Dark Angel
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    Dark Angel = Very nice Angel! Thank you so much, with that I could do some Wallpapers. It's big enough :)
    Merry Christmas Dark Angel.
    I hope that your Christmas would be enjoyable and may the essence of Christmas remains always with you. Take care.
    Λευτέρη, {Shishou} χρόνια πολλά καλα χριστούγενα με υγεία να μας έρθει το νέο έτος!!!!
    Χρόνια Πολλά Λευτέρη!!! Καλά Χριστόυγεννα και καλές γιωρτές να έχουμε!!!
    I'm a big fan of your work!

    Keep it going :)
    We may release the psd of the banner and/or layout in the future; however, it's currently too messy to work with and is overlapping each other (banner on top of the mock layout). We do plan to solicit input from members for the alternate layouts/banners/other elements, but currently we don't have the leisure for that. We'll let the members know when we do.
    Hmm... This is obviously a covered illustration, where at the nipples edited was... But anyway; Thank you very much for this gifts, what you lately me given have!!!:goodtea:~>

    Sure, I accept all friendship request that have atleast a conversation with me. In the past, I was spammed by an army of bot (automated registration).
    Hi there. That's a nice attempt! It's a bit too saturated to my taste, though, and the glow effects feel like they lost their chemistry relative to the other effects. I understand that you only did a quick recolour on the already-assembled image; I'm sure a much better result could be accomplished by just tweaking things a bit in the psd. It's possible, yes. But we'd like to at least have different banners with different colour schemes instead of just recolours, especially since doing the latter would make us look even lazier than we already are. ;)
    Thank you, you can also reply (and add your comment) to my announcement ;). Thread is opened.
    Μεταφέρεις τα after images πίσω και κάτω από τα αρχικά layer έτσι?
    Wow! Thank you very much! Did you draw it?
    I like Attack on Titan too! I became "sora wo tobu pikachu"(flying pikachu) thanks to you!
    I see... Well, I've your stuff, what you to me sent have, downloaded than a signal of our friendship...:goodtea:~>
    SHIT...!!!:surprised: ...Please D'angel stop it, otherwise you killing me with this...:dead: {...But thank you very much, I'll it take^^!!!)
    Περιμένω πως και πως να έρθει η μέρα να βρεθούμε όλη η παρέα μαζί!
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