[Hentai game] [120928] [ALICESOFT] 母娘乱館 + Installer Fix [H-Game]

I found it funny how Ririko's ending was kind of like the harem ending as well. Mamoru, with the permission of Ririko, is pretty much getting everyone pregnant except for Kotone who feels left out. But of course, Ririko changes that too haha.

Although, I do think Yabui stays in this ending... I mostly skimmed through the ending and forgot most of it haha. But I think he just ended up helping Ririko's agenda to get everyone pregnant (with mamoru of course). I also remember something about them using something on Mamoru (probably to keep his sex drive up).

The harem part (with non-stop babymaking, Yabui's fertility drugs,etc.) in Ririko's ending was a dream Mamoru (after taking down Shinohara and passing out) has showing what would happen in the future if Ririko is left as she is. Ririko has an uncontrollable sex drive (which also awakens her yandere side) due to being jacked up on aphrodisiacs 24/7 because of Yabui's medication. After Mamoru wakes up from the dream in Itsuki's room, he tells Mamoru he's going to leave on business trips indefinitely but offers him a special medicine. The medicine would make Mamoru's semen a super aphrodisiac for women, thus countering Ririko's sex drive, but it would also shorten his lifespan. Itsuki has already taken this medicine as shown in Kotone's Itsuki NTR end. Mamoru chooses to take the medicine in order to support Ririko. Right before Itsuki leaves, he also orders Yabui to leave and pays him out.

In Mamoru/Ririko's final sex scene we can assume Ririko will be less yandere and more deredere since Mamoru can easily satisfy her. Of course, Saya and Ririko are still pregnant and it's reasonable to assume Kotone will eventually be given a chance, only that it won't get out of control like in the dream.
Oh pfft, thats not fair haha.

But wow, I must have totally ignored that last part when he wakes up (for better or worse) XD. I like mamoru's ririko ending better.

But yeah, still a little sad that it was just a dream. I remember going through all the good endings and in Saya's, I was a little sad for kotone because she stated that she was happy being with everyone but her heart ached (for mamoru of course). Then ririko's ending which, even though kotone wasn't the lead girl in this ending, her desires were fulfilled and balanced out Saya's ending. I guess not ;_;.

Of course with the personalities of all the girls and mamoru, its not too farfetched to say that everyone will be happy in the good endings.

Anyway, while you're here, could you explain the talk that Saya and Kyouko had about

faking the childbirth to keep Itsuki head of the kamishiro house? The part that confuses me is that Kyouko said that as long as the bloodtype is the same of Itsuki, the results can be faked (thus causing no trouble to the kamishiro family). Then she mentions how its unforunate that Mamoru cannot provide the seed. But later on mentions that Saya has two choices, to find a man with the same bloodtype as Itsuki and have a boy, or to have Mamoru's child, which confused me as I thought she said that Mamoru couldn't do it. So why was mamoru given was one of the options for Saya?

Anyway, during that conversation, she stated that the kaneda family was in charge of watching over the kamishiro family/bloodline (thus in charge of the tests and what not). I think in one sentence that she wouldn't do a dna/blood test and in another sentence mention that if the only problem is bloodtype, it wasn't a problem to kyouko. I'm not sure about those sentences though. I assumed that because kyouko was already backing up mamoru who was trying to protect everyone in exchange for his "seed" (and actually caring for Saya since she's her childhood friend), that Kyouko was basically saying that she didn't care either way (as long as saya was happy), but Saya was just conflicted between her love for mamoru (but results in itsuki getting banished) and not wanting to cause Itsuki trouble (but she'd end up having to have the baby of another man...(who ends up being shinohara =/ who only seems to only have girls it seems =P)).
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Oh pfft, thats not fair haha.
Anyway, while you're here, could you explain the talk that Saya and Kyouko had about

faking the childbirth to keep Itsuki head of the kamishiro house? The part that confuses me is that Kyouko said that as long as the bloodtype is the same of Itsuki, the results can be faked (thus causing no trouble to the kamishiro family). Then she mentions how its unforunate that Mamoru cannot provide the seed. But later on mentions that Saya has two choices, to find a man with the same bloodtype as Itsuki and have a boy, or to have Mamoru's child, which confused me as I thought she said that Mamoru couldn't do it. So why was mamoru given was one of the options for Saya?

Anyway, during that conversation, she stated that the kaneda family was in charge of watching over the kamishiro family/bloodline (thus in charge of the tests and what not). I think in one sentence that she wouldn't do a dna/blood test and in another sentence mention that if the only problem is bloodtype, it wasn't a problem to kyouko. I'm not sure about those sentences though. I assumed that because kyouko was already backing up mamoru who was trying to protect everyone in exchange for his "seed" (and actually caring for Saya since she's her childhood friend), that Kyouko was basically saying that she didn't care either way (as long as saya was happy), but Saya was just conflicted between her love for mamoru (but results in itsuki getting banished) and not wanting to cause Itsuki trouble (but she'd end up having to have the baby of another man...(who ends up being shinohara =/ who only seems to only have girls it seems =P)).

