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  • Happy (or terrible?) B'day Franky, enjoy your special day with your beloved family/friends (include with some strange imoutos as well), and with a lot cakes/drinks/food/etc.!!!:goodtea:

    Edit: Today is your excetion-day for all...^_^
    Happy birthday frank, and please stop that global warming plan will ya=/
    hiya frank...some little birds told me that you're on a trip to nihonD=
    I see. Yeah, the Chinese scanlation scene is very advanced (just like with everything else they do) and, from a personal taste standpoint, does generally better titles than the English counterpart. I still remember randomly strolling through some Chinese online reading sites and finding some eroge-based titles like Yumina (way before it had an English translation) that I never knew had manga adaptations.

    I'd recommend the people over at -- they do debinding and other such practices daily (just with magazines and artbooks, not manga). You can probably find some tutorials around the forums (not sure where if any at all). None of them are active here at our forum, however, so your best bet if you want someone easier to reach is its very owner: Checkmate.
    Sorry, late reply. I don't have it either, and I'm not sure there's even a volume 2. If I'm not mistaken, it was more or less promotional material for the game, which would imply it was never meant to be a full-fledged manga. (I could be mistaken. Maybe I'm thinking of another manga I've worked on that merely acted as promotional material for the upcoming game. Not sure.)
    hey frank, maybe because you are a troll king?
    /me feels just fine, >stumbles away trying to get to a safe distance; thinks Frank don't know what he's missing ( ͡@ ͜ʖ ͡@)
    };1 Yes you are, that's why I put some in your tea as well already. Pats Frank carefully and says: 'don't worry' It will cheer you up. And maybe let you see many fine colors.

    Frank is always suspicious, added to note.
    experiment with Add red Mushrooms next time, added to note.
    Just dropping by with something I became aware of...

    And while I'm here seeing you get so many other generous and pleasant gifts from others I thought I do something different for a change; Here: have a well tasting, pleasant, and -non-poisonous- slice of cake, with no strings and no ants. I only put a green mushroom in it, thats all, I think it's one of those 1-UP spare lives I remember from playing Super Mario as a kid. Just in case it comes in handy with your other dangerous adventures.
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