It crashed!And when I unrar the ISO file, after it finished and while moving the archive from Temp it went to Blue Screen of Death. I think the game doesn't want to be played by me. At least I got the "success" window but crashes before asking the serial. But I won't give up! ...yet.
UPDATE: Ready! It really was that the ISO gor corrupted when the computer crashed. So I unrar-ed it again, and it went quite well. I was expecting more time to install it, but it was pretty fast. So it really has a size around 5GB. Thanks Checkmate and Damegane!
No problem. Also, agreeing with freemen here; BSoDs are not to be taken lightly. If you still remember the error code (or even just a general idea of what it referred to) from the BSoD, it would be a good idea to Google it and take a look at what might be the problem. It's likely to be something you can deal with or fix now and save yourself a lot of headaches in the future.
My old PC started acting up at one point in its life, with loads of BSoDs and torrents getting corrupted all the time. I figured it was just bad torrents and my computer getting old. One time, I got fed up, did a bit of research about the error codes I was getting, turned out one of my RAM sticks was borked. Ran Memtest to confirm it, then took it out, brought it down to one of the official dealers and exchanged it for a good one. Stuck that one back in and everything was back to normal.
Moral of the story: spend 10 minutes now and save yourself from expensive rage-induced monitor punching further down the road.:D