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  • Hey sir!

    Was wondering if you had Kisaragi Gold Star's complete OST? I posted in one of the threads you posted some time ago.

    Hey AC sir!

    Been busy? Just informing again, you can strike out the remaining games.
    Seriously no time here on my side, especially with my semester finals coming up in about a month, and many projects to hand up within the next 2 weeks.

    Thanks a lot!

    By the way, if you have not started, please remove Lovely x Cation from the list, dont want it anymore. :P

    Thats nice to hear. :) Haha, thanks a lot.

    1. Aneiro
    2. Lovely x Cation
    3. Maikaze no Melt
    4. Fault!! Ace

    This 4 in particular, other than these, only got my 2 other AK games this june. :P
    Eh~ just wanted to check if ya had uploaded some of the games this june

    i am looking for 4 i think
    Is it possible for you to upload [Nipponsei] Angel Beats! Original Soundtrack using MediaFire?

    Thanks in advance.
    Eh eh~
    Next time can I look for you for games too?
    Only MU works for me to get files. Can I? :)
    NANI!?!?! You up H games too? MU?
    Well, up to you then actually. :)

    Bah, yeah, good game overall, but that end, signals a second edition....
    fortissimo was a good 'fighting' game while it lasted. LOL, thought the no H thing was said even before I started playing.

    Tonight? Haha, have fun, my target was to complete all the routes yesterday, took longer than expected because of screwed up school work, now on the last episode of the 3rd route only. Any other games? I am dying to play Kamikaze Explorer, so better finish up Duelist Engage quick. :)
    Mwahahaha. Thanks~
    Hmm, cant really comment that much now about that game. Yet to finish. Finish fortissimo?
    Some points of note:

    1. Protaganist is MEGA-donkan, and is a household-husband type who cooks great food.
    2. His mum is damn funny, really. In contrast, protag has a bit of mother-con.
    3. Heroine-wise, 4/5 is real attractive. Their own routes feel a bit forced somehow to me. I cant put in words since I am low level, but somehow during their story climaxes, I ended up supporting the 'obstacle to cross' instead of the girls.
    4. Common route was entertaining, as so I can say.
    No probs!~ :)
    Yeah, think I saw 192kbps, so I turned to you.
    No worries, take your time, hahaha.

    Btw, I am playing Duelist Engage, should be finishing soon and moving to Kamikaze Explorer!
    Sir! Was wondering if you had mihimaru GT's 'Masterpiece' ?

    Its Yu-Gi-Oh!, so no idea if they allow the post here. If you have, just pm me the MU link! Thanks~
    Awesome!! thanks alot~ The other is [c]-The Money of Soul and Possibility Control OP. i think in the credits its NICO Touches the walls! :D
    Hey Anti, Am looking for Bleach ED 2 - Life is like a boat by Rie Fu.

    Oh and am wondering whether the OP fo [c]~ (yugioh with credit cards)! is out yet? love that song~ thanx
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