The Vending Machine

You get a Soda Pop that can restore your Pokemons HP for 60pts!

*Inserts a coin at someplace...*
You get an angry chicken with a big foot.

Now... What was the last thing I got..? Oh, right...
/me inserts gentallman...
Will you please start inserting something? You get NOTHING!

/me inserts the shoe that matches the color
You get [MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION] ;

/me inserts the magical donkey named Carl
You get Takanashi Rikka.

Rare drop dato!? This I must keep... /me equips the prinny hat and inserts his simple cap
You a very angry Carl the magical Donkey back. :bloodthirsty:

*puts in a coin and runs* :runaway:
You get something pursuing you that disappears when you look behind you, and appears once you stop looking again.

/me inserts the very angry Carl the magical Donkey again

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