Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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Switching boxes was a horror as well >_>
Luckily in Gen 2, Bill would call you telling your box is full.
Can't remember that being in Gen 1 o.o
Who Playyy Pokemon Cards..??? anyone can teach me the ruless.???? Just kinda curious... :XD:
I still have some Pokemon cards from 5-10 years ago somewhere....
My favourite Pokemon are Lucario, Umbreon and Pikachu (in that order).
Can't help but criticise the design of the pokemon that have been revealed. I know Gen V had been heavily criticised design-wise when Black & White came out in the US, what with pokemon like Vanilluxe and Klinklang that, to put it mildly, make many (including my own) eyebrows twitch.

I was utterly infatuated by Reshiram, however, and when Black & White 2 came out, the infatuation only became stronger since I could fuse Reshiram and Kyurem. Can't say I liked the Zekrom x Kyurem fusion as much (design-wise), but I was willing to overlook the rest. (Besides, they added so many new features that hooked me, such as the PWT.)

The legendaries to be introduced in Gen VI, on the other hand, don't look too appealing to me. This is a matter of personal tastes, of course, but rather than an oversized Sawsbuck with rainbow-coloured instead of overgrown antlers, I'd prefer something else... like, say, another divine dragon perhaps?

That said. I've been a fan since Gen I, so I'll probably play it nevertheless. (Except that I don't have a 3DS, and am not sure if I should get it just for X & Y.)

Speaking of Pokemon, I wonder if anyone here actually plays one of those multiplayer online battle simulators like Shoddy Battle or Pokemon Online.
hmm well, I agree with that. it's just like they have run out of idea for pokemon design. Why there is an ice cream in my Pokedex? or Why my pokemon shaped like an X and his like a Y? Something isn't right here.

Hmm pokemon online... competitive battles is so hard to win. I've seen battle replays from Pokemon Showdown! and quite interested.
Couldn't agree more [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ;
They seem to have run out of idea for Pokemon designs.. I wonder how the Pokemon from Gen 6 will look like..
I want some cool legendaries.. Gen 5 legends are..boring besides Kyurem but I admit, the fusion between Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram was a pretty cool idea. I was surprised when I found out that Volcarona wasn't a legendary. Has to the Pokemon I like the most in BW.

And I actually do play Pokemon Online every now and then ^^
During the prime time of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum I used to battle A LOT over Wifi. But eventually I got too bored with breeding/ev training the Pokemon so I switched to Pokemon Online instead.
But the only downside (for me at least) is that most of the teams are pretty much the same. I know there are Tiers of Pokemon usage but still.. It's annoying to see the same pokes over and over *cough* Sandstorm teams *cough*.
hmm well, I agree with that. it's just like they have run out of idea for pokemon design. Why there is an ice cream in my Pokedex? or Why my pokemon shaped like an X and his like a Y? Something isn't right here.

Hmm pokemon online... competitive battles is so hard to win. I've seen battle replays from Pokemon Showdown! and quite interested.
Exactly. Every time I see such pokemon, I'm like c'mon... they (as in the designers of pokemon) already make legendaries increasingly more and more like digimon. Rayquaza has the face of one; Dialga looks like a mega-level digimon; the Reshiram x Kyurem fusion looks like a newer digimon with all that fancy physical features.

If they wanted to make more bizarre designs, they could focus on making cooler pokemon instead―while still making cute, stuffed animal-like pets such as Minccino, of course―rather than making ice cream or cogwheels.

Ah yeah, Pokemon Showdown. That's the name I was looking for. According to a friend, when Showdown was introduced, Pokemon Online players migrated to it and deserted the network just like how Shoddy Battle was deserted when PO was developed. I've yet to give Showdown a try, though, but the screenshots sure look appealing.

Couldn't agree more [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ;
They seem to have run out of idea for Pokemon designs.. I wonder how the Pokemon from Gen 6 will look like..
I want some cool legendaries.. Gen 5 legends are..boring besides Kyurem but I admit, the fusion between Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram was a pretty cool idea. I was surprised when I found out that Volcarona wasn't a legendary. Has to the Pokemon I like the most in BW.

And I actually do play Pokemon Online every now and then ^^
During the prime time of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum I used to battle A LOT over Wifi. But eventually I got too bored with breeding/ev training the Pokemon so I switched to Pokemon Online instead.
But the only downside (for me at least) is that most of the teams are pretty much the same. I know there are Tiers of Pokemon usage but still.. It's annoying to see the same pokes over and over *cough* Sandstorm teams *cough*.
Haha, each to his own, I suppose. Gotta admit, I'm a sucker for dragons (except something like Druddigon that just looks plain half-arsedly designed). Volcarona is pretty cool; Quiver Dance is a nice addition to its already-high special attack. Though, there are enough good non-legendary fire-type pokemon already, imo (unlike, say, water-type).

