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  • Hi. Was wondering if you would use either depositfiles or ul.to for your hcg pack uploads? You are one of the only few uploader around who ups the packs in jpg, bmp is way too big for storage. I know you used to upload to ul.to, but after this recent wave you changed. Is it possible to revert back?

    Feel free to drop me a message. Thanks. :)
    I assumed the exe access the encrypted rar for its file. Guess it wasn't the case? No alternative version available since that file. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    In AS Forum, you have the right to know which rules you violated and that you have the right to appeal and escalate the case to the group of Administrators in appropriate forum. Furthermore All bans reason are recorded and is verified by an admin on duty periodically. We don't ban people randomly, and we don't ban people permanently unless they exhibits a bot posting pattern.

    All of which is said and done, please kindly remove the un-necessary bitching in this thread as it is unrelated to the uploaded content.



    Wintereise may not see your reply, so you can reply directly to your upload thread. We allow this.

    We don't generally ban anyone unless the said person repeatedly violate our rule. Quite honestly speaking, all of your attitude would have been a guaranteed ban else where but Anime-Sharing. Sometimes we feel like we are way too tolerable.

    On my personal view's point, I downloaded your CG Pack and the quality of the rip is satisfactory, excluding the dummy bit. The extra 150-200MB of dummy is not a big problem for me, and I always remove it. But it seems to cause a ruckus to other peoples.

    Despite all of that I would not want to see the dummy file being included as mentioned previously
    Dear FlowerTradeWinds,

    If a user uses the report button, it is not only because they want to bring something to the staff's attention, but also because they want to remain anonymous doing so. Quite frankly, unless the persons chose to contact you as well, it is none of your business who they are or what they wrote beyond what we already told you.
    By "a shitload" I mean about a dozen, which is unusually high for our small and quality-oriented forum.

    Anyway, we understand the cost of running a system, but we don't agree with resorting to artificial bloating or similar tactics because:

    ASF sees itself as a quality-oriented forum, and dummy files don't align with that. We are strict about posting guidelines because we don't want to end up as messy link-dumps like so many other places. This is more or less the same for content quality.
    If we let you continue with it, more people are likely to imitate that crap, thus degrading the content quality more and effectively making the CG section useless.

    As a result the Anime-Sharing staff has decided that dummy files included in CG uploads are henceforth banned. Please make sure to comply with this new rule from here on out. I hope that you understand the decision and its reasons behind.
    Just as your fellow administrators post DDL to cover ASF's cost, it is the same for me too. And you surely know the different between a <50MB file and a 250MB file on the pay chart. I don't deny I try to make use of my little monopoly on CG rips, but I do it with the least disruptive way possible.

    I do not know why people crashed explorer.exe as the file is just a plain zero-filled file. There is no trick to it. You're free to check the files yourself. And if anyone reputable do find the files problematic I will certainly apologize and stop doing it.

    If you do receive shit loads of reports I'd think it is part of a smear campaign. You can clearly see from my visitor messages or post replies that a selected few complained about the size difference but none saying about any crashing.

    I find it intriguing that you receive "shitload" "countless" amount of reports when I receive none despite a couple thousands downloads been registered.

    Thank you for your attention.
    We are still working on your case FTW, can you explain to me, why do you need to include the dummy file? I also got countless reports that people has crashes explorer.exe trying to extract the dummy file, or remove the dummy file.

    The thing is, if you intentionally include a dummy file into the package, then it is not allow since you intentionally include it.

    In most scenario however, we would let it slide but if we receive a shitload amount of reports, then we will have to do something about it.
    Open for debate:

    Rather disappointed that certain members here complaining about dummy. Just to note that starting this month, I will have to remove some mirrors for <50MB files as it is now considered to be an offense to put dummy file on ASF.

    The dummy [bdidn't[/b] increase the number of parts, didn't need more clicks to DL, extract the same, takes up miniscule amount of space. It also extract fine even if you interrupt the DL early. The only impact on whoever that DL (btw, thank you for downloading my release) is extra 200MB of data.

