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  • Thank you, I will keep that in mind :fulfilled:

    :shocked: That's so mean :beglife: Dawn-chan can sing in front of me anytime, and I'll sing along with you with my horrible vocals
    Just a name doesnt really make it actual chinese food though... Hmm... fries are... good sometimes... I dont really care for fast food though... [img]

    /me hides behind imouto [img]

    That sounds like itll be troublesome... but at least we would have a cook [img]
    真是的,现在的电脑什么也能做得到 (-_-)

    :surprised: 皮丘不是已经够可爱了吗。。。为什么还要打扮
    伤害我的感情 :runaway:
    Thanks for trying to make me feel better, Dawn-chan~ :bigeyes:

    Noooo, I bet you sound like an angel
    Ooh, I see I see :fulfilled: I kept think you were asking me something about the sky because of these two characters, "天吗" :XD:

    Nooo, I bet Dawn-chan has a lovely voice so earplugs won't be necessary~ :nyanmusu_happy:

    Does that mean I have permission to stalk you 24/7? :bigeyes:
    It depends since there are some fancier ones and some cheaper..~ Chinese food tends to be cheapish and probably similar to fast food in some cases... It doesnt always mean they taste bad though~

    T-th-there are p-p-p-peopleeee...... :nekopara_scared:

    But then we have to take care of whoever he has a crush on as well... unless we somehow convince him otherwise :nekopara_sigh:

    Nope nope~ Asian restaurants~ The food isnt great but the prices are lower than western restaurants...~
    A-admirers? [img] Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? [img]

    You plan to... use a woman as bait?..... [img]
    then I might try some ;o thanks for telling me!
    Hello dawnotaku-san! How are you doing?:)
    Its been months since i made Friends with you!
    Hello... um... :onionisfine: I don't know :XD: Fail!

    As long as I get to hear Dawn-chan sing, anything is fine :blushhappy:

    You are welcome partner :goodtea: Although I'm still considered a stalker... :sowwy:
    Well... it depends on the area you go to? Some places are not so fancy... Though their prices tend to be lower as well
    T-talk? S-show? :nekopara_scared:

    So... do you have a plan? [img]

    说的不错,皮丘又可爱又纯粹,像我一样 :innocent:
    wha you are than me?!OwO I want to go to unii TwT Im sick, I have sore throat ;w;
    二、日语的形容词分成两组,各组的文法稍微不同。「いい」 (ii,汉字是「良い」) 属于「イ形容詞」 (イ是い的片假名),在名词“guy”前不必放“の”字。另一组是「 ナ形容詞」(ナ是な的片假名)。简单说,イ形容词以い字结尾,ナ形容词以其他字结尾,当然也有例外。用ナ形容词时同样把词在名词前放,但也在形容词和名词的中间必须放“な”字。正确的是「いいguy」。
    三、guy => やつ (yatsu),汉字是「奴」。

    总之,正确的句子是「ほー君はいいやつだな」。 ありがとう!:fullblush:

    Could you write something really simple in Mandarin, please partner? I want to see if I can possibly understand it :XD:

    Dawn-chan can sing?? I want to hear partner sing, I'm sure you have a very beautiful voice!~ :fulfilled:

    I'll let you keep the stalker file because I don't want Dawn-chan to be sad :deadsad:
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