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  • I tried it and it doesn't have any file organization. too bad they're better than other sites. I'll try to look for something. thanks again for the suggestion.
    Hehehe, my bad as this is my first time to upload hentai contents XD, as pyrce said to do so (since i got so many of'em that i don't share most any of it :) thanks, i'll transfer to imagebam

    edit: too many ads, probably Imagevenue
    Happy New Year! :3

    XD i agree.

    i'm going to sleep now, it's 3:45am here. i'll be online after 3-4 hours, i guess. XD
    lol, no way. i literally meant friends who happen to be fond of me. or it could friends who seems to be forced to do so since i threatened them. XD
    nope, i haven't tried any of those, i'm too lazy to DL and patch 'em. i get my VNs from friends who happen to be really fond of me. X3
    type moon VNs mostly. and then, there are those unfinished stuff. the only thing i'm sure of aside from those are: my sex slave is a classmate, lwr 1&2, bazooka cafe, and moero.

    i only started playing VNs last year. i started with tsukihime. i think the next one i'm gonna play is osadai.
    that would be in english, i'm bad at japanese, can't seem to learn those stuff ever since i tried studying 'em. >_<
    hahahaha. LOL i forgot to click on it. XD

    don't have any favorites since most of the time i'm reading a book or watching anime. but i'm more into VNs.
    she's feiris nyannyan :3

    how about yours? i'm not really familiar with that one. : \
    hahaha. thanks for the add. X3

    yep, definitely spam friend. we happen to have twin tailed gals and we spam!!! :3
    I've a part time job but................. let say that there're plenty of things that i want (figures and artbooks keep filling my room +.+)
    Then i will ask some question. In A.T II, for the support who did you use ? Many guys in others forum say Cloche + Luka but i prefer Cloche + Jacquil, Jacquil's def is quite good (through her hp is quite low) and she got some really powerful spell :)
    Not really............
    Btw, talking to you make me really want to play Ar Tonelico again :) Got to find the disk..................*run*
    Lol... nevermind...
    I edited the thread. I just removed the japanese name in the thread so that all the information can be seen once more. So the thread have the other info and links...

    What a strange thing lol xD
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