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  • yes dude, I am facing the same pb too since yesturday afternoon, it's impossible for me to finish correctly an upload with edoc. Normal upload and flash upload are both a fail so I decided yto try zoomuploader for uploading and mirale ... IT works.
    They still have a problem with there servers, it suckes but at least you can upload your stuff passing by zoomuploader :)
    ahhhh thx buddy for your help, I didn't know this way. So true torrent takes so much time, soooo much that I prefer dl stuff from DDL links.
    Don't worry about CG stuff I ripp games myself, it's for this reason there is not much rivality in this section, it's because there are not many people with knowledges about ripping game.
    Anyway, your trick gonna help me get H-Game faster to be able ripp faster.
    I don't like them too but it's the best way to get the new products to be able share them after.
    At the same time, after all crappy disturbs they provoced I really feel sorry they have such sucess whereas they're taking profit of others sites and uploaders.
    I think so too lol. It's not the best period to earn money with DDL.
    True!!! Rivality is hard in Manga section, but downloaders are numerous too in this section so as you said everything depends of what kind of hosts are you using and what kind of host downloaders prefer.
    Same for me with the anime section but the CG section is a little more quite (even if some people re-up your stuff to share it 30 min after ... can't be helped (-_-) ).
    I dunno if you know Nyaatorrent but that was a good way to have business too but now they blocked ddl links, too bad.
    Yeahhh, I am sharing mainly CG and animes stuff. I shared 2 or 3 H-Manga one time ... very few.
    What about you ? business is well ?





    ティンクルくるせいだーす PSSもう出ていただなんて...今まで気づいていないなんて、うかつだった。



    そうだ、このサイトの背景になっている娘、誰なの?何か見ているうちに結構気になり始めた :P

    てかネギまもうすぐ終わるの?!! @。@ それは知らなかった。ストーリの流れ的にはそろそろ終わるかな~って予想はつくけど、あと3話だけだなんて...

    あと銀魂マジ面白い、オススメですよ^-^ (しもネタ多いけど)

    それにオフした後マンガ読んでたんだから :P 銀魂マジおもしれぇ
    おっは~~ :)、今はもう10時です、そしてものすごく眠い T_T
    ここではもう夜11時なの…シクシク… 明日も早起きしなきゃ、また仕事にいかなきゃ… ブツブツ(呪) T_T

    おやすみなさい T-T
    いや、エロゲーはもうほとんどやってない、今はマンガやアニメやラノベにハマっているんだ :D

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