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  • Yay~ Another message from you~ :3

    Yeah... you're right about that. I do love drawing. ^^ I consider my hands as something meant for crafting and to not be dirtied or tainted by other things. Hope that didn't sound too weird or anything.

    Hmm... indeed that is true. Laziness can get the better of us. Hard to be motivated at times. Sometimes a little push or spark is needed. Although, even if it's not perfect, the flaws can be beautiful as well. ^^

    Ah... I see. If it's not too serious then it'll work out sooner or later. Best to get the exams and classes over with anyway to relax later on~

    Eh~ I also find her appealing and gorgeous. :3 You sure have an eye for the aesthetics.

    Chatting with you so far has been enjoyable. You're a good and considerate person. ^^
    Good to hear from you~ ^^

    Haha... yeah. I draw and I love it. The process of putting pen or pencil on untouched paper just waiting to be drawn. :3

    I wasn't really good either. xD I had more 'natural' talents, but I chose something I wasn't good at and practiced.

    I'm sure you're good at other things. (: Some people draw for fun as little gifts for their loved ones.

    Strike... O.o Hope it's nothing too serious. Perhaps use that time to finish other things you need or like.

    Eh...~ I do like Clamp. ^^

    However, the girl in my profile is from an otome game not yet released called Trick or Alice. She's the Queen of Hearts.

    Thanks for the chat. See you around~
    Hi hi~

    Glad we could be friends~

    I'm pretty well... just a little drained from household duties like cooking, cleaning, laundry etc. Being a filial daughter. ^^;;

    Currently drawing more and spending time outside as much as possible since it's summer.

    I bet you're kind of busy too. Although, it's always good to do the things you like and rest once in awhile. ^^

    Please take care. Much happiness for you and those you cherish~ :3
    Hello there.

    Sending good thoughts your way~

    Hope it's all right to be friends. ^^
    Yeah I'm just hanging around, waiting for something awesome to come about. Life, whacha gonna do?

    Indeed. cba
    Ah I'm nub at it myself. Ironically, I find Scharlachrot to be my most preferred character; she's easy to use and good to combine with various Arcana like Tyr, Baldur, Lang-Gong, etc. The wiki actually has tips on which characters and Arcana would be the best combinations but I just cba to follow such tips :p

    Don't really like Clarice here too - my rank goes like Scharlachrot > Weiss > Petra others lol. You're welcome :p
    Ohh, lol. I didn't know they killed the game links so early. OK, I'll upload it again and let ya know.
    Mm... did you install the font? Go to the font folder and click on the .ttf file. Install it. And yes, you need to run it on Japanese unicode.
    thanks for the comfort :3
    well. i did a lot of bad things already. and i'm doing my best to change that.
    i really think you're asking me of impossible stuff at the state i'm currently on.
    it's hard to do that if i can't even do a single proper thing.
    *continually hugs blue*

    mentally sick=depressed

    i'm the type who gets depressed a lot. >_>
    *hugs blue*

    i'm still a little bit sick. both physically and mentally. it is not that i'm actually dieting, i just don't feel like eating at all. XD
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