No kisses, condoms during intercourse.

Harada could then teach Ichii some things (Misao's weak points ...). Maybe even have a threesome? So many possibilities ... Nao must not stop there!

And then I already see a scene, in the middle of sexual intercourse:

Harada: Misao-san, I always wanted to ask you a question ...
Misao: MMMmm?
Harada: Who is *** (the child's name)
Misao: It's ... obvious isn't it?

Harada reminds me a little of Kisaku (Elf), I wonder why...
And how about a Youko appearance from Married Life too?

Damn, I really like Summer Salt.

I said it before and I'll say it again: I think Venus is one of the best NTR developers right now. The reason I criticize his narrative is not because I think it's bad, on the contrary I think it's great, but still far from perfect. I only criticeze stuff that I think it's good but with room for improvement, or that is not that good, but with a lot of potential. I almost never criticize something that I consider bad, I mean why waste my time with it? I'll just forget it and move on.

My critics to Venus narrative are not from now, they come from way before. I'm doing it now because I think he's making the same mistakes over and over again (unnecessary forced plot twists, unnecessary inclusion of characters, too much infodumping). I must be one of the few and maybe even one of the first to dare to criticize Venus's storytelling prowess in this thread. To my surprise, when I did that there were some other people than agreed. The reason I'm doing it now, it's because I see that there're some people here that support him in Ci-en and he probably will listen to his supporters... rather I'm sure he will because I think he is a perfectionist.

Do you remember when Venus begun to be known? People often praised his storytelling, but criticize his art. From that time to now, he has improved his art dramatically, to the point that if you ask me to make an example of what NTR truly is about without words, pointing to Venus art would probably be my answer. He has improved the esthetics of his artwork, but still conserved that "raw" feeling that is so suitable for the genre. His artwork right now, just exudes that NTR feeling. And not happy with that, now he wants to add animation to his works (of course they look kind of crappy right now, but I'm sure that being the perfectionist he is, he will improve dramatically on this department too). That's one of the reasons I think he's a perfectionist. He really takes in account the critics to his works and try to improve based on those.

I remember when I supported Techno Break on patreon. I actually dared to criticize what I thought he was doing wrong. What happened was that he thanked me and ask me to keep doing it in the future. I think developers benefit as much for critics as they do for praise. So I don't think there's the need to kiss Venus ass all the time. Now, I'd really love to support Venus, but this shitty Covid situation has beat the shit out of my wallet (because of my line of work), so I can't for now, but I'll do it in the future if just to tell him a piece of my mind (and also to tell him how great of a developer I think he is).

Now I've found some serious inconsistencies that comes with all this "plot twist" involving the super-natural aspect of the game, but I'll refrain to point them out since I haven't finished the game yet. I'll give Venus the benefit of the doubt, and hope he can fixed them somehow by the end...but I still think there other ways to avoid all that and make the game even better if he just didn't add all that Deus Ex Machina plot twist into the game. You see, there're some serious risks when you dare to add such a wild plot twist, and is that you can shake the Suspension of Disbelief of your audience. Once that happens, you can begin to see all the cracks and holes in the plot. There is no such a thing as a perfect story. Even the best are full of cracks and holes in the narrative. The reason why don't see that, is because we're willing to accept them to enjoy the story. But once you shake the suspension of disbelief of your audience, all those cracks and holes begin to become evident.

For now I'll just say that "that guy involvement" was totally unnecessary (and even if he had to be involved for plot reasons, there are much better ways that I could think of). And by this point is not really a surprise, since Venus has bein playing the "good cop, bad cop" with his netori guys from quite a while. And this brings me back to the "unnecessary things" he tends to add: Why to add the bad cop, if the good cop involvement tends to be the best part of the game?

And to prove that:

Would anyone disagree that the Harada's arc was the best part of the game?

I'll try to finish the game by this weekend. And to be fair I'll say that despite all those inconsistencies and unnecessary things, for me it's still candidate for best game of the year, at least so far.
Oh yeah, it was during the ending Keita's mother cuck route if I remember correctly where Takumi gets double cucked by both milfs. She paused a few moments and seriously considered dumping her kid lol. Why did that game get so much hate though? From the mother NTR route or the Netori?

Damn, that route was hot lol, Keita mother then his mother asks Takumi's mother to "help her son's urges and maybe get impregnated too in the progress" because Keita had already knocked herself up.

