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  • R
    So even your profile pic is transparent?
    That's cool.

    How are you?
    konban wa Ary ! just wanted to drop by for a sec. You´re ok ? know you are busy right now and such so im off....just wanted to say that.Take care !!
    Hey Ary ! sorry if I bother you.Just want to ask if you´r ok.Hope you´r fine,Im nervous and don´t able to say what i´s a pleasure to spam by your side....Take care !!
    Yeah. So much imagery on the album and quite dark too.
    It's a masterpiece that took 4 years to make.
    A giant moth with wings of flame and a face of fever. : o
    It's some intro I like on a song by a black metal band.

    Anyways, hiya!
    Thanks for your reply ! well....i had to google your city.Shame on me....but now after getting more into it it seems this region is full of history.The Niah caves f.e which are supposed to have tracks of human civisilisation more than 35.000 B.C...Fascinating.! I was about to study History some time ago so it´s great to discover new history facts i didn´t knew about...And sorry for my bad english.I´m trying to keep up with you guy´s here and improve as much/fast i can.Im´on ASF for 2 years in Oct...but i´m not good in social interaction and ii´ll try my best.Thx for your time Ary-sama.Take care.
    Thank you ! Its a honor to be accepted by the Spam Elite Squad ! hope we get along.Greetings from Berlin. :nyanmusu_happy: :nyanmusu_bow:
    What app are you using for browsing anime-sharing?
    I want phone notifications too. Spending too much time on my PC makes me old.
    AHH okay. Well it feels good stretching out anyway for it.

    Sure thing. I think from the sense from us both, we will probably take our ...Time before we get around :gokiko_bath:
    You prefer to sit on your knees like that while drinking tea`? I don't think I would be quite that comfy with my weight on my legs in that way. But I might be able to do a half lotus position or something instead.

    Aih, I haven't gotten around to touching them either. Other than that, there's no need for you to be sorry :P Except for that~! Since I'm such a fan of those old classics.

    Ganbatte, study on, I should do that too, and been busying myself with it a bit just lately. I went ahead and got my self a kindle too.
    I almost forgot my tsundere-maid. Your profile pic looks so despondent.

    You gotten around to getting any closer with the Resident evil remakes yet ? I recently heard they are planning on porting or "remaking" the remake for the PS3 or something btw. Scheduled for 2015. I didn't really look into it, I'm just guessing it means porting it over to the PS3.
    Glad I could provide some useful info, I'll let you know if your interested which ROM I pick myself, unless you get around to it before me, which is not too unlikely~
    I've gotten myself busy lately, just dropping by today.
    Nemesis made the boogieman seem nice huh. yeah it did give the feeling that he was always coming after you,...guess thats because he did. Like a huge mass of evil flesh walking steadily towards you. Yes Panicky! The sad part is I played re2 and 3 as well, but for different reasons I Never got around to finish either of them, even though I started them more than once :/ I won't bother with that anymore now. But what I would like to do is just watch the playtrough on youtube before I move on to RE4.

    Talking about scary, when I was still quite young...I got my first demo of silent hill >< That was incredibly ! Who knew it would come along with the first demo of Metal Gear Solid ! Playstation days, what a blizz that time was. I bought playstation magazines even then, it was really cool. That must be how people still feel when they buy anime/manga news magazines still today..lucky bast..., don't make me nostalgic.

    My advice is to not let game desensitize you, cause then they are no longer scary, or as fun, keep those mental defense mechanisms from kicking in and rationalize things as just a game or minimize the threat with humor, but get yourself in touch with that connectivity and immersion of a kid.......and let it take a hold of your soul.
    Eh, well it might be easier said than done as we get maybe a bit 'hardened' anyways.

    RE4 was the first change of the RE series though, but it has also been receiving a lot of praise. Lets hope I find to find out for myself soon.

    Zero and the remake might be GC exclusive but I will simply paly them on the pc emulated using dolphin emulator. I just really need the First one most of all, it's the most nostalgic for me, and the one thats most fundamental being the first and all.
    I'm just habitual with steam, old habits usually sticks. hehe, I'm not too much a regular player at that at least no, but I didn't mind your "spam" (I didn't consider it that) As long as you don't feel it was wasted on me :p

    You sound kinda like a OCD perfectionist like I can be myself sometimes. Trees.... You can chop them down, I get impatient and just burn them down~ Take that stupid shadows and spiders, now I got plenty of room to build a base out in nowhere.

    Ahhhh I am more fo a fan of Resident Evil series. I have been planning for a while now to play the remake of the first, and it's prelude. If I get around to it finally soon. I think the new RE games seems less, good than the old originals. Like 1,2,3 & 4 which is a bit different and I still have yet to play. I will play that last. After 4, is kinda where it stops for me in the RE series. I snuck into my sisters room when I was a kid playing it on ps1. I have yet to properly play it. Luckily for me there was the cube remakes, otherwise I would have to play with oversized pixels on the org Playstation game today, and that would have been, well, less than what I've gotten used to over the years.

    If your a somewhat fan of RE then you owe it to yourself to maybe consider playing the originals ! (even if one of them is a remake (the cube versions for the upgraded graphics))
    Here's a little something:

    Nothing beats the Originals !! :laughpanda: (this is the official 'muahaha' panda I hope) But I'm an awfully nostalgic and old school person in some ways :smug:
    Ah...oki. To bad, I think steam is pretty neat myself. But so is GOG afaik. I didn't have any clue either at the beginning heh. part of the charm perhaps to just figure it out.

    All I can really notice right away is that you've done considerably more than me! and have a lot more info to share about it.^^ I never even made it to winter, wonder if i ever bothered to get to like 30 something days huhu.
    Frankly I get bored to fast, especially bout the running around too much, and spending time that way. It demotivates me. Also, it doesn't fully work for me in single player, it needs hordes of zombies in a 4 player coop,...then yeah.. Maybe it would be better suited :D
    Though after having it reinstalled very recently, I just more or less tested it out some again, then I uninstalled it again, thinking I might reinstall it when the MP support comes, and if I also have extra time for it to spare.

    Atm, I'm actually semi planning on some emulated gamecube games like Resident Evil Zero, while thinking about some interesting upcoming titles like Alien Isolation.

    Pleasure to hear a bit about your passion though regarding this. I might be afraid to follow you if your an ingame pyromaniac tsundere, lets just blow out the light and go to sleep together to keep warm while we're surviving out here all alone :innocent:. Is this the only none VN game your busy with btw ? (interesting you like psychology)
    Ah...oki. To bad, I think steam is pretty neat myself. But so is GOG afaik. I didn't have any clue either at the beginning heh. part of the charm perhaps to just figure it out.

    All I can really notice right away is that you've done considerably more than me! and have a lot more info to share about it.^^ I never even made it to winter, wonder if i ever bothered to get to like 30 something days huhu.
    Frankly I get bored to fast, especially bout the running around too much, and spending time that way. It demotivates me. Also, it doesn't fully work for me in single player, it needs hordes of zombies in a 4 player coop,...then yeah.. Maybe it would be better suited :D
    Though after having it reinstalled very recently, I just more or less tested it out some again, then I uninstalled it again, thinking I might reinstall it when the MP support comes, and if I also have extra time for it to spare.

    Atm, I'm actually semi planning on some emulated gamecube games like Resident Evil Zero, while thinking about some interesting upcoming titles like Alien Isolation.

    Pleasure to hear a bit about your passion though regarding this. I might be afraid to follow you if your an ingame pyromaniac tsundere. Is this the only none VN game your busy with ?
    Do you have EA Origin? If you do, Dead Space is free to download on there for a few days. It's only single player but still a fun game
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