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  • One more question, what's the best format to convert the DVD to so it will play on portable devices? MP4?
    Case in point, Space Dandy. It aired on TV, so I watched it live. As I originally posted, it reminds me of Johnny Bravo. So if you liked Johnny Bravo, you'll like Space Dandy.

    Personally, I didn't care that much for Johnny Bravo. :evillaugh:
    Exactly. It's nice to hear someone watched Super Crunchy New Anime Show 01, but what do they think of it, I might want to watch, too.
    Yeah, I did think that poster's original spoiler tag comment was an overreaction. Since he didn't specify what he wanted tagged, I almost told him that if he wanted me to tag the fact that Recently My Sister Is Unusual is heavily censored, I would.

    In the end, I decided to be nice. :evillaugh:
    It was freezing here, but that didn't stop me from going to Pizza Hut to take advantage of the 50% off promotion they have :D
    (*゚▽゚)*゚▽゚)ノ<よいお年を。O○ ・:*。:゚○:.。・:*:・゚ (o≧∀)o□☆□o(∇≦o)オツキミイェーイ♪

    Happy New Yeaarr My Neighbbourr.... :XD:
    Happy new year, Final!!!
    And a healthy and peaceful year for you and your family!!!
    Happy New Year:cheering::cheerleader:
    Wishing you a New Year that brings luck and prosperity, fill your home with joy and spirit...
    Jawbreakers, they're divine
    That's my weapon /me stands on the edge of a cliff, facing the sunset with jawbreakers in his mouth

    I'm fine with him
    I forgot about u >.< :sowwy:
    a bit late but I wish u a Merry Christmas ~
    Well they are making Elder Scrolls online, releases sometime next year, monthly fee though which I don't like
    I may need a mic also, yeah co-op should be fun :D

    unfortunately skyrim is strictly a single player game, legendary edition is a better deal, you get all the DLC included
    We should play the game co-op sometime :D

    Skyrim is a awesome game, now you can get the mods :) Did you get the legendry edition? Or regular?
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