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  • N
    if you treat me well ill do the same <3
    I see. We are not looking for the same things <3
    ummm Fap Find love happily skype fap forever together?
    Hey I just met you... So heres my invite. SO add me baby
    lol... i see... im not into drinking heavy drink... just drinks with nice taste... ^^

    i see.. my hobby is sometime different... depends on my mood.. :XD:
    ahahaha... sorry for the late reply.. mmm im still in asian... if you know.. wonder west or east.. i dont even know it.. ahhaha.. well good luck on finding job.. and final test...

    lurking..??? WHO said that..??? :enraged: lol... sometime i do that.. :sleepmoon:
    its okayy... we still have different time zone... ^^ dark in you afternoon at me...

    so still schooll.??? mccafe.???? mmmm :reallyconfused:
    Nah, it is not me, I just reupload what Japanese sharing, all thank goes to them, who has risked, sacrificed their life and freedom for sharing purpose, for leechers like us. What I am doing is nothing if compare to what they do though...^^

    Anyway, my thankful for your kind works ^_^
    Um...Not really, but if possible, keep seeding ( if you are downloaded my torrents ), use my Direct Download Links ( if you chose file hosting ) ^^

    And, thank for your kind words ^_^

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