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  • I mean you dont need to if you dont like it i just thought if you make amv's maybe you will like it>.<
    hmm I see I sometimes look at pics at pixiv...or google images>.< But not often more like I find videos that nobody else finds>.<
    Thanku^^ Bakemonogatari will always be my fav anime no matter what even if it has hentai in it>.< But the storyline is great..hmm your reallu good at finding pictures you know...
    Well if you really leave that means you really just don't like anyone, Lets talk tomorrow its 24am and I was out today for a really long time. And I am tired but rerember ''Even if your heart feels like stabbed Someone else endures that pain for you'' It's from an anime I use it sometimes because I beliave it's true
    *G-rabs the the shirt* There is no tomorrow, And there never was these days are just a waiting room to death for me and When I wait I am stupid and I hate being lonely but I know that I shoulden't try to go against your desition but I cannot stop thinking about it. People like you are my only friend you think I got many friends in real life? Even if I do and thats 2 friends in real life one of them is in another country and the other doesen't really spend time with me thats why I am here because I don't know anybody to talk to. That's why I WONT LOSE ANY MORE FRIENDS! *let goes of the shirt and falls sitting on the floor*
    By leaving your just risking the loss of trust and friends that are invisible to you cuz they wait, I had a friend actually she is still my best friend on a game I knew her for long time I met her the first day I came into the game it was her first day to s we helped eachother out much, Once she said she is leaving I managed to perswade her but I did it on a string. I was risking my friendship just to get her back but I didin't really care so What I want to tell you Even if I will need to walk on a string I will not let you go...(Hugs from behind)
    If you stay if I leave then I will leave... I am a person that has feelings that get sticked easily. but I am an evil person -I got a pure cold heart... But Please don't go I can prove to you that There are many people who like you if you just look at them.
    stands up at least listen to what I got to say... If you really like people here you whoulden't go, The fact that you are thinking that people hate you is wrong. Because there a thousends of people on this world and you are just looking at the people who hate you and desire that you whould die. but you never look on the side of your friends? There are plenty people who whould stab me kill me till I drop But I don't care and if someone made you sad on this forum and made you want to leave..I will find that person..And I won't give up till I find him or her.
    *throws on the ground and holds Decalcomania's Leg* I won't let go...And when I don't let go you are not going>.<
    ......................*Hits head on the computer* *Yomi comes in her monster form* *Stab Mato*
    Lol I know, But what I mean is did you type in ermm... Erio something..? Oh and HOTD EP well with windows crushing all the time this is all I can do:( Thats an ep on a website and When you download realplayer it wil In every video you use a bar will pop up saying ''Download this video'' Just click it and it will download it in MP4 If it doesent download it in MP4 Use Realplayer converter to convert it to the file you like, Sorry .....I am making you touble with this but windows keeps crushing O_O So you can download any movie ep whatever you like,
    Hello Decalcomania, Before I go I just whould like to ask a quick qestion, You rerember when you gave me that gift with Erio and a board that said ''Welcome to Anime Share , Have Fun''. Well I wonderd How did you find it because I soe other people that find it with other charecters, Just a general qestion>.< sorry my curiosity is bad lol, Sorry to bother you
    I am going of on Alicia to help my guild with the crazy horses....
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