    I personally couldn't see why would people complain over extra 200MB of DL when the games are generlly GBs in size, perhaps these people shouldn't be using DDL.

    Perhaps ASF should ban people posting non-dummycut version of games. Placing dummy in the iso by the game creater, placing dummy in the rar by the cg ripper, how is that any different?
    I am actually not sure what happened at maru. I probably opened a thread, thinking it is my own and just paste my own release into it. And the new rules that force everyone into collection threads. It may be good for other people who post exclusively old stuff, but is terrible for posting new stuff.

    Regarding the CG size different. Download it and you will know why. Just have to say without HF, <50MB it is not enough to cover the expense of the CG ripping server.

    Thank you for downloading my release.
    Hellow FlowerTW,
    Sorry to bother You but I love your CG Uploads and that is why I am a bit confused with the sizes of the file and the sizes in the description-a few files sized 250+ mb on links but description on post says otherwise-Here are the links
    [New Release][111125][アパタイト] 嫁の妹との淫愛~妻に隠れて交わる夫と義妹~ (Complete CG) [58M Lossless/13M JPG]
    [New Release][111125][アトリエさくら] 他の男の精液を流し込まれるわたし…… 愛する彼女は先輩の肉棒を嬉しそうに咥え込む Complete CG [103M Lossless/44M JPG]
    [New Release][111125][オーバードーズ] 突発性ミルク娘 千夏「もう、パパのせいでいっぱいでちゃうぅ!」 Complete CG [168M Lossless/173M JPG]
    [New Release][111125][アトリエかぐや Honky-Tonk Pumpkin] アルバイトの先輩の女のコに仕事を教わっていたら始まっちゃうHな関係。 CG [149M Lossless/122M J
    [New Release][111125][トルピード] ヴァージン・ワイフ、密やかな開通 ~あなた、お父さんに躾けられてしまったの…~ Complete CG [61M Lossless/9M JPG]
    [New Release][111125][U・Me SOFT] 男痴妻~オトコト、シマクル、オンナタチ~ (Complete CG) [60M Lossless/36M JPG]

    Would u Please take a look?
    N.B. Sorry to hear things didn't work out at maru
    bro ,HCG (jpg) file size is not correct

    its 9m ,but download is 253M....
    its 67m ,but download is 252M....

    [111125] [HOOKSOFT] Strawberry Nauts -ストロベリーノーツ-
    [111125] [トルピード] ヴァージン・ワイフ、密やかな開通~あなた、お父さんに躾けられてしまったの…~
    [111125] [softhouse-seal] 学園迷宮エロはぷにんぐ! ~イクぜ!性技のダンジョン攻略~
    [111125] [ぱれっと] 晴れときどきお天気雨

    好多帖子都這樣 JPG的下載檔案上面寫14M 但是下載就變好大252M 是不是放錯了阿?
    Thank you FTW!!
    The reason that I switch to DDL is because My brother bought premium and it much faster, resumable and not depend on the seeder
    well, the problem is sometime I got corrupted file while downloading splitted parts and since there are no recovery that's means I must re-download it again.
    Thanks for the response, guess I'll stick with torrent except for Old release
    Just had a broken relationship with another forum due to their moderator reuploading my CG release and another moderator have a nice time deleting my posts because I'm complaining.

    Is there any HF style forum out there or may be I should make one myself.

    To nacht,

    The splitted parts don't normally contain recovery record, but once you extract the file you can use the recovery record of the game archive.
    Nice to see you here FlowerTradeWinds, I'm also from HF
    btw, can I know if your DDL splitted games also include rar recovery?
    recently, I'm using DDL and sometimes get corrupted file

    Since usually I use torrent from you which is include recovery
    Oh, nice to see you migrated from Hongfire, FlowerTradeWinds. I found quite a few of your download threads to be very helpful. Hope to get along well with you again.
    hi, FlowerTradeWinds, I am also from hongfire, it is nice to meet you and girlcelly here, do you know other people like soho, frederick posting, they also provide many hentai game torrent in hongfire before?
    and can you tell me some hentai download blog you know, I already bookmark your blog, but I would like other blogs so that I can download games not in your site. Thanks
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