It's probably gonna be DLC continuing the cuck route in their latest game if I could make a guess seeing how people found it lightweight. (I didn't mind it personally since I was too much into the FMC.)

Only speaking for myself but to me, the biggest shortcoming was that from a NTR perspective, the game was pretty lacking. Yeah, the NTR endings were pretty damn good but for me, that's all I really go back to. The game doesn't really feel like NTR until those two endings, and while the two endings have a decent length and can also be played from the mother's perspective, their not really enough to make up for the shortcomings. The other four (I think) endings aren't that good. Two of them are simply vanilla endings with the MC getting one of the moms. The other one's a happy swapping ending which is pretty normal for this kind of game and the last one is the MC getting both mothers. Throughout the rest of the game its not much in terms of NTR besides the first part which isn't even that NTR to begin with. After that its pretty much swapping and compared to other Anim NTR games, the swapping is pretty lacking compared to the others. Then again that's just my take.
I personally liked the game and I still go back to it every once in a while but as I said, its usually only to see the two NTR endings. A DLC expanding on the game's NTR endings would be a real treat and I hope they do it, but given how long its been since the game has been released I doubt it.
I finished the venus game and I can say that for me it was very good

Especially the happy ending this time was something that I wanted for Icchii and Misao somehow I feel like they deserve it. what I do believe is that in the bad ending it must have erotic scenes
but I think he did not do it to somehow not contradict the good one since by the expression of the face and by what Misao says it is implied that he still wants Icchii in the bad ending
I have been playing a good number of games recently, and want to give my thoughts. Alright, so here goes! My way of trying my best to give back to the community a bit. I apologize in advance for the long post.

1. Summer☆Salt
Guess I'll start with this since the secibd game just came out too. I played this about a month ago partly due to all the good things I heard about it, and partly to get ready for this new game. The game was great but at the same time I wish it was longer. I also got stuck at the computer page for the longest time, trying to access the hidden part of the site. That dot was impossible to find. I wish we got to know more about the lore of the bloodline that makes people horny. I was a bit lost on the NTR though. So the guy just hated Touko's new bf/husband, us as the MC for some reason and wanted to ruin our life? The hidden sex an absolute joy though. I love mystery NTR and when the person getting cucked does not know of it or suspects thing but doesn't have a definite answer. Did the little girl go missing/dead too or was I mistaken? I swear I remembered a route like that. I can't recommend this game enough though, but judging by comments you guys have all already played it. Truly a masterpiece.

2. Boku no Mama wa Jusei Niku Dorei ~Tomodachi no Hahaoya Choukyou~
This one was interesting. You have 21 days to mindbreak your classmates mom. The mom has 4 stats.
Health of your subject: if it hits zero you she needs to recover.
Her mental status: If it hits zero it will break
How erotic it is: She becomes your bitch slave the higher it is
How motherly/how much of a loving mother she is? - I didn't really understand this stat

You also have dominance stat. It shows your power in relation to the mom's

So everyday you have a few options. You can go to your classmate's house to play with his mom. In which you have this hexagonal map which has different scenario on it. You click one and it unlocks other sex-plays. The other options you have are going to play outside with friends which will unlock different sex plays on the hexagonal map. Talking to your perverted gaijin ouji-san to get sex tips, which will also unlock over sex-plays. Or uploading photos you took during your previous sex-play to your website. You also have a website with a popularity score. The more pictures you upload the more the score goes up. But choosing any one of these activities will take up your whole day, so keep that in mind.

3. Itsu made mo Ore wa Mama ni Koishiteru! ~Ii yo, Mama ni Amaete, Oppai de Ippai Osewa Shite Ageru♪~
Only played the route where you fuck, knock-up and marry your friend's mom. Not really Netori, or NTR I guess in the grand scheme of things since no feelings of jealously by the son. He is kind of mad at the start then gets over it totally if I recall correctly. Has some hot scenes though here and there. Nothing much to write about.

4. Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~
Nothing much to be said about this that hasn't already been said. Fetish wise and writing/theme/atmosphere it fires on all cylinders for me and just like summer salt is a 10/10 for me. Gets more amazing with each update. If you are having problems with the mini-game to unlock scenes either mess around with files, or just use cheat engine. I highly recommend this game, and the prequel.

5. Toaru Hitozuma no Netorare Jijou "Y"
Another game by Rascou. This feels like the early "test-this-concept" build of his current game. Not to take anything away from it because it is still fun. Just not as long and I don't think it is getting anymore updates. The ending was kind of sweet too for an ntr. Instead of a blog site getting updated in this it is an e-mail between the people. And once you beat the game there is this extra route that unlocks too.