Mmm, the online simulators have an advantage over WiFi battles in that they save a lot of time, as they require pure tactical skills and knowledge as opposed to breeding and EV training. Yeah, battles can get monotonic at times. It's almost like I could guess what moves the opponent would use just by seeing the pokemon. Sandstorm/Toxic/Double Team/Stockpile, Stealth Rock/Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Roar/Whirlwind...

Sure, staller teams can get pretty annoying. Sweepers, though, are usually fun. Or the more creative trainers using moves like Trick Room or Gyro Ball to take advantage of their pokemon's weakness.

No pokemon like the good old game boy color games :D
Hmm..Showdown..never really heard of that one :o
I'll look it up sometime.

I don't really have a specific type I like, but dragons are cool indeed :3
Just looking at the type and not competitively, I like Dragonair the most. Garchomp is plain awesome too ^^

You can be tactical on Wifi battles too but it just takes way more effort. Breeding for the right IV's, Nature and Movesets takes a lot of time. It's generally harder to get good Pokemon unlike PO where you can just set everything the way you want.
If you battle a lot it's not that hard to guess movesets unlike it's something incredibly versatile but still even those have the same ones most of the time.

I eat stall teams for breakfast D: I don't really like those. It's too slow for my liking, I'm more of the fast paced battles :3
But I rarely use pokemon from the upper tiers. The lower tiers are much more fun and give more satisfaction when you beat a team with it ^^
[MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; No objection here. Can't say I don't like the new legendaries, though. Design-wise, during the GBC days―up to Gen II, i.e. Gold/Silver/Crystal―Lugia was the only legendary that infatuated me and, to some extent, Entei and Suicune.

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Ahh, yes. Dragonair. It has certain graceful vibes to it. Garchomp looked weird at first, and I was like "wut, a landshark," but then I found out that it packs a real punch. So yes, it's plain awesome. Still more infatuated by Reshiram and the Reshiram x Kyurem fusion, though―if my nick doesn't give it away, I'm also a sucker for most things fiery (but no, I'm not an arsonist).

http://www.pokemonshowdown.com/ Looks more advanced than PO if you ask me.

The most tedious part is that with WiFi battles, you have to calculate everything and plan every single battle accordingly. What's that? You want to distribute 252 HP/128 defence/128 special defence for your Umbreon? Apparently you had two battles too many and now your Umbreon's special defence has 134 EV points and you can't have 252+128 for the rest. Tough luck! Oh, what? Want a grass-type Hidden Power? You got one excessive speed IV and now your Hidden Power is a fire-type. Sad.

I actually enjoy playing with stallers at times. Pure stallers (Cosmic Power, Stockpile, etc) instead of switchers (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Roar, etc), though. I kinda like the challenge to turn the tide of battle with disadvantageous type match-ups as opposed to pure sweepers vs sweepers where type match-ups (and speed difference) could determine the outcome of a fight in one single move. And yeah, UU/NU tiers are fun at times too, especially since they often require more creativity.
hmm considering the importance of EV, why it's hidden? the impact of EV is very huge for stats and yet we're not informed about which Pokemon we should defeat in order to increase... let's say, attack for the example.

The hidden IV also makes hidden power almost useless in the real game. to get specific hidden power, you must rigorously breed your pokemon, which needs lot of efforts. I'm quite lucky my Ninetales has grass hidden power, but my Alakazam has bug and Banette has Dragon. it's Just useless

hmm lower tier means lower total base stats. It's fun because everything seems more balanced.
I want a good looking Ice pokemon. One that isn't an ice cream. I'll be satisfied with gen 6 as long as they give me that.
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION] ; There are many sites that show what EV and how much a Pokemon gives when you beat it. Taking you example for attack, Shinx gives +1 attack EV. And since you can get a maximum of 255 EV's per stat which in a way means you need to beat 255 Shinx. Luckily this is remedied with Power Items (like Power Bracer and Power Lens) and the great PokéRus.

As for Hidden Power, it's indeed a pain to get the right IV's for the right Hidden Power. Not even thinking about the base power.
I remember I spend ages breeding a Hidden Power Fire Metagross >_>. Hidden Power Ice is the easiest to get.