Okay...Kyouko/Saya conversation in Saya's Route.

First part: Kyouko realizing Saya's having an affair with Mamoru and that she's in love with him. Second part: Kyouko reveals to Saya and Mamoru that Itsuki is impotent (the question of Ririko only shows up in Ririko/Harem routes). Kyouko says Saya can't have kids with Mamoru since he's not the same blood type as Itsuki (violates the rules set by the Kaneda house). Kyouko proposes faking a male childbirth with a man of same bloodtype as Itsuki so that he can stay head of the Kamishiro house (which is the focus of many of Saya's NTR ends). Both Saya and Mamoru are extremely uncomfortable with this.

Kyouko then rubs it in that it's a shame that Mamoru can't participate and that Saya might enjoy childmaking with strangers/men besides Mamoru. Saya then bursts out passionately that she would never want that, how sex/childmaking without love is meaningless, and the only man she wants to have kids with is Mamoru. Mamoru is surprised but Kyouko is pleased with Saya's response since that is what she wanted her to say all along. Kyouko was provoking Saya with the no Mamoru/NTR stuff since she knows Saya isn't honest with feelings when it comes to Mamoru/babymaking.

(Side note: In Kotone's route, Kyouko says she's technically the head of the Kaneda house already, so she can set whatever rules/deadlines she wants on the Kamishiro house. Kyouko is always on Mamoru/the heroines' side, but since she's only an observer, she won't take action unless they ask for her help. This is why she's strict on all things Itsuki related (she hates Itsuki and was always against him marrying Saya...and for good reasons), but is willing to make exceptions for Mamoru/heroines. Of course, some of the happy endings are win-win for Kyouko since she also wants Mamoru to get her pregnant.)

Back to the third part of Kyouko/Saya conversation, all the above mentioned leads to Kyouko giving Saya the two options (kid w/Mamoru, Itsuki banished or NTR end/Itsuki stays). These conditions setup the final push for Saya to settle her conflicting feelings by cutting all ties to her husband and devoting herself body and soul to Mamoru, which is Saya's 9/10 heart events.

Also, Saya always thought Itsuki was Ririko's father and doesn't find out about Shinohara substitute till the Ririko/harem routes. She was devoted to her husband yet never questioned why she was blindfolded whenever she had sex with him <_<.
So not her fault, just a bad taste in your mouth. Imho, when you learn Saya's entire backstory across the routes, I think her situation is sadder than Kotone's. All Saya has ever wanted was to have kids with the man she loves...and she never even got that. Add in the being lied to by men her entire life, being drugged and brainwashed unknowingly, and Mamoru being the only man that puts Saya's feelings first...yeah, I'd find this hard to stomach without the happy endings.
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Okay...Kyouko/Saya conversation in Saya's Route.

First part: Kyouko realizing Saya's having an affair with Mamoru and that she's in love with him. Second part: Kyouko reveals to Saya and Mamoru that Itsuki is impotent (the question of Ririko only shows up in Ririko/Harem routes). Kyouko says Saya can't have kids with Mamoru since he's not the same blood type as Itsuki (violates the rules set by the Kaneda house). Kyouko proposes faking a male childbirth with a man of same bloodtype as Itsuki so that he can stay head of the Kamishiro house (which is the focus of many of Saya's NTR ends). Both Saya and Mamoru are extremely uncomfortable with this.

Kyouko then rubs it in that it's a shame that Mamoru can't participate and that Saya might enjoy childmaking with strangers/men besides Mamoru. Saya then bursts out passionately that she would never want that, how sex/childmaking without love is meaningless, and the only man she wants to have kids with is Mamoru. Mamoru is surprised but Kyouko is pleased with Saya's response since that is what she wanted her to say all along. Kyouko was provoking Saya with the no Mamoru/NTR stuff since she knows Saya isn't honest with feelings when it comes to Mamoru/babymaking.

(Side note: In Kotone's route, Kyouko says she's technically the head of the Kaneda house already, so she can set whatever rules/deadlines she wants on the Kamishiro house. Kyouko is always on Mamoru/the heroines' side, but since she's only an observer, she won't take action unless they ask for her help. This is why she's strict on all things Itsuki related (she hates Itsuki and was always against him marrying Saya...and for good reasons), but is willing to make exceptions for Mamoru/heroines. Of course, some of the happy endings are win-win for Kyouko since she also wants Mamoru to get her pregnant.)

Back to the third part of Kyouko/Saya conversation, all the above mentioned leads to Kyouko giving Saya the two options (kid w/Mamoru, Itsuki banished or NTR end/Itsuki stays). These conditions setup the final push for Saya to settle her conflicting feelings by cutting all ties to her husband and devoting herself body and soul to Mamoru, which is Saya's 9/10 heart events.

Also, Saya always thought Itsuki was Ririko's father and doesn't find out about Shinohara substitute till the Ririko/harem routes. She was devoted to her husband yet never questioned why she was blindfolded whenever she had sex with him <_<.
So not her fault, just a bad taste in your mouth. Imho, when you learn Saya's entire backstory across the routes, I think her situation is sadder than Kotone's. All Saya has ever wanted was to have kids with the man she loves...and she never even got that. Add in the being lied to by men her entire life, being drugged and brainwashed unknowingly, and Mamoru being the only man that puts Saya's feelings first...yeah, I'd find this hard to stomach without the happy endings.

Thanks for going over that!

But yeah, I don't think I would be able to enjoy the game without the happy endings too. Something about each of the girls' stories made me want to wish all of them a happy ending. This is why I kinda wished every good ending was a harem ending with mamoru married to a different person(of course that would probably be boring).

But I don't know, I personally found Kotone and Saya's story equally sad.

Kotone's past, what little we know of it, is pretty depressing already. Through the introduction scene, Kotone was raised as a thing, a thing to be exchange for Saya since the beginning of the story. Even during her introduction, she was treated as an object with mamoru as a tool to keep her mind in "good" condition.

So during her story, Shinohara, the person she probably hates the most, gets to have his way with her for the feast, which continues since she did not give birth during the last one. He continues to toy with her to try and break her will throughout the story. She must sleep with these various men trying to get her pregnant for the feast because it is her duty (and probably a big source of income for the kamishiro family). Mamoru, the person she loves the most, is being used against her right before a feast to make her more lewd/more easily able to conceive for men other than mamoru (the feast). Plus, she finds out that her sister, ririko, is being used to detoxify mamoru (which also means that she knows momaru is sleeping with another woman). Even in her happy ending, she gets raped by her adopted father <_<.

So its kinda like, with Saya, a lot of cruel things is done behind her back without her knowing, but with Kotone, she is told up front and has no power to stop it.

But yeah, while I found Saya's story more intriguing (I found storm event to be one of the most memorable scenes in the game), I feel kotone and saya's stories to be equally sad.

Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the game even though I skipped a lot of the NTR scenes haha. Generally, I'm pretty impartial about NTR content, but after completing the good endings, I didn't quite feel like reading through them.

Anyway, thanks again for explaining that conversation. I think I must have pondered about it for a long time wondering if there was another loophole I was missing haha.
Is it meant to be possible to use the guard maid on people in unaccessible rooms (with the stop sign)? Because I'm trying to follow a walkthrough and it keeps telling me to use her to guard the rooms of people at times when I can't use either.
Is it meant to be possible to use the guard maid on people in unaccessible rooms (with the stop sign)? Because I'm trying to follow a walkthrough and it keeps telling me to use her to guard the rooms of people at times when I can't use either.

No, you can only use her in open "rooms", and only once a day. Without her you won't get the harem end.
what do the files in the save folder do? I know theres for config save and misc but if one of them got deleted or replaced with a dummy how would that effect the game? say this one システム共通データ.asd and to mention on windows 7 the save folder goes in C:\Users\*your username*\Documents\AliceSoft\母娘乱館\SaveData not the folder next to it called •ê–º—ŠÙ as this was in the readme to put it in I believe.
i know this is old thread but im just wanna ask is it ntr can be avoid and the good ending is it happy enough?and can i ask tips for good ending for the 3 main heroine?thanks
i know this is old thread but im just wanna ask is it ntr can be avoid and the good ending is it happy enough?and can i ask tips for good ending for the 3 main heroine?thanks
While the good endings are indeed good, there are unavoidable NTR scenes in this game. ALICESOFT's new game 妻みぐい3 have completely avoidable NTR and it's actually a game mode where all other male events never happen (not in the meaning that you don't see them but they don't happen in the story).
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While the good endings are indeed good, there are unavoidable NTR scenes in this game. ALICESOFT's new game 妻みぐい3 have completely avoidable NTR and it's actually a game mode where all other male events never happen (not in the meaning that you don't see them but they don't happen in the story).

thank,yeah that y im asking if i can avoid it since i already play 妻みぐい3 where that game has pure mode where u can avoid the ntr since i really want to avoid the ntr scene.

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