Ah...oki. To bad, I think steam is pretty neat myself. But so is GOG afaik. I didn't have any clue either at the beginning heh. part of the charm perhaps to just figure it out.
All I can really notice right away is that you've done considerably more than me! and have a lot more info to share about it.^^ I never even made it to winter, wonder if i ever bothered to get to like 30 something days huhu.
Frankly I get bored to fast, especially bout the running around too much, and spending time that way. It demotivates me. Also, it doesn't fully work for me in single player, it needs hordes of zombies in a 4 player coop,...then yeah.. Maybe it would be better suited :D
Though after having it reinstalled very recently, I just more or less tested it out some again, then I uninstalled it again, thinking I might reinstall it when the MP support comes, and if I also have extra time for it to spare.
Atm, I'm actually semi planning on some emulated gamecube games like Resident Evil Zero, while thinking about some interesting upcoming titles like Alien Isolation.
Pleasure to hear a bit about your passion though regarding this. I might be afraid to follow you if your an ingame pyromaniac tsundere, lets just blow out the light and go to sleep together to keep warm while we're surviving out here all alone

. Is this the only none VN game your busy with btw ? (interesting you like psychology)