[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] ; I must say..Showdown looks pretty cool :o And it's even animated! I'm pretty sure I'll be trying it out very soon.
I know and as I said before Wifi battles take much more effort.
Gen II has to be my favorite gen and Suicune is my all time favorite poke and that will never change :3
Even still I have carefully bred/Ev'd over 4 boxes of Pokemon in Diamond. And I even ended up with a Buizel with 31 IV for all stats! The memories of eggs all over the place xD. It had plus points though as I hatched 9 shiny pokemon while breeding ^^

It's just that stall teams are kinda boring. Relying on entry hazards and status conditions to win...meh..I'll pass.
My team usually looks like this: Healer (e.g. Miltank), 3 sweepers, a wall and something with rapid spin as stealth rock is waay too common.

I bet Gen 6 brings a Pokemon looking like a Snickers Bar xD
There's not really and Ice type I like.. but if I had to pick then Articuno. Pretty and Graceful ^^
There's not really and Ice type I like.. but if I had to pick then Articuno. Pretty and Graceful ^^

I see :/ Legendary fanboy? :goodtea: I like Piloswine because he's cute even though he's evolved :fullblush: And Walrein is so damn ugly that he becomes cool xD And the damn E4 Ice user always beat my shit with him :/ Screw that damn Sheer Cold...
Not necessarily. It just looks way better than all the other Ice types..
Yea I know, 30% accuracy and that shit still hits everything >_>;
Not necessarily. It just looks way better than all the other Ice types..
Yea I know, 30% accuracy and that shit still hits everything >_>;

I see :/ Yup, I also had a Linoone that I wrecked shit up with xD
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION] ; There are many sites that show what EV and how much a Pokemon gives when you beat it. Taking you example for attack, Shinx gives +1 attack EV. And since you can get a maximum of 255 EV's per stat which in a way means you need to beat 255 Shinx. Luckily this is remedied with Power Items (like Power Bracer and Power Lens) and the great PokéRus

yep... I always check some of those sites before EV training. I'm so excited because I've got PokéRus recently. Combined with macho brace, the EV will be maxed in no time. It's fun watching my Alakazam wipes everything in one touch.
Linoone is fun :3

[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION] ; Yea I know, PokeRus is so handy. But it's actually very rare to get infected with it: ""Pokérus has a 3 in 65,536 chance of being generated on a Pokémon"
And still I managed to get it entirely random in my Diamond and Heartgold :3
I have many pokes infected just to keep it alive xD

Just a tip Coins, using a power item in combination with PokeRus will get your more EV's.
I'll give an example with Macho brace and then with a Power Item.
Let's say you battle a Caterpie. It gives 1 HP EV.
Macho brace doubles the EV and so does PokeRus which means the total amount of EV's you get: 4

Now for the Power Bracer is this case. A Power Item gives you +4 EV's for that certain stat.
So this time: 1 HP + 4 EV from the Power Bracer = 5 and double that with the PokeRus and you get a total of 10 EV's which is significantly more than with the Macho Brace.

Hope it all makes sense, not great with explaining stuff about numbers and such D:
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Holy shit, I'm completely lost in that explanation :crushed: Linoone and Belly Drum is fun :runhappy:
Pokemon Mechanics are far from easy :3
I didn't have a clue about the numbers either but there are great sites explaining it.
But it's pretty much worthless if you're not into competitive battling

Yea I used to have one with Substitute, Bellydrum, Flail and Shadow Shadow Claw with a Salac Berry.
Flail rapes face even those who resist it o.o
Pokemon Mechanics are far from easy :3
I didn't have a clue about the numbers either but there are great sites explaining it.
But it's pretty much worthless if you're not into competitive battling

Yea I used to have one with Substitute, Bellydrum, Flail and Shadow Shadow Claw with a Salac Berry.
Flail rapes face even those who resist it o.o

I'm not much into competitive battling so I suppose it's good that I don't understand then :/

Yeah, I can't stop thinking about those damn Swellows that keep using Endeavor.

What is Substitute good for? The only thing you do with it is to reduce the damage of an enemy's move but it breaks right after so what's the point if you just redo it over and over? >_>
Well substitute can have various purposes.
In Linoone's case, you use it to get it's hp down enough for Salac berry to activate so you have max power flail and a speed boost.
You can use it 4 times if your HP is an odd number, like 301 hp.
Substitute consumes 25% of your hp each use.
Well substitute can have various purposes.
In Linoone's case, you use it to get it's hp down enough for Salac berry to activate so you have max power flail and a speed boost.
You can use it 4 times if your HP is an odd number, like 301 hp.
Substitute consumes 25% of your hp each use.

Why not just use Endure? :reallyconfused:

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