Ghost Kitty~
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  • R
    Do you like my profile page btw?
    Nodoka is a cutie. I liked her a lot <3
    Sayo Aisaka

    The ghost girl from Negima!?

    She's my fave chara from the show.
    One had sayo from negima as an avatar.
    He/she did some good poems, from what I saw of them.
    There are some good writing threads already.
    But the users who made them are inactive >:

    I can post in the spam sections and keep that going.
    I am good at posting in those fields.
    I don't get too many critiques on them unfortunately.
    I think folks are just afraid I might get mad, if I get a bad write up xD
    You can't progress without first, knowing your flaws.
    Ok. Tell me what you think of them. : )
    Ah I see.
    Still must of taken a while to get there?

    Yeah youtube is interesting like that.

    Have you checked out my poetry thread?
    Lol. Youtube can be nice.
    It's full of troll commentors though. : l
    I laugh at how seriously some people take the internet. xD

    Just mellow out and enjoy, I'd say.
    So you are the top poster?

    Must be nice.
    School, like university?
    You are studying digital media right?

    Good to see you are okay.
    I am listening to that new cd I showed in the LPW.

    It's got it's signature style from the first album,
    and newer melodies. It sounds more thrash than metalcore tbh.
    I like angel beats as well! How are you?
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NO MORE HW *__* Too many assignments and projects... *sigh* Not as much as art students, though, I suppose. :rolleyes:

    *drowns in the sea of candy* :hotspring:

    :disbelief: Oh my God what are you saying?! You know nothing! *hugs mobile phone* :runaway:

    Ugh, whatever. >_> I'll go eat up some other *hopefully chocolate-flavoured* country...

    Pretty much, yup... :runhappy: I'll paint it all red for everyone to enjoy~ Hehehe..hehaahahahahahaha
    *Vivi comes crawling back from the grave that is university*

    Dammit, burnt candy...*sniffs* Hm. Not so bad, actually.

    *crushed under the walls but still happy* Ah, they love me!

    Le moi eats the marshmallows with Sam's clones for a while until le moi realizes that it was le moi's country...That's how much le moi likes marshmallows. And s'mores! Le moi's so great... :fulfilled:

    Muahhahahahahahaha! The world is covered in blood! And I'm the only one with a sword! .....Everything is :evillaugh:
    ^^ well i am going with the flow as they say till i find the right path to follow till then i go with the fun ^^
    Creepy yandere girls + hit on the head = :nyanmusu_dead:

    Hey! I thought you liked candy. The van's fine but...DO NOT SET FIRE TO MA CANDY. *__*

    Aww they're crumbling down even with my eyes hidden! I guess that's how beautiful I am... :bepraised:

    Which has already been transported into another parallel universe...made of *recyclable* marshmallows~ :3

    I guess we've finally reached the point of..being okay with each other's actions...I don't need to rhyme anymore...:full: I'll even drink some tea with you. :goodtea: *the world doesn't need me anymore*

    Ooh! Saw some before you deleted them! Look behind you! Le moi is already here!

    Muahhahahaha! xD
    And after 4 months of lying in the grave, turns out Vivi's not dead! ...Yet!

    *comes back and is greeted by a gazillion creepy little moe girl... maids?*

    I am?! *drives a white van and gives Sams some candy* ..*stares creepily at little Sam*

    The walls were probably so frustrated they couldn't have me that they killed themselves... My beauty is so..sinful...

    I see you ate my Maltesers...I guess I'll just..whine about it in the corner...:sowwy:

    Guess who's survived and made it back alive! I'll keep on exploring while you're still..ignoring!

    Show Vivi some of your le projects! :angrypunch:'s visual novel and maybe the story is different from anime version
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