• Happy New Year 2025! 🎉🌟 If you're still seeking happiness, may this be the year it finds you. Just like spring brings fresh blossoms, may 2025 bring new beginnings and bright opportunities your way. And if love isn't what you seek, we've got you covered all year long.
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  • Hmm already have my own little plan... two actually ;p But i just need to gather a little group of people before i get murdered off...
    Hmm and there goes the 6 per hour quota xD Well... lets say that im sure blood isnt shiki... or at least wasnt ;p

    Haha I see, you're not an idiot xD I didn't know at first either, someone had to tell me :3
    This is how you do it:
    1. Save the image on your computer
    2. Upload it with an imagehost (like imageshack or tinypic)
    3. Go to 'Settings' and then 'Edit Signature' (Should be somewhere on the left side)
    4. If you uploaded the image, copy the link for forum images
    (The one with the [img\] tags)
    5. Paste that into the Edit Signature and you're done ^^

    Hope this helps!
    Here you go Fear ^^
    If there's anything you want changed please let me know.
    I'll try to make it the way you like :3
    Hiya Fear ^^

    Sure! Send you can send me an iamge you would like a signature of and I'll see if it's possible.
    So..you could send a few pictures in case one isn't going to work.
    Just make sure that there is no text or something like that on the character ok?


    Ah..I see.
    Well I practically watch most anime genres. But there's one I always avoid and that's Yaoi.. mainly cuz I'm a guy I guess =/ and I don't really like Mecha either.
    I do love a good romance, drama or action. I'm quite a softy so..I tend to cry at sad stuff.. ;-; I'm such a baby.. xD
    So..do you have any favorites? ^^
    Hi there~

    That's a tough question..so hard for me to pick one of the maaany I've seen xD
    Sora no Otoshimono takes the lead for me <3 Besides Naruto, this is what started my anime addiction :3
    As for manga, I don't read those.. I've read maybe.. 5 or 6 of naruto but that was only because I really wanted to know what was going to happen xD

    How about you?
    haha no worries
    That will change when you stay on ASF for a while ^^

    Thanks for accepting too, Yoroshiku~!
    yes, it kinda ruin the shows D:

    sure, they're experts so don't be shy to make a request ;)

    okay :))
    yeah, and they skipped many episode from the manga.

    oh sure I'll check it later :)

    hmm I join from June, but starting to active just recently :XD:
    yes it's kinda bother me. and about Black Cat anime the action scene is bad, they try something new but ended become a failure x_x

    yeah there's no regret in Spice and Wolf :3

    sure thing, I love mecha if there is romance between them :XD:

    hmm never heard of that, maybe will google it, but won't watch it if had sad ending lol
    hmm if the harem has clear ending I would love it tho (like Zero no Tsukaima) . I like Black Cat too but the anime series is bad IMO, I prefer the manga.

    yeah, it's sad but the series already ended very well in 2nd season so it's not a problem :D

    Gosick if great if you like mystery combined with mature romance. Chobits is also great although it's an old anime, ended beautifully too. and if you like mecha E7 is perfect combination between mecha, drama, and romance :thumbup:
    oohh I see ;)

    my favorite is Spice and Wolf, Gosick, Chobits, E7, and many anime that focuses to 2 main characters development, and I dislike harem type anime :XD: . and yours?

    yes she is <3
    I don't read manga because read it online is kinda hmm anw I don't like it, but if I buy it, it's quite expensive x_x

    so I just enjoy anime for now :XD:
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