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  • Thanks for reporting it.. :3
    Ahaa.. so you have cats too XD
    Can i be your friend? :3
    Hi hi, my dear GenKi~

    Always great to read your messages. :3

    Just try not to stress yourself and eat what you like, then make your day all better~

    It's still pretty cool that you know some Japanese and /me likes your grin~ ^^

    Nyaa~ xD I made cat sounds too on Skype... but that's just for fun on my part.

    Eh... haha~ Experience with 'nyaas'~ Hideki has a nice voice though... But you'll beat him!

    Haha... I did log into Skype~ xD All right then, see you again~ ^^
    Harro ^^

    How are ju? Just wanted to drop by and and place this uhhh..."package" here...

    /me bumps Genki and winks

    Well see ya laters my friend

    /me walks away and waves and turns around to see a lady in red stop by his house >.>
    Harro ^^

    How are ju? Just wanted to drop by and and place this uhhh..."package" here...

    /me bumps Genki and winks

    Well see ya laters my friend

    /me walks away and waves and turns around to see a lady in red stop by his house >.>
    Very nice Japanese~ ^^

    Although 'doumo' has the 'u' sound so it's written 'どうも' and 'san' has the characters 'さん'...

    Still... I love it... because it's from you. Therefore, thank you as well~

    Nyaa contest~ So cute~ ^^

    Hope you're sober now... You can beat him! xD

    Rozen Maiden is a fine creation by Peach-Pit...

    Most people find something from anime/manga/games/etc. that helps/amuses/inspires them to do, be, or say certain things...

    It's always neat to find something that we like and learn~

    Bye-bye for now~
    Hello to you...

    Sounds like you just woke up... or maybe tired... xD

    Still good to see you~ ^^

    Enjoy life and its wonders~

    See you... love and peace!~ xD
    Hello to you~ ^^

    Number 2 again... if you feel some significance, then go right ahead with that feeling~ :3

    Nothing wrong to pursue in something you feel some retrospect~

    Heavy sleeper...~ It's good to sleep well~ ^^ Gives a boost for a better day.

    Hahaha... I do like it when you're smiling... Glad you liked the picture~ ^^

    Of course, you take care as well~ You're always welcomed here~ :)
    Thank you for add me!!! :fulfilled:
    and I hope to be good friends! :thumbup:
    Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!!! :pushups:
    Hello to you~

    Surreal... number 2... Probably more dreams or some more time might reveal its significance~

    Your dreams sound quite enjoyable~ ^^

    Thank you for making me safe and happy... If you're safe and happy, then that is enough for me as well~ ^^

    I adore both pictures... one is playful and warm and the other is just as warm, but a bit more serene~

    Happy belated birthday~ May you blessed throughout whatever you do and what may happen~

    Hmm... Maybe downloading a 'classic' movie will meet your needs, or you can find a different method that will satisfy you.

    PANTSU~! I am glad you liked the gift.
    Happy Birthday, GenKiDan. I wish you the best day of the year. Though I suppose there are better days than this one.

    Anyways, here is your present, a picture of Remilia, Flandre, and Sakuya:
    No. No. You didn't fail... Despite the lack of sleep I used my time to draw more and make the English Version for a few songs... So I thank you!~ :3

    Dreamt for a looong time... the ones you want to remember... Sounds so nice... and quite surreal...~ ^^

    Thank you again for going through all this. Even though you're busy or distant, I still want you to know that you've been very thoughtful and helpful to me and everyone else. We love you very much!

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