6. Dekachin Kozou
Another 10/10 from me. An easy quick game. All the women were super hot. Their scenarios were hot, the animation was also a plus I didn't expect in this budget title.

7. Shin'yuu no Haha Kumiko ~Ana no Ichi kara Haramasekata made Subete Kanojo ga Oshiete Kureta~ / Friend's Mom Kumiko ~She Told Me Everything About Sex~
This one was a wild ride. From what gathered from the translation programs. You are in love with your friend's mom and you talk her into having sex with you, you tell her she is your only love and that you don't know much or anything about women because you never really had sex ed and you want to learn. For some reason she agrees really quickly. And the story goes from there. There are some truly wild scenes and lines in this. For example you ask to see her taking a shit, so she goes and takes a shit right in the middle of the living room. You also fuck her in front of your friend in a wedding dress (I don't think you get legally married) but for all intents and purposes she doesn't count her husband as her husband anymore from my understanding and belongs to the friend in every single way. She also agrees to turn her daughter into a cum-slut in the future too, but the game ends by that point. Great character models and art, and some hot scenarios. I am confused at how quickly the milf goes from 0 to a 100 though. Either she is the worlds biggest slut or the translation didn't do the text justice. Another gem imo all things considered.

8. Mother's Lessons
This one is by NTRMAN. It really is godly. It is all in English too. Great art and scenarios. The scenes could stand to be a big longer though. In a sense it is almost like another Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi. Might be why I love it so much. I also love NTR where the person getting NTR'd doesn't know what is going on, or has suspicions but can't confirm them. Which is why I like summer salt so much. I kind of hope that the son never truly finds out. But has feelings of jealously, but is innocent and naive enough to not fully understand the context. So just like Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi the mom is a tutor and it goes from there. I think you can guess the rest from here not need for further explanations. I really recommend it.

I guess based off these you can tell what kind of NTR I really enjoy. :p

I also really hope ANIM comes out with dlc for Boku Mama x Tomo Mama Koukan Hameppu Life. They teased the mom moving in with the other kid's family at one point, while she wanted to, she still ultimately turned it down. I really want them to go down that route. Would be huge in terms of betrayal.

This is like the holy grail. Thank you so much for sharing this!

I finished the venus game and I can say that for me it was very good

Your spoiler is messed up.
I started Mother's Lesson and its' awesome! What makes it so great for me is simply because its in English, even if the game isn't critically up there with Rascou/Venus or doesn't have the high quality h-scenes by bigger publishers in Japan. I've been long relying on translators to do the job, but trying to understand the context it is a lot of work. However it does leave more to the imagination when the translators aren't clear enough lol.

Which bring me to this: Does anyone have a list of good Mom NTR in English, preferably straight shota and old man with milf? Even lower budget games can go a long when I can understand it instantaneously.

UPDATE: also i went ahead and checked out all of NTRman's games.
Yeah all of his games are good fun imho. A shame that pateron killed his ASV - A Small Village game. It was my favorite one. To answer your question about recommendations off the top of my head as far as English games go there are, Kawakaburi no Cherry, and Ochiru Hitozuma

Only speaking for myself but to me, the biggest shortcoming was that from a NTR perspective, the game was pretty lacking. Yeah, the NTR endings were pretty damn good but for me, that's all I really go back to. The game doesn't really feel like NTR until those two endings, and while the two endings have a decent length and can also be played from the mother's perspective, their not really enough to make up for the shortcomings. The other four (I think) endings aren't that good. Two of them are simply vanilla endings with the MC getting one of the moms. The other one's a happy swapping ending which is pretty normal for this kind of game and the last one is the MC getting both mothers. Throughout the rest of the game its not much in terms of NTR besides the first part which isn't even that NTR to begin with. After that its pretty much swapping and compared to other Anim NTR games, the swapping is pretty lacking compared to the others. Then again that's just my take.
I personally liked the game and I still go back to it every once in a while but as I said, its usually only to see the two NTR endings. A DLC expanding on the game's NTR endings would be a real treat and I hope they do it, but given how long its been since the game has been released I doubt it.
That's an interesting outlook, I never it thought of it like that. I personally gotta disagree, though its all subjective. For what they were aiming for I found it to be pretty good. They had a beginning portion (I count that as everything that wasn't the branching off of different endings) that was generic yet "realistic" enough and broad enough to fit all the endings/outcomes. I say realistic in quotes because; script wise and situation wise it was pretty believable more or less for how the situations and relationships happened between two milfs and shotas. At least imo. I'm not in their brain but they seemed to have wanted a game that catered to all fetishes for better or worse. Netorare, Netori, Netorarse, Vanilla, etc... a jack of all trades master of none so to speak. In that regards I think they hit their target. I liked the build up beginning portion that I mentioned earlier too, it made me invested in the characters and I felt their pain. Well Takumi's pain I should say. The two view points helped elevated that imo. But I get where you are coming from with your criticism.

