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  • Frakk! I posted this on my own page >.<


    To be honest I don't really know about that (since I never really thought about those), but I might know about the Ihr/Ihre issue. Although this is just a guess. In the German language nouns have a genus. And depending on the object's genus in the sentence you use Ihr or Ihre.

    In your example Name - der Name is masculine, so you use Ihr here. Telefonnummer - die Telefonnumer has feminine genus, so you use Ihre here. << Don't know if this is a rule, but I "proof-checked" with other words.

    I am sorry that I am not really any helpful.. Should I find out about Wie <=> Was, I will tell you.
    Being a teacher does fit (I enjoyed being one for about year and a half) if you can ensure you're free from the various retardation that's common in academia (exclusivity in knowledge, don't-bother-me-if-you-don't-have-a-dozen-titles-accompanying-your-name kind of attitude, suppressing rather than encouraging dissenting opinions from students, etc).

    The problem with being an interpreter is that, on top of being a messenger, you'll also essentially be carrying out PR duties. And when there are PR matters involved, speechcraft in the forms of weasel-words and bullshittery naturally tags along. Though of course, all my cynicism aside, it depends on who you work for. If you combine teaching with communications, for example―such as helping disseminate research and knowledge to wider audiences―then you have but my admiration.

    "Communicating with machines" is a... unique way to look at programming languages. My friends from both language and computer science majors often joke with similar and other remarks such as "linguistics is the 'scientific' part of liberal arts" and "we have syntaxes too, just like linguistics" respectively, as they're well aware I have interest in both fields. But you appear to think that way honestly. That's rather, um, romantic.

    Ah, the previous one? 読み返して英訳してみたら超恥ずかしいからまた日本語で返事させてもらうw
    Hey Frank,

    I hope you're doing well.

    Per my commitment for the Fortune Arterial Project, I want to ask what help do you need the most - aside of translation. I want to see if I can do anything to help you to finish it.
    frankaemon, frankaemon! please help me with my anger management? what am i supposed to do? D:
    I use to live in Oklahoma so I like the Thunder. Yeah KD is easily one of the best in the league, and one of my favorite players. Hopefully they'll have a chance to win it all next year.
    BTW my team is the Bulls, but I don't think they will be winning a championship anytime soon.
    Read on your profile you like the Oklahoma Thunder, Kevin Durant is one of my favorite players. Hopefully one of these years they will get passed Lebron and the Miami Heat in the Finals, I hate the Miami Heat.
    Nah, nothing wrong with that. And I understand. Our previous conversation about (insert some schoolgirl-esque kyaa kyaa here) romance ended up that way. That happens when conversations get too long, I suppose.

    Yeah, that was apparent. But the world works in strange ways, I guess. So, let's say you'll abandon IT-related career and pursue something related to liberal arts -- what will it be? (Besides the writing prospects we're talking about?)

    Well, if between now and when you last produced a writing you've still been (at least) reading, I don't think that'll pose a serious problem to your writing abilities. Writing travel reviews sounds interesting... just not for me because, on top of similarly being scared of flying, I don't like travelling in general.
    Such a short reply! Injustice! I gave you so much, yet that's all you could give in return?! </3
    (Nah, actually, as I tend to make replies a bit too long at times, it's imperative that the other party counter that tendency.)

    Well, if you still remember how and when we first knew each other, you really didn't strike me as the technical type. You were radiating with an aura of the linguistics/liberal arts type.

    I used to write a lot when I was a kid, but the storytelling was very messy and I didn't manage to finish anything meaningful. Still, I seek to someday spend enough time on putting what's on my mind to words concise enough and then self-publish whatever comes out in the end.
    I guess it's a complicated matter. Professionalism involves not giving a damn about matters beyond what's demanded from your field of expertise, but on matters with potential public affair concerns, the line is a bit blurry between that and indifference. It's understandable on a personal level, but...

    Indeed. I kind of want to write something myself, but (on top of being lazy) I'm not good at introducing the beginning of a story and all the ideas I have in my head are the kind that would do better with visual representations. (Or you could argue that I'm just not good at cherry-picking words and expressions, lol.)

    As for journalism, I suppose it does require full-throttle enthusiasm (something that doesn't really suit me), but what makes me even consider the path isn't the work itself. Rather, I kinda feel the need to write and criticise. But the world doesn't just lend some random young adult without any significant background an ear to listen to him rambling and yapping around (and the online venue for criticism in my country is, sadly, weak).

    >British sport journalists suck though. All they ever do is write lies.
    I think you could cross out "sport" and the sentence would still be valid. (Though, to be fair, one of my preferred newspapers -- The Guardian -- is British.)

    Ohh, master's degree? (Or doctorate already?!) What are you studying? Switching from IT to liberal arts?
    If I read that right, that's basically streamlining the process of data mining to then analyse the mass of information? If that's the expertise of the company you work for, then there's nothing to worry, as it can always become a contractor for various... agencies :p

    But seriously. Who in a professional business context would start working before agreeing on a contract? I can understand good-faith acts like conducting free developments and researches for certain goals like activism, lobbying efforts and pro bono representation for legal precedents, but I don't suppose the relationship between your employer and the bank is one of those.

    A writer, eh? What field? Fiction, per chance? I feel like becoming one too... but not a journalist. (Especially not one of Big Media.)
    Ah, I see. Was that a big project? Like, something that was (or would be) backed up by a venture capital?

    Free? There's no such a word! /me cracks the whip
    Sad news. Sorry to hear that. Whatever it is, hope you won't have to bear all the blame and your superiors/employers/slavemasters/whatever can see your tenacity as a positive side as you persevere through the blunders.

    Though, if all else fails, you can always work for me.

    I just won't pay you because I can't afford to.
    lol...yeah...and arsenal won too^^'s a good starts for both team:>

    btw...there are many clubs from premiere league that came here in july..our team lost tho'...badly>.<
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