You really are doing the wrong thing for your own good you should have not talked to me. I change people to Devils as people changed me....Human Beings....I never will understand them....My soul is lost in my heart, Because my heart is gone.....
Not really for wanted to die aswell didint you? back than I chould have said the same, But I didin't I knew I was a person in your way, The one that was bothering you, The one you should not have talked to
Decalcomania as this may be one of out last words together, I want you to know that you will always be my friend even when I arrive to Hell....I hope if I die soon it will make you happy and give a stone of your heart, I will leave my life to my soul
I dont care if I have you dead in my mind. I wont be able to live with a thought that my friend has died. I tried commiting suicide few times but failed...
You wanna do the most big mistake your bout to do? well go on than k? what do i care for? I tried k? I fucking tried taking you away from these stuff...I Became your friend I thought I chould have been your friend forever, WHY DE HELL YOU NEED TO DO THIS? your making people hurt? I changed completly after you told me you gonna do it, I never show a smile anywere never cuz I keep thinking will you die or not I am also really worried k? There are people who care about you GET YOURSELF TOGETHER DECALCOMANIA-SENPAI
i unistalled skype so facebook is fine I am there everyday so you will be able to catch me often^^ my name-----> XSpirits Mato or search by email---> [email protected]