I'm still hopeful about DLC. Though I am shocked they haven't released any yet. I think this game is still not only selling strong for them after all these years it is also one of their best sellers out of all their games if I'm not mistaken. Hence my hope.

This is like the holy grail. Thank you so much for sharing this!
No problem.
Last edited: please someone tell me that date is something ramdom and not "official"

Might be random? I took a quick look at the blog, twitter, and site and skimming through I didn't see that date. Though I couldn't google TL the page for that upcoming work.

Here is the Twitter:

Here is the blog:

Here is the website's homepage:

Here is the page on the new game:
Hey guys, a few days ago I came here to ask about the Taimanin RPGX game and after digging around a little I foud... This:

I don't know if it has been posted here before but these two links are the Holy Grail of Lilith's works.
Combined they have the VAST MAJORITY of scenes from both Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena AND Taimanin RPGX.
I know you guys might've heard a few things about how these games aren't exactly as hardcore as the VNs BUT...
I ASSURE you that you'll find PLENTY of godlike momments between the over 1000 scenes that both games have combined.
To top it all, hundreds of scenes are alredy translated to english which does makes everything easier.

There is no fetish left uncovered by these scenes, if you're a long time Taimanin fan you'll absolutely enjoy this, and if you're not, you're bound to find something you like!
Also, to link to the topic, there's no shortage of NTR in the scenes with the main girls from the original VNs, I can say with confidence that some of the best scenes are in there.
Hope you guys enjoy it!

Also, there's a question that I need to ask: In the newer scenes of Akiyama Rinko I can't help but notice that her voice sounds different... Did they changed her VA? Anyone knows why?
I checked her profile on VNDB and it either wasn't updated or she hasn't worked on any VN in the past two years, did she quit?
She was my favorite character in the whole series, changing VA is always a bummer for me.

Thanks for sharing this. However, the Amane Scene Patch and the Mini Patch #1&2 are dead. If anyone got it can you please share? Thanks.
Might be random? I took a quick look at the blog, twitter, and site and skimming through I didn't see that date. Though I couldn't google TL the page for that upcoming work.

Here is the Twitter:

Here is the blog:

Here is the website's homepage:

Here is the page on the new game:

Thanks, i know where to find the page and twitter but not Ci en, i won't say he should rush a game out but seriously middle of NEXT year? and that if there isn't any delay, i hope he releases something else in december, all his upcoming game seen good but honestly i am more interested in all but the cosplay 1......although he may surprise me.

Speaking of jinsei it looks liek he has a special sale for his 10 aniversary? If anyone is a fan and doesn't have the games or only 1 it may interest you.

PD: if anyone has the really old and short games share them, i am curious in how he started.
To aru hahaoya has been updated again, I've redownloaded the game on dltsite but so far I can't tell the difference, can anyone tell me what has changed? maybe perhaps he added another ending?
EDIT: He added stars to the save screen and the ability to save during the rasbook screen? plus one non erotic event in the CG recollection without CG. (the pregnancy*? end)

Basically a Quality of Life update. =/
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Hey guys, I just want to bring attention to a doushijin I read last night. [X∞MODEL (Nishiki Ai)] Karisome no Kanojo [Digital]


Its story nothing to write home about but the art is one of the best I seen. Worth a look.

P.S. The raw version is only on exhentai instead of e- hentai for some reason which is why I linked it there.

That author is brutal like Ovni and Asanagi, his fantasy series says NTR but i am not sure how ntr it is, although it is brutal muahahahahaha
That author is brutal like Ovni and Asanagi, his fantasy series says NTR but i am not sure how ntr it is, although it is brutal muahahahahaha

I had never heard of Ovni before, though I will look him up later. it is always fun to discover new artists.

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