Yo sorry to hear about your problems, anyways thought you might like to know that your issues are prob a result of companies waiting for the treaty in the UN plays out. Congress is trying to eliminate our media sharing by removing hosting site, making the Internet more expensive, and banning more than half of it. Quite frankly I think this is bull shit but that's what's going on right now. I'll keep my ears open for more intel if your interested.
about nurarihyon season 2, i see commie is incomplete and tlacatlc6 isnt either. also tlacatlc6 and whynot is it different? if not, then between commie, whynot, and hatsuyuki which one is your recommendation?
Happy Birthday Corocoro-sama :3 Sorry for the late birthday message, but I don't have regular internet access nowadays so sorry about that! Wish you have a great one! :3