[LPW#52!] Last Frontier !

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Lol that list amuses me for some reason xD

Why not hugs and glomps? Though i basically dont get any irl~ Havent in at least two years anyway?
i.. just watching animuu... not that kind of level buying anime pillow.. but sometimes want to buy nendroid/pvc... @_@
That guy's face cracked me up XD

It was the pessimist me who posted that :\

I actually want to buy those but I prefer saving my money..
..................................... i....i..... want to. save.. mone..y... and dont buy pvc/nendroid... but in the end i used it for buying IEM... :shockmenft::deadsad:
That list reminds me of Alpha males and Beta males.

The Alphas are like that popular jocks you hear about in high school or high-confident people in work.

Beta males are just the indifferent or somewhat low self-esteem. However, they care and can handle money, family, jobs, and tasks better than Alpha males.

Beta males are the 'otaku'. Lol~

I got that from reading a novel. Christopher Moore~
Lol yes the guy's face is amusing x3 All the girls think theyll have control over the relationship xD

Hmm... beta males... i do believe most of the guys here are part of the beta group xD
Well I guess they actually do have control
man.. I.... want to....-

So most of us here are beta huh...
i never read the novel.. but still... i dont like girls controlings the relationship... its a disaster when it happens..
well.... if u too strict to saving money its doesnt good either... in my opinion... try to enjoying your life.. by buying something u like/need sometimes... its for your happiness.

The old way is that women handle the money and the men get the money.

I recommend any of Christopher Moore's novels for a good laugh. Not silly, outrageous... but to be relaxed and just chuckle away~

Bye-bye everyone~

/me hugs and gives pomegranate juice and apple tarts

Please get better Sam.

Be happy and smile Second.

Best wishes in school and in life Nazaka~
Lol well i never use money anyway... well i guess food and school stuff but not much else x3

Hmm i do believe you talked about him before?

The old way is that women handle the money and the men get the money.

I recommend any of Christopher Moore's novels for a good laugh. Not silly, outrageous... but to be relaxed and just chuckle away~

How about you Renaa..??? did you the type who can saving moneyy.. handle money.. or spending moneyy.??? :fullblush:
Lol ojou sama... shes not much of a spender i dont think? Or at least... not for herself...
I can spend a lot of money..if I know what too use it for....I got a pile right now that I don't know what too do with.....I usually don't spend much..or rather I usually don't waste much....but, ppls definition of waste can be quite radically different at times.
[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; Best way to use it is to send